
Terms containing free on | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
expl.a section free of objects on only one side只有一面临空的地段
securit.amount capitalized on the free script issue拨人资本账作红股派发的数额
tech.articles on free market市售制品
tech.articles on free market市售商品
tech.by free on board以离岸价格计
chem.cyanide-free cadmium electro plating on powder metallurgy castings粉末冶金铸件无氰电镀镉
chem.cyanide-free zinc electroplating on powder metallurgy castings粉末冶金铸件无氰电镀锌
chem.cyanide-free zincplating on powder metallurgy castings粉末冶金铸件无氰电镀锌
econ.destination free on board destination目的地交货
met.diffusion on free surface自由表面扩散
met.diffusion on free surface自由面扩散
China, lawenter into a contract on one's own free will自愿订立合同
textilef.o.b. free on board离岸价格
textilef.o.b. free on board船上交货
UN, health.free and informed consent, on the basis of自由知情同意基础上
agric.free breeding on pasture在牧场上自由繁育指牛
tech.free from damage on the machined surface机加工面无损伤
tab.tenn.Free hand on table!不执拍手扶台!裁判用语
gymn.free hip circle forward on LB低杠向前俯回环
tech.free movement of vessel on supports支座上的容器活动不受压缩
econ.free on自由 (application, 申请)
corp.gov.free on air启运机场交货
earth.sc.free on aircraft飞机上交货价格
avia.free on aircraft飞机上交货价格
busin.free on aircraft飞机上交货价
gen.free on aircraft机上交货价格
commer.free on airport飞机场交货价格
econ.free on airport机场交货
interntl.trade.free on airport机场交货价
anim.husb.free on airport机场交货价
busin.free on airport飞机场交货价
interntl.trade.free on application自由申请
chem.free on board离岸价
econ.free on board离岸价 (named port of shipment)
econ.free on board装货港船上交货价
econ.free on board船上交货
interntl.trade.free on board船上交货价
interntl.trade.free on board船上交货价某地
chem.free on board船上交货价
telecom.free on board离岸价装运港船上交货价
textilefree on board离岸交货价
fin.free on board离岸价格 (国际贸易上最广泛使用的价格条件之一)
proj.manag.free on board起运港船上交货价 (FOB)
proj.manag.free on board under tackle离岸价吊钩下交货
proj.manag.free on board离岸价格 (FOB)
logist.free on board在指定的运输码头船上交货价 (named port of shipment)
logist.Free on Board离岸价格包括理舱平舱费用在内
proj.manag.free on board liner terms离岸价班轮条件
org.name.Free On Board装运港船上交货附录 7 全球主要班轮船公司
org.name.Free On Board装运港船上交货
auto.free on board离岸船上交货价格
comp., MSFree On Board離岸價格 (A shipping method that establishes the point at which ownership of goods passes to the buyer. The FOB can establish ownership when an item is damaged in transit)
auto.free on board离岸价船上交货
stat.free on board离岸价格
dril.free on board船上交货价格
tech.free on board积载费及平舱费在内的离岸价格
agric., busin.free on board船上交货 (价格)
agric.free on board离岸价
tech.free on board就船交货价格
tech.free on board离岸价 (格)
railw.Free on Board离岸价 (船上交货)
commer.free on board船上交货价格 (但在美国 F.O.B. 不仅用于船舶,而且用于火车、飞机、卡车等运输工具,故美国离岸价格应为 F. O. B. vessel)
commer.free on board启运港船上交货价格
anim.husb.free on board离岸价 (供货商只负责把货运到离岸港口交货)
lawfree on board离岸价船上交货 (FOB)
tech.free on board船上交货价格
tech.free on board船上交货
shipb.free on board离岸价格船上交货价
gen.Free on board船上交货价格国际贸易的一种合同
econ.free on board aircraft飞机上交货
el.free on board airplane飞机场交货价格
el.free on board airplane飞机场交货
econ.free on board airport飞机场交货
textilefree on board airport飞机场交货价
textilefree on board airport飞机场交货
busin.free on board airport启运机场交货价
tech.free on board airport出口地机场交货价
busin.free on board airpot飞机场交货
earth.sc.Free on Board and Commission离岸价格加佣金价格
textilefree on board and commission离岸价格加佣金
econ.free on board and commission船上交货加佣金价
tech.free on board and commission代理费在内的力岸价格
textilefree on board and stowed离岸价格加理舱费,船底交货价
econ.free on board and stowed散装货船上交货加理舱费价格
econ.free on board and trimmed散装货船上交货加平舱费价格
interntl.trade.free on board and trimmed包括平舱费的离岸价格
textilefree on board and trimmed离岸价加平舱费
busin.free on board and trimmed平舱费在内的离岸价格
econ.free on board at harbor港口 船边交货价
econ.free on board buyer买方船上交货价
econ.free on board cars火车上交货价
tech.free on board cars LCL开往指定出口港火车上交货价 (less than carload lot)
busin.free on board clause providing for additional duties for the seller由卖方代为租船、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货条款
interntl.trade.free on board clause providing for additional duties for the sellers由卖方代为租船、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货价
econ.free on board clause providing for additional duties for the sellers由卖方代为租舱、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货价
logist.free on board clause providing for additional duties to the sellers由卖方代为租船、订或投保的启运地船上交货价
interntl.trade.free on board destination目的地交货价 (FOB destination)
hydroel.st.free on board destination目的地交货价格
interntl.trade.free on board destination目的地交货
textilefree on board destination目的地交货价
tech.free on board destination目的地交货价 (格)
econ.free on board ex shute散装谷物等船上喷吸管口交货价
textilefree on board factory工厂交货价
textilefree on board factory工厂交货
econ.free on board ... freight allowed to...内陆指定装货地点车上交货价,扣除到指定卸货地点运费
econ.free on board ... freight prepaid to...内陆指定地点车上交货,运费预付至 (指定岀口港)
econ.free on board harbour启运港船上交货价格
busin.free on board harbour启运港船上交货价
busin.free on board in harbor启运港船上交货价
textilefree on board in harbor起运港船上交货价,起运港船上交货
busin.free on board in harbor发货地交货价
econ.free on board in harbour发货价格
commer.free on board in harbour起运港船上交货价格
econ.free on board in harbour起运港船上交货 (价格)
econ.free on board in harbour起运港船上交货
gen.free on board in harbour港口船上交货价格
tech.free on board invoice交货至船上发单
econ.free on board lighter驳船上交货价
interntl.trade.free on board liner terms按班轮条件船上交货价
textilefree on board liner terms班轮上交货价,班轮上交货条件,班轮上交货
el.free on board liner terms按班轮条件船上交货价 (FOB liner terms)
econ.free on board liner terms船上交货班轮条件
busin.free on board liner terms船上交货班轮条件指卖方不负担装船费用
oilfree on board of shipping point起运点交货价
logist.free on board per a由 × × 船装运的船上交货价
interntl.trade.free on board per mv...某某轮装运的船上交货价 (F.O.B.per mv...)
econ.free on board per s/s ...某轮装运的船上交货价 (F. O. B. per s/s)
interntl.trade.free on board plane飞机舱内交货价
busin.free on board plane飞机机舱内交货价
textilefree on board plane飞机上交货价
busin.free on board plane飞机仓内交货价
textilefree on board plane飞机上交货
tech.free on board plane飞机上交货条件
textilefree on board plant工厂交货
textilefree on board plant工厂交货价
tech.free on board point-of-production pricing离岸价格生产地定价法
econ.free on board port of shipment装货港船上交货价
interntl.trade.free on board port of shipment装货港离岸价格 (FOB port of shipment)
textilefree on board port of shipment发货港船上交货价,离岸价格
econ.free on board port of shipment装货港离岸价格
busin.free on board port of shipment装运港船上交货价
proj.manag.free on board price离岸价格
el.Free on Board price离岸价格[船上交货]
econ.free on board price船上交货价
econ.free on board price离岸价
textilefree on board price value船上交货价,离岸价格
econ.free on board pricing船上交货计价法
tech.free on board pricing按船上交货定价
econ.free on board quay装货港码头交货
commer.free on board quay码头上交货价格
tech.free on board quay码头上交换价
busin.free on board quay启运港码头交货价
textilefree on board quay码头上交货价
shipb.free on board quay码头交货价格
tech.free on board quay起运码头船上交货价
tech.free on board quay启运港码头交货
textilefree on board quay码头交货
shipb.free on board quay起运港码头交货价
textilefree on board railroad cars火车上交货价,火车上交货
busin.free on board shipment point启运点交货价
tech.free on board shipping point启运点交货价
tech.free on board shipping point起运地点交货价格
textilefree on board shipping point起运点交货价,起运点交货
interntl.trade.free on board shipping point起运点交货价
tech.free on board shipping point寄发地交货
el.free on board stowed船上交货包括理舱费价 (FOB stowed)
textilefree on board stowed理舱费在内的船上交货价
tech.free on board stowed离岸价包括理舱费
tech.free on board stowed舱底交货
chem.free on board stowed船上交货价包括理仓费
interntl.trade.free on board stowed清理费在内的离岸价格 (FOB stowed)
tech.free on board stowed船上交货包括堆装价格
shipb.free on board stowed包括装舱费的船上交货价
construct.free on board stowed离岸价船上交货包括理舱费 (FOB stowed)
shipb.free on board stowed包括理舱费的船上交货价
textilefree on board, stowed and trimmed船上交货加理舱平舱价格
el.free on board stowed and trimmed船上交货包括理舱费和平舱费价 (FOB stowed and trimmed)
econ.free on board stowed and trimmed包括清理及平仓费用在内的离岸价格
econ.free on board stowed and trimmed离岸价船上交货包括理舱费和平舱费 (FOB stowed & trimmed)
econ.free on board stowed and trimmed理舱费和平舱费在内的离岸价格
interntl.trade.free on board stowed and trimmed理舱费和平舱费在内的船上交货价
interntl.trade.free on board stowed and trimmed包括清理及乎仓费在内的离岸价格
commer.free on board stowed and trimmed理舱费及平舱费包括在内的船上交货价格
railw.free on board stowed and trimmed离岸价包括理舱费和平舱费
chem.free on board stowed and trimmed船上交货价包括理仓费和平仓费
el.free on board stowed & lashed船上交货、理舱并将货物绑扎价 (FOB stowed & lashed)
el.free on board stowed & secured船上交货、理舱并加固价 (FOB stowed & secured)
econ.free on board terms船上交货条件
textilefree on board train火车上交货
interntl.trade.free on board train火车上交货价
tech.free on board trimmed平舱费用在内的船上交货价
interntl.trade.free on board trimmed包括平仓费在内的船上交货价
econ.free on board, trimmed包括平舱费在内的船上交货价
shipb.free on board trimmed包括平舱费的船上交货价
econ.free on board truck火车上交货价
textilefree on board truck卡车上交货
interntl.trade.free on board truck火车敞车交货价
logist.free on board truck卡车交货价
interntl.trade.free on board truck卡车上交货价
econ.free on board truck英国 火车敞车交货价
econ.free on board under tackle卖方交货到船边吊钩下
chem.free on board unstowed船上交货价不包括理仓费
construct.free on board unstowed离岸价船上交货不包括理舱费 (FOB unstowed)
el.free on board unstowed船上交货不包括理舱费价 (FOB unstowed)
tech.free on board unstowed离岸价不包括理舱费
textilefree on board value离岸价格
textilefree on board value船上交货价
econ.free on board value船上交货价值
econ.free on board vessel船上交货价格
textilefree on board works工厂交货
textilefree on board works工厂交货价
nautic., tech.free on board-named port of destination指定目的港的船上交货
nautic., tech.free on board-named port of shipment指定目的港的装运港船上交货
proj.manag.free on board-stowed离岸价并理舱
proj.manag.free on board-trimmed离岸价并平舱
econ.free on car汽车上交货
dril.free on car车上交货价格
oilfree on car车上交货价格
tech.free on car车交货价 (格)
busin.free on car车上交货价
gen.free on car火车上交货价格
logist.free on carriage paid to运费付至某地
tech.free on carriage paid to运费付至…
econ.free on cars车上交货价格
tech.free on charge免费
econ.free on lighter驳船上交货价
tech.free on lighter驳船交货价格
el.free on-line dictionary of computing网络上免费在线计算词典
logist.Free On Lorry卡车车板交货
econ.free on lorry车上交货价
econ.free on lorry车上交货
tech.free on place飞机上交货价
econ.free on plane飞机上交货
anim.husb.free on plane机上交货价
commer.free on plane飞机上交货价 (F.O. P.)
interntl.trade.free on plane飞机上交货价
commer.free on plane飞机上交货价格
avia.free on plane飞机上交货价格
interntl.trade.free on quay码头交货价
anim.husb.free on quay码头交货价
transp.free on quay码头交货价格, 缩写为f.o.w.
econ.free on quay码头交货
econ.free on quay码头交货 (价)
tech.free on quay码头交货
tech.free on quay码头交换价 (格)
gen.free on quay码头交货价格
busin.free on rail铁路交货价
oilfree on rail铁路交货
logist.Free On Rail铁路车板交货
exhib.free on rail车上交货价
logist.free on rail铁路交货价格
transp.free on rail火车交货价格
econ.free on rail铁路交货
proj.manag.free on rail铁路交货价 (FOR)
proj.manag.free on rail火车交货价
tech.free on rail铁路上交货
tech.free on rail铁路交货 (价)
earth.sc.free on rail火车上交货价格
dril.free on rail火车上交货价格
auto.free on rail火车上交货铁路运费由发货者付
dril.free on rail火车货车上交货价格
interntl.trade.free on rail火车上交货价
textilefree on rail火车上交货
tech.free on rail铁路费用已付
lawfree on rail铁路交货价格
anim.husb.free on rail车上交货
tech.free on rail铁路付款交货
tech.free on rail火车上交货 (价)
interntl.trade.free on rail... named departure point指定起运地点
interntl.trade.free on rail... named departure point铁路交货
proj.manag.free on rail/truck铁路交货
textilefree on road汽车上交货价格
busin.free on road公路交货价
textilefree on road汽车上交货
textilefree on road汽车上交货价
gen.free on road汽车上交货价格
commer.free on ship船上交货价格 (steamer)
busin.free on ship船上交货价 (steamer)
econ.free on ship船上交货
econ.free on ship轮船交货价
econ.free on ship船上交货 (价)
textilefree on ship船上交货价
textilefree on ship船上交货
tech.free on ship船上交货价格
econ.free on side目的港船上交货价
tech.free on side目的港船边交货
busin.free on stamp免付印花税
busin.free on station车站交货价
oil.proc.free on steam不含蒸汽
econ.free on steamer轮船交货价
econ.free on steamer船上交货 (价)
tech.free on steamer船上交货价格
dril.free on steamer船上交货价格
textilefree on steamer轮船上交货
textilefree on steamer轮船上交货价
earth.sc.free on steamer启运港船边交货价格
busin.free on steamer启运港船上交货价
interntl.trade.free on steamer启运港船边交货
anim.husb.free on steamer在轮船上交货
busin.free on steamer船上交货价
tech.free on steamer启运港船边交货 (价格)
tech.free on steamer汽船交货价格条件
econ.free on streamer船上交货
tech.free on train铁路敞车交货价
econ.free on train火车上交货价
logist.Free On Train铁路车板交货
econ.free on train铁路敞车交货
oilfree on train铁路敞车上交货价
tech.free on train火车上交货 (价)
tech.free on truck敞车交货 (价格)
tech.free on truck车上交货 (价格)
busin.free on truck卡车上交货价 (f.o.t.)
busin.free on truck敞车交货价
econ.free on truck货物装入卡车
econ.free on truck卡车上交货
econ.free on truck车上交货 (价)
logist.Free On Truck卡车车板交货
logist.free on truck卡车上交货
el.free on truck货车交货价
econ.free on truck敞车上交货 (F.O. T.)
transp.free on truck车上交货价格, 缩写为FOT
proj.manag.free on truck卡车交货价
econ.free on truck敞车交货
auto.free on truck车上交货价格
auto.free on truck货车上交货价格
interntl.trade.free on truck卡车上交货价
interntl.trade.free on truck敝车交货价
chem.free on truck敞车上交货
met.free on truck车上交货
earth.sc.free on truck卡车上交货价格
tech.free on truck货车上交货价
anim.husb.free on truck卡车交货价
railw.free on truck敞车上交货价
tech.free on truck卡车交货价 (格)
construct.free on vessel离岸价格
tech.free on vessel船上交货
commer.free on wagon货车上交货价格
tech.free on wagon货车上交货价
busin.free on wagon卡车上交货价
econ.free on wagon货车上交货 (价)
econ.free on wagon车板交货
gen.free on wagon火车上交货价格
transp.free on wharf码头交货价格, 缩写为f.o.w.
nautic., transp.free on wharf码头交货价
econ., agric.free quotations on the world market世界市场的自由开价
commer.free time allowed on the dock码头免费使用期
spacefree-electr on laser technology自由电子激光技术 (美国战略防御倡议中的)
tech.free-on-wheels capacity汽车起重机的抬起轮胎的起重量
libr.IFLA Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression国际图联咨询自由委员会
libr.IFLA Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression国际图联信息存取和言论自由委员会
securit.interest on tax free security免税证券利息
busin.interest on tax-free securities免税证券利息
org.name.International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures on Requirements for the Establishment of Pest-Free-Areas关于建立非疫区要求的植物检疫标准
tech.lifting capacity of free-on-wheels轮上不受载时的起重能力
el.on-line free form input联机自由形式输人
econ.port free on board of shipment装货港离岸价格
exhib.price free on board此岸价
exhib.price free on board装船港价
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