
Terms containing free from | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
textileair carriage free from particular average空运货物保险单独海损不赔条款
tech.area free from defect无缺陷区域
China, lawbe free from discrimination不受歧视
China, lawbe free from discrimination不受到歧视
China, lawbe free from interference不受干涉
China, lawbe free from the guardianship脱离监护
China, lawbe free from the restriction不受限制
fin.bill free from claims无人提出权利要求的汇票
econ.bill free from claims of defences不提出权利要求或异议的汇票
busin.bill free from claims of defences无权利要求或异议的汇票
busin.bill free from claims or defences不提出权利要求或异议的汇票
interntl.trade.bill free from claims or defenses无人能提出权利主张或异议的汇票
securit.bill free from defense无异议的汇票
fin.bill free from defenses无人提出异议的汇票
cosmet.Brand perfumes are genuine and completely natural and safe fragrances, free from harmful chemical ingredients and toxic synthetics品牌香水是真正的、完全自然的安全香水,不含有害化学成分和有毒合成物
earth.sc.evaporation from a free water surface自由水面蒸发量
interntl.trade.F.G. A free from general average共同海损不担保
securit.free cash flow from firm企业流出的自由现金流
gen.be free fromM 无M之忧的
econ.free from (damage, 损坏)
econ.free from损坏不赔 (damage)
gen.be free fromM 离开M
gen.be free fromM 在M 外面
gen.free sb. from使某人摆脱…
gen.free M from使M摆脱N (N)
plast.free from没有的.....
gen.free M from使M与N 分离 (N)
gen.free M from使M里的N游离 (N)
gen.free M from使M里不含N (N)
gen.free sb. from使某人免除…
gen.free sb. from把某人从…解放出来
gen.be free fromM 没有不含,不受,免(于)M的
tech.free from acid不含酸的
tech.free from acid无酸的
tech.free from all average全损险
econ.free from all average局部损失不予赔偿
interntl.trade.free from all average全损险全损赔偿
interntl.trade.free from all average一切部分损除外
econ.free from all average全损赔偿
fin.free from all average海运全损不赔
busin.free from all average全损赔偿即保险对象全损时才赔偿
tech.free from all average一切海损均不赔偿
earth.sc.free from along side ship船边交货价格
interntl.trade.free from along-side船边交货价
avia.free from alongside靠船边交货价格
commer.free from alongside船边交货价格
econ.free from alongside岸边交货
textilefree from alongside船边交货
textilefree from alongside船边交货价
gen.free from alongside岸边交货价格
China, lawfree from any interference不受任何干涉
gen.free from asphalt oil无沥青的油
econ.free from average船上损失不担保
interntl.trade.free from average海上损失不担保
econ.free from average海损不担保
textilefree from average不负担海上损失
econ.free from average不包括海损险
econ.free from average海损不保
el.mach.free from burr无毛刺的
commer.free from capture and seizure clause虏获与夺取不赔条款
interntl.trade.free from of capture and seizure clause捕获扣押除外条款
econ.free from capture and seizure clause捕获扣押除外条款
commer.free from capture and seizure clause捕获与夺取不赔条款
busin.free from capture and seizure clause被捕或扣押除外条件即因被捕、扣押、拘禁导致的损坏,承保人不负赔偿责任
tech.free from chlorides无氯化物
earth.sc.free from chlorine无氯
oil.proc.free from chlorine不含氯的
earth.sc.free from chlorine不含氯
gen.free from chlorine不含氯〔的〕
busin.free from commitment不承担义务
tech.free from commitment不承担义务的
auto.free from contamination不含污染物的
met.free from contamination未污染的
met.free from contamination无杂质的
met.free from contamination无污染的
busin.free from contamination无污染
tech.free from corrosive substances无腐蚀物的
busin.free from damage损坏不赔
econ.free from damage损坏免赔
fin.free from damage损害不赔偿
textilefree from damage无损坏
textilefree from damage损失不担保
textilefree from damage无损
tech.free from damage不包括损坏
tech.free from damage损坏不保
tech.free from damage on the machined surface机加工面无损伤
fin.free from debt无债务
anim.husb.free from disease无病
tech.free from dust不含粉尘的
tech.free from dust无尘的
econ.free from duty免税
econ.free from duty免关税
tech.free from duty不包括税费
tech.free from duty税费不保
tech.free from encumbrance无债务纠纷
fin.free from encumbrances无债务纠纷
busin.free from encumbrances保留除外
expl.free from error不受误差影响的
tech.free from error无误差的
tech.free from extreme deformation无极端变形
plast.free from exudation marks无渗出痕迹
tech.free from flaw无裂缝
econ.free from foreign capture外国的捕获不担保
fin.free from general average共同海损不赔
tech.free from general average共同海损不保
tech.free from glare无眩光
econ.free from hunger免于饥饿
plast.free from impurities无杂质
tech.free from incumbrance无债务纠纷
securit.free from incumbrance没有产权负担
logist.free from incumbrances无债务纠纷
genet.free from infection避免感染
anim.husb.free from infection无传染病的
busin.free from liability解除义务
busin.free from liability免责
textilefree from liability for acts of performance解除履约义务,解除履约定义
busin.free from liability for acts of performance解除履约义务
textilefree from motes无斑点的
textilefree from particular average平安险
econ.free from particular average单独海损不担保 (American condition, 美国条件)
econ.free from particular average平安险 (F. P. A.)
econ.free from particular average单独海损不担保 (English condition, 英国条件)
econ.free from particular average单独海损不赔 (F. P. A.)
commer.free from particular average单独海损不赔
tech.free from particular average不担保单独海损
commer.free from particular average平安险单独海损不负责赔偿
econ.free from particular average担保全损及共同海损
econ.free from particular average单独海损不担保
commer.free from particular average单独海损不赔,平安险
proj.manag.free from particular average单独海损不赔偿
interntl.trade.free from particular average平安险
tech.free from particular average单独海损
econ.free from particular average absolutely单独海损绝对不赔 (FPA ab)
interntl.trade.free from particular average absolutely单独海损绝对不赔 (FPA abs)
tech.free from particular average absolutely单独海损绝对不保
busin.free from particular average absolutely单独海损绝对不赔
shipb.free from particular average absolutely对单独海损绝对不赔
interntl.trade.free from particular average absolutely FPA ab平安险
interntl.trade.free from particular average absolutely FPA ab单独海损铯对不赔
logist.Free From Particular Average, American Conditions美国条件下的平安险
commer.free from particular average, American conditions单独海损不赔,美国条件
busin.free from particular average clause单独海损不赔条款
logist.Free From Particular Average, English Conditions英国条件下的平安险
commer.free from particular average, English conditions单独海损不赔,英国条件
econ.free from particular average unless只保列举的单独海损
busin.free from particular average, unless只保所列单独海损 (F.P.A. unless)
econ.free from particular average unless caused by...除因…之外,单独海损不赔
interntl.trade.Free from particular with average平安基本险
tech.free from rats无鼠的
gen.free from restraint无束缚的
gen.free from restraint自由的
econ.free from restrictions不受限制
el.mach.free from runout无径向跳动的
met.free from scale无氧化皮的
construct.free from scale无铁鳞
tech.free from scale无铁鳞的
fin.free from security没有用作抵押
securit.free from security没有作担保
interntl.trade.free from ship船边交货
econ.free from ship船边交货 (价格)
textilefree from ship船边交货价
busin.free from ship目的地船上交货
plast.free from smell无气味
agric.free from snow无雪
econ.Free from Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion Clause罢工、暴动和民变不赔条款
interntl.trade.free from of strikes, riots and civil commotions clause罢工、暴动及民变除外条款
commer.free from strikes, riots and civil commotions clause罢工、暴动及内乱不赔条款 (F. S. R. & C. C. clause)
plast.free from surface skin无表皮
el.mach.free from unbalance消除不平衡
el.mach.free from vibration不振动
tech.free from volume increase无体积膨胀
wind.free from vorticity自由涡
wind.free from vorticity无涡的
railw.free height from rail top to center plate wearing surface心盘面自由高
railw.free height of center plate surface from rail top心盘面自由高
sport.free oneself from摆脱
wrest.free oneself from a hold逃脱
wrest.free oneself from a hold摆脱
gen.free the sheet steel from oxides清除钢板的氧化层
gen.free water from salt使水里不含盐分
sport, bask.goal from a free throw罚球中篮
econ.goods free from不受他人权利和债权限制的货物 (all rights and claims)
interntl.trade.goods free from all rights and claims不受其他人权利和债权限制的货物
econ.goods free from all rights and claims不受他人权利和索赔限制的货物
busin.goods free from all rights and claims不受权利和债权限制的货物
interntl.trade.goods free from the rights or claims of third persons不受第三人权利和债权限制的货物
econ.He mentioned that he was free from any obligations and encumbrances他提到他没有任何义务及不动产负债
econ.instrument free from claims and defences of other parties其他当事方不能提出权力要求或提出抗辩的票据
interntl.trade.instrument free from claims and defenses of other parties其他当事人不能主张权利或提出抗辩的票据
sport, bask.margin of out-of-bounds free from obstruction界外无障碍物地带
sport, bask.margin of out-of-bounds free from obstruction界外无障碍区
met.metal surface free from slag无渣金属面
commer.Only a few currencies are free from the influences of the world economic crisis只有少数货币不受世界经济危机的影响
econ.property free from encumbrance免税财产
China, lawregion free from specified animal epidemics无规定动物疫病区
lawright to be free from hunger免于饥饿的权利
lawright to be free from hunger免于饥饿权
met.safety zone free from breakout无漏钢安全区 (指连铸坯上无粘结、无夹渣的厚坯壳区)
construct.sheet metal free from oxides无氧化皮薄板
construct.sheet metal free from oxides酸洗薄钢板
tech.sheet-metal free from oxides酸洗薄钢板
met.slag-free tapping from BOF vessel氧气顶吹转炉无渣出钢
met.slag-free tapping from converter转炉无渣出钢
met.slag-free tapping from electric arc furnace电弧炉无渣出钢 (【技】电弧炉冶炼完毕后,将炉渣留在炉内,将钢水浇人钢包的钢渣分离出钢技术。随着炉外精炼的进一步普及,电弧炉无渣出钢的重要性日显突出。目前较重要的无渣出钢法有:虹吸出钢法、中心底出钢法、偏心炉底出钢法三种。其中尤以偏心炉底出钢法最为普及。)
met.steel free from intergranular corrosion无晶间腐蚀钢
econ.The assets of the company are free from encumbrances该公司的资产不受不动产负债的影响
lawto be free from fear and want免于恐惧和匮乏的自由
el.uranium free from its daughters无子体铀【核】
interntl.trade.warranted free from of...对... 不负责赔偿
interntl.trade.warranted free from particular average单独海损不赔
China, lawwithdraw from the cooperative free退社自由
gen.Yes, sir. It's free of charge. Our luxury brands continue to maintain the high level of service and products that our luxury guests expect from St. Regis and the Luxury Collection properties是的,免费接机。我们的豪华酒店将继续保持高水准的产品和服务,来满足客人们对瑞吉酒店和至尊精选酒店的期望