
Terms for subject Bridge card game containing four | all forms | exact matches only
Acol four notrump opening埃珂 4NT 开叫
blue team four-club—four-diamond convention蓝梅花 4 梅花 4 方块约定叫
Chicago four-deal-bridge芝加哥桥牌四副式桥牌
declarative-interrogative four notrump陈述-询问性4NT (无将)
defence to opening four-bid对方 4副花色开叫时的防守
four aces point count四A队计点法
four aces system四A队叫牌法
four aces team四A队
four-bid4副水平叫牌 (opening)
four-card major4张高花开叫
four-card suits bid4张套叫牌
four-club and four-diamond opening transfer4 梅花及 4 方块转移性开叫
four-club blackwood4梅花黑木问叫
four-club convention4梅花约定叫
four-deal bridge芝加哥桥牌
four-diamond opening transfer4方块转移性开叫
four-five notrump convention4-5NT 无将约定性开叫
four horsemen四骑师队
four notrump convention4 无将约定叫
four notrump opening pre-emptive4NT无将关煞性开叫
four notrump overcall4NT 无将争叫
four of a suit opening4副花色开叫
four or four spots4 或 4 点
four tables四桌桥牌
four-three-two-one4-3-2-1 计点法
natural four notrump自然4NT (无将)
Neapolitan four-diamond convention那不勒斯4方块约定叫
Norman four notrump诺曼 4NT 无将约定叫
strong ace asking bid other than four clubs and four notrump4 梅花和 4NT 无将以外的强 A 问叫
team of four4人队式赛
team -of -four tournament单人式赛
team -of -four tournament四人赛
team-of-four duplicate event队式桥牌赛
team-of-four duplicate event4 人队复式桥牌赛
team-of-four event4人队式比赛
team-of-four movement4人队式轮转赛
weak four-bid弱四开叫