
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing from | all forms | exact matches only
Antarctic Environmental Influence from Mineral Exploring and Exploiting南极矿产勘探与开发对环境的影响
atmospheric thermal measurements from operational environmental satellite通过业务环境卫星进行的大气热测量
balance equations derived from momentum equations由动量方程导出的平衡方程
Belemnitella Americana from the Cretaceous Peedee Formation, South Carolina南卡罗莱纳州白垩系皮狄组中的美洲拟箭石碳同位素世界通用标准
Center for the Study of Earth from Space从空间研究地球的研究中心
computing loading estimates from non-point sources演算的非点源污染浓度估计值
continued from... sheet接某页
continued from... sheet上接……页
Earth Rotation from Lunar Distance从月球测距测量地球自转
energy from solid waste固体废物能源
estate from period to period有限期 阶段财产
evaporation from a free water surface自由水面蒸发量
exclusion of well from steam pipelines井与蒸汽管线的隔离
free from along side ship船边交货价格
free from chlorine不含氯
free from chlorine无氯
from-to从...... 到
geodetic estimates from orbital perturbations of satellites从卫星轨道扰动估计大地测量结果
Geological Committee on Remote Sensing from Space地质空间遥感委员会
high-resolution evaluation of radiance from meteorological satellites高分辨率气象卫星图辐射率的估算
income from lease real estate出租房地产所得
International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities大湖区土地使用引起放射性物质污染国际调查小组国际联合委员会、 美国和加拿大
matrix of environmental residuals from energy system能源系统产生的环境残余基质
measurement of air pollution from space从高空测量空气污染
oil from sludge污泥中的油
originates from ore-forming fluid起源于成矿流体的物质
pollution from land use activity reference group土地使用引起放射性物质污染调查小组
rocket launched from balloon从气球上发射的高空探测火箭
satellite launched from a balloon从气球上发射的人造卫星
Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology地质古生物研究所报告
thermal-energy from the sea海洋热能