
Terms for subject Finances containing free of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
advance free of interest无息垫款
free flow of renminbi人民币自由流动
free flow of renminbi in Hong Kong人民币在港的自由流动
free of all average—切海损均不赔偿
free of average全损赔偿
free of customs关税免付
free of encumbrances无抵押权纠纷
free of income tax免除所得税
free of payment免付款
free of premium免缴保险费
free rate of exchange自由汇率
free right of exchange自由转换权
Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific亚太自贸区 (指亚太经合组织 (APEC)21个成员国为推动亚太地区经济一体化进程而一致同意成立的自由贸易区。将 APEC 转型为自由贸易区的提议最初是在2010年11月13日至14日在日本横滨举行的 APEC 会议上提出来的,2014年11月中旬在北京举行的 APEC 领导人非正式会议批准了亚太经合组织推动实现亚太自由贸易区路线图,标志着亚太自由贸易区进程已正式启动)
free-of-payment delivery免付款交付
free-of-payment transfer instruction免付款转仓指示
hold high the banner of free trade高举自由贸易旗帜
non-interest bearing and free of charge account无息无费帐户
non-interest-bearing and free of charges account无息并不收费账户
risk-free rate of return无风险回报率
risk-free status of debt债务的无风险身份
theory of free-issue money自由发行货币理论