
Terms containing foul | all forms | exact matches only
footb.A foul!犯规!
econ.a foul bill of health不适于航行的健康证书
econ.a foul coast不适于航行的海岸
econ.a foul coast危险海岸
bacteriol.American foul brood恶性蜜蜂幼虫腐臭病 Bacillus larvae
shipb.anchor foul锚纠缠
tech.asbestos-cement foul water pipe石棉水泥污水管
voll.attack foul进攻犯规
voll.attack foul攻击犯规
sport, bask.away-from-play foul无球犯规
gen.be foul withM 把 M 弄脏
voll.block foul拦网犯规
sport, bask.blocking foul阻挡犯规
tech.by fair means foul不择手段
gen.by fair means or foul不择手段
gen.by fair means or foul用任何方法
sport.by fair means or foul不择手段地
sport.by fair means or foul用正当或不正当的手段
gen.by fair means or foul无论用什么办法
sport, bask.call a foul宣判犯规
sport.call one's own foul宣布自己犯规
gen.call one's own foul宣判自己犯规
sport, bask.charge a foul判犯规
sport, bask.charging foul带球撞人
sport, bask.charging foul撞人犯规
footb.cheap foul低级犯规
footb.cheap foul廉价的犯规
sport.claim a foul指出对方犯规
interntl.trade.clean B/L and foul B/L or claused B/L清洁提单和不洁提单
tech.clear foul rope理清缠绳
billiar.commit a foul犯规
sport.commit a foul犯错误
sport, bask.commit 5 fouls5次犯规
baseb.commit personal foul个人犯规
baseb.commit technical foul技术犯规
ecol.communal foul sewer公用污水渠
footb.concealed foul小动作
footb.concealed foul小动作犯规
tech.concrete foul water pipe混凝土污水管
baseb.conduct foul行为违例
sport, bask.consecutive fouls连续犯规
tech.crude foul water原污水
tech.crude foul water原废水
billiar.cue ball in hand foul主球在手犯规
bowl.deliberate foul故意犯规
bowl.deliberate foul故意犯规
sport, bask.disqualifying foul导致取消比赛资格的犯规
sport, bask.disqualifying foul导致被取消比赛资格的犯规
sport, bask.double foul双方犯规
sport, bask.draw a foul吸引对方犯规
sport, bask.draw a foul导致对方犯规
sport.ego centered foul个人主义犯规
sport.ego-centred foul因个人情绪而引起的犯规
sport.egocentric foul个人主义犯规
wushu.elbow foul肘犯规
footb.encroaching foul侵人犯规
beekeep.European foul brood欧洲腐蛆病
beekeep.European foul brood欧洲[幼虫]腐烂病 [Bacillus pluton']
beekeep.European foul brood欧洲蜜蜂幼虫腐烂病
baseb.expulsion foul被驱出场的犯规
gen.fall foul of同…冲突〔抵触〕
gen.fall foul of与…相撞〔冲突〕
gen.fall foul of陷人困境
gen.fall foul of招致…的困难
gen.fall foul of与…纠缠在一起
gen.fall foul of与…相撞
tech.fall foul of a ship碰船
sport.first foul第一次犯规
sport, bask.five fouls五次犯规
sport, bask.five fouls by player队员五次犯规
sport, bask.flagrant foul恶意犯规
sport.flagrant foul严重犯规
wrest.foul action犯规动作
hockey.foul against player对对方队员身体上的犯规
tech.foul air污秽空气
wind.foul air污浊空气
expl.foul air污浊空气受到井下浮尘、有害气体污染的空气
tech.foul air浊气
tech.foul air chimney排废气烟囱
tech.foul air chimney排污浊空气的烟囱
tech.foul air duct污浊空气导管
el.foul air duct污浊空气排出管
tech.foul air duct隧道通风系统中的吸风管线
tech.foul air duct烟道
tech.foul air floor duct楼层排废气管道
tech.foul air floor duct楼层排污浊空气管道
tech.foul air floor flue楼层排废气管道
tech.foul air floor flue楼层排污浊空气管道
tech.foul air flue污浊空气管道
tech.foul air flue通气道
tech.foul air flue回风道
tech.foul air flue浊气道
tech.foul air grate排废气格栅
tech.foul air grate排污浊空气格栅
tech.foul air hole排放废气孔
tech.foul air hole排污浊空气孔
tech.foul air opening排放废气孔
tech.foul air opening排污浊空气孔
tech.foul air pipe排废气管
tech.foul air pipe排污浊空气管
tech.foul air shaft排放废气竖井
sport.foul an opponent对对手犯规
tech.foul anchor绞缠锚
archit.foul anchor锚饰
tech.foul anchor被锚链搅缠的锚
spacefoul anchor缠锚
tech.foul anchor链缠的锚
billiar.foul and a miss无意识救球
met.foul anolyte污阳极液
tech.foul area险恶地
tech.foul area多暗礁区域
construct.foul area险〔多礁〕区
tech.foul area险区
tech.foul area不良锚地
tech.foul area多礁区
sport.foul at the end of arrival到边犯规
handb.foul attack进攻队员犯规
handb.foul attack进攻犯规
baseb.foul away击球员击出界外球
sport, bask.foul-baiting tactics诱使对方犯规的战术
sport, bask.foul-baiting tactics诱使对方犯规战术
sport.foul-baiting tactics引诱对方犯规战术
baseb.foul ball界外球
baseb.foul ball线外球
baseb.foul ball击球出界
tech.foul beach危险海滩
econ.foul berth拥塞泊位
tech.foul berth危险泊位
tech.foul berth不安全泊位
interntl.trade.foul berth船舶不能回转的泊地
commer.foul berth不良泊位
tech.foul berth回转不便锚泊地
exhib.foul bill不清洁提单
interntl.trade.foul bill时疫证书
busin.foul bill不洁票据
busin.foul bill of health不适航的船员健康证
econ.foul bill of health健康嫌疑证书
econ.foul bill of health不适于旅行健康证明书
tech.foul bill of health不洁检疫证书
econ.foul bill of lading不完全提单
econ.foul bill of lading有债务的提单
busin.foul bill of lading不清洁提单附批注的提单
commer.foul bill of lading不清洁提单
econ.foul bill of lading有批注的提单
interntl.trade.foul bill of lading B/L不洁提单即附有加注的提单
tech.foul bill of lading不洁提单
econ.foul bills of lading不洁提单
econ.foul B/L不洁提单
econ.foul B/L有债务的提单
interntl.trade.foul B/L不洁提单即附有批注的提单
econ.foul B/L不完全提单
commer.foul B/L不清洁提单 (与清洁提单 (clean B/L) 相对)
box.foul blow犯规拳
wushu.foul blow犯规拳
life.sc.foul bottom多暗礁的海底
oilfoul bottom污着船底
tech.foul bottom不宜抛锚的海底
tech.foul bottom不良锚地
tech.foul bottom不宜抛锚的河底
tech.foul bottom污底
otorhinol.foul breath呼吸臭
life.sc.foul breath口臭
anim.husb.foul brood病蛆病
beekeep.foul brood腐蛆病
beekeep.foul brood幼虫病
anim.husb.foul brood鳞片
anim.husb.foul brood蜜蜂幼虫腐臭病
agric.foul brood孵化病
agric.foul brood蜂的幼虫腐臭病
baseb.foul bunt界外触击球
sport, bask.foul by the team in control of the ball控球方犯规
tech.foul cable锚链绞缠
anim.husb.foul claw烂爪
anim.husb.foul claw腐蹄病
tech.foul clay缺乏助熔质砖泥
archit.foul clay不合格砖泥
tech.foul clay不合格砖泥
tech.foul coast多礁海岸
tech.foul coast多暗礁的海岸
tech.foul coast危险海岸
tech.foul coast不适于航行的海岸
econ.foul coast暗礁多的危险海岸
tech.foul coast危险海滩
archit.foul rough copy稿
interntl.trade.foul copy底稿
interntl.trade.foul copy草稿
gen.foul copy草稿 (图)
outd.foul deck阴雨天容易返潮的滑板
handb.foul defence防守队员犯规
bowl.foul detective device犯规探测器
tech.foul drain污浊下水道
construct.foul drain污浊的下水道
tech.foul drain阴沟
tech.foul drain排水沟
tech.foul drain排水管
el.foul electrolyte废电解液
met.foul electrolyte污电解液
el.foul electrolyte失效电解液
auto.foul electrolyte用过的的电解液
refrig.foul factor污垢系数
baseb.foul fly界外腾空球
anim.husb.foul foot腐蹄病
anim.husb.foul foot蹄叉腐烂
anim.husb.foul foot根腐病
voll.foul for third rest period第三次暂停违例
tech.foul gas不凝性气体
tech.foul gas污浊气体
tech.foul gas恶臭气体
busin.foul gas惰性气体
coal.foul gas秽臭气
coal.foul gas惰〔不凝〕性气体
met.foul gas污气
wind.foul gas臭气
chem.foul gas气体
textilefoul gas秽气
oilfoul gas含硫化氢的气体
nautic., tech.foul gas不凝性气体惰性气体
tech.foul ground不良锚地
tech.foul ground不宜抛锚的河底
tech.foul ground不宜抛锚的海底
baseb.foul ground界外场地
tech.foul ground多暗礁的海底
tech.foul hawse锚链绞缠
badm.foul hit击球犯规
badm.foul hit击球犯规
tech.foul holding ground不能抛锚的海底
tech.foul holding ground不能抛锚的乱石底
sport, bask.foul in special situation特殊情况下的犯规
sport, bask.foul in special situation特殊情况犯规
bowl.foul judge越界裁判员
bowl.foul judge犯规裁判员
athlet.foul jump试跳犯规
sport.foul jump违反规则的跳跃动作
footb.foul kick犯规的踢球动作
earth.sc.foul land杂草地
earth.sc.foul land污染的土地
agric.foul land污染地
tech.foul land污秽土地
desert.foul land荒芜地
sport, bask.foul lane罚球区
sport, bask.foul lane三秒区
sport.foul language粗鄙的语言
bowl.foul line限制线
sport, bask.foul line罚球线 ½
petanq.foul line掷球线
sport, bask.foul line罚球线
archer.foul line犯规线
baseb.foul line界线
baseb.foul line边线
bowl.foul line投球线
footb.foul marker犯规指示旗
tech.foul mate receipt不洁收据
commer.foul mate's receipt不清洁大副收据
busin.foul mate's receipt不清洁大副收据即收据上有大副的批注
econ.foul mate's receipt不洁大副收据
econ.foul mate's receipt有批注的提单
interntl.trade.foul mate's receipt故障收货单
interntl.trade.foul mate’s receipt附条件的船员收据
interntl.trade.foul mate's receipt不洁大副收据即附有批注的收据
econ.foul mate's receipt不洁收货单
tech.foul mate's receipt附条件的大副收据
baseb.foul off击球员击出界外球
sport, bask.foul out棒球因击出的界外球被接住而出局
baseb.foul out犯规罚下场
footb.foul out罚出场
sport, bask.foul out犯规超过规定次数而被罚下场
sport, bask.foul out比赛中因犯规过多而被罚出场
baseb.foul out击出界外腾空球被接出局
tech.foul patch不良锚地
tech.foul patch险恶地
footb.foul play严重犯规
footb.foul play犯规
sport.foul play不符合体育道德的行为
sport.foul play粗野动作
agric.foul play违反规则
sport.foul play犯规动作
baseb.foul pole边线末端旗杆
baseb.foul pole边线旗杆
tech.foul pollution秽臭污染
tech.foul pollution恶臭污染
tech.foul pollution极度污染
econ.foul proof未经校正的初稿
econ.foul proof未经审校的初稿
tech.foul proof毛校样
chem.foul proof agent防垢剂
box.foul-proof cup护裆
polo.foul riding犯规骑乘
tech.foul rope纠缠的绳索
mil.foul rope纠缠着的绳子
sport.foul seduction犯规战术
hockey.foul seduction诱使对方犯规
sport.foul seduction引诱对方犯规战术
agric.foul seed恶臭种子 (semen foetidus)
tab.tenn.foul serving发球犯规
tab.tenn.Foul serving!裁判用语发球犯规!
textilefoul sewer污水下水道
tech.foul sewer排水管
tech.foul sewer污水管
tech.foul sewer污水道
tech.foul sewer阴沟
tech.foul ship污底船
interntl.trade.foul shipping order附条件的装货单
econ.foul shipping order附条件的装货提单
commer.foul shipping order不清洁装货单
sport, bask.foul shot违规投篮
sport, bask.foul shot中篮不算
tenn.foul shot技术犯规
sport, bask.foul shot罚球
tech.foul smell恶臭味
tech.foul-smelling gas恶臭气体
met.foul solution污液
sport, bask.foul strategy犯规战术
baseb.foul strike判作一 "击"的界外球和界外擦棒球
baseb.foul strike界外擦棒球
billiar.foul stroke击球犯规
footb.foul tackle铲球犯规
footb.foul tackle抢截犯规
footb.foul tackle from behind背后抢截犯规
footb.foul tackle from behind背后抢[铲]球犯规
baseb.foul territory界外区
dril.foul the core污染岩心
tech.foul the core被泥浆污染的污染岩芯
athlet.foul throw试掷犯规
sport.foul throw违反规则的投掷动作
tech.foul tide逆潮 (流)
baseb.foul tip擦棒球
fenc.foul touch击中无效部位
sport, bask.foul trouble犯规已达4次
sport, bask.foul trouble快要犯满离场
bowl.foul umpire犯规裁判员
gen.foul up弄脏
gen.foul up弄糟
gen.foul up弄坏
gen.foul up壅塞
gen.foul up堵塞
gen.foul up做错〔坏〕
gen.foul up搞糟
auto.foul valve排污阀
tech.foul vessel不清洁船
tech.foul vessel重油船
tech.foul water臭水
tech.foul water混水
environ.foul water危险海区
bridg.constr.foul water污水
econ.foul water危险水域
tech.foul water秽臭水
tech.foul water disposal facility污水处理设备
tech.foul water gallery污水通道
tech.foul water pipe污水管
tech.foul water purification污水净化
met.foul water sewer污水沟
met.foul water sewer阴沟
anim.husb.foul water sewer下水道
tech.foul water trench污水沟
tech.foul water trench污水坑
tech.foul water pipe trench污水管道沟
tech.foul water tunnel污水通道
tech.foul waters危险海域
oilfoul waters危险海区
tech.foul waters多暗礁水域
tech.foul waters危险水域
shipb.foul weather恶劣天气
tech.foul weather坏天气
tech.foul weather不良气候
tech.foul weather险恶天气
sport.foul weather不良天气
gen.foul weatherголуб.гонк. 恶劣天气
textilefoul weather garment坏气候防护服
textilefoul weather garments恶劣气候防护服
textilefoul weather gear恶劣天气战士服装
textilefoul weather gear坏气候防护服
textilefoul weather gear恶劣气候防护服
nautic.foul-weather hat风雨帽
wind.foul wind恶风
oilfoul wind逆风
tech.foul wind顶头风
sport, bask.foul with free throw award造成罚球的犯规
sport, bask.foul without free throw award造成掷界外球的犯规
footb.Fouls and Misconduct守门员四步违例
billiar.fouls by double hits球杆连击犯规
sport, bask.fouls without free throw awards不罚球的犯规
hockey.fringe foul构成判罚的犯规
sport.get even foul报复性犯规
gen.get foul缠住
gen.get foul绳索纠缠
gen.go foul of陷人困境
gen.go foul of与…纠缠在一起
gen.go foul of招致…的困难
gen.go foul of与…相撞〔冲突〕
gen.have foul breath口臭
sport.In the case of a foul or violation of the rules by a competitor, the umpire shall make an immediate written report of the incident to the referee如果出现运动员犯规或违犯规则的情况、检查员应立即以书面形式将这一事件报告裁判长
sport, bask.intentional foul故意犯规
sport.interpretation of fouls犯规解释
footb.kick for a foul犯规罚点球
wushu.knee foul膝犯规
wushu.knee foul膝犯规
sport, bask.loose ball foul双方均无球权时的犯规
sport, bask.loose-ball foul无持球权犯规
hockey.major foul大罚
gen.major foul严重犯规
footb.make a foul犯规
bacteriol.malignant foul brood恶性蜜蜂幼虫腐臭病 Bacillus larvae
sport, bask.multiple foul多人犯规
sport, bask.multiple foul集体犯规
wrest.neck foul锁颈犯规
box.no foul rule有关击腰部以下的规则
box.no foul rule有关击腰部以下不犯规的规则
billiar.no rail foul无岸击球犯规
sport, bask.offensive board foul前场抢篮板球犯规
sport, bask.offensive board foul抢篮板犯规
handb.offensive foul进攻队员犯规
sport.offensive foul进攻犯规
footb.off-the-ball foul无球犯规
footb.off-the-ball foul无球队员犯规
billiar.one foul limit一次犯规限制原则
footb.order off the field for foul play罚出场
sport.ordered off the field for foul play因犯规被罚出场
gen.ordinary foul一般犯规
biol.para foul brood副腐蛆病 (Bacillus paraalvei)
billiar.penalties for fouls罚则
footb.penalty for a foul犯规罚点球
w.polo.persistent foul连续犯规
sport.persistent foul play连续犯规
sport, bask.personal foul侵人
hockey.personal foul侵人犯规
sport, bask.personal foul个人犯规
sport, bask.personal fouls个人犯规次数
sport.play foul违反运动道德
sport.play foul违反体育道德
baseb.player committing foul犯规队员
sport, bask.player foul队员犯规
sport.player foul球员技术犯规
sport, bask.player foul marker队员犯规标志
sport, bask.player foul marker队员犯规标志牌
water.res., ecol.plume foul cleansing wastewater羽绒洗涤废水
baseb.possession foul持球犯规
tech.prestressed concrete foul water pipe预应力混凝土污水管
footb.professional foul职业性犯规
sport, bask.punching foul击打球犯规
sport, bask.recording of the foul犯规登记
org.name.Regional Standard for Canned Foul Medames罐装蚕豆泥区域标准
baseb.releasable foul针对受罚队员的可以重新上场比赛的判罚
tech.remove foul air排出污染的空气
gen.run foul of与…纠缠在一起
gen.run foul of陷人困境
gen.run foul of撞上
gen.run foul of招致…的困难
gen.run foul of与…相撞〔冲突〕
econ., int. law.run foul to the law触犯法律
sport, bask.screen foul掩护犯规
sport.serious foul严重犯规
footb.serious foul play严重犯规动作
footb.serious foul play危险性犯规
voll.serve foul发球犯规
tech.sewer for combined foul and surface water污水及雨水混合排水管
tech.sewer for combined foul and surface water污水及雨水两用排水管
baseb.simultaneous foul同时犯规
sport, bask.simultaneous foul call两个裁判员同时鸣笛判犯规
sport, bask.simultaneous foul call两裁判同时判犯规
croq.sparking foul闪击犯规
petanq.step over the foul line越过掷球线
croq.stroking foul击球犯规
sport.tactical foul战术犯规
sport, bask.team foul全队犯规
badm.team foul mark全队犯规标志
sport, bask.team foul marker球队犯规标志
sport, bask.team foul marker全队犯规标志
sport, bask.team fouls球队犯规次数
sport, bask.technical foul技术犯规
sport, bask.ten fouls by team全队十次犯规
billiar.three consecutive fouls三连犯规
gen.through fair and foul不管顺利或困难
gen.through fair and foul在任何情况下
gen.through foul and fair不管顺利或困难
gen.through foul and fair在任何情况下
footb.throw-in foul掷界外球犯规
interntl.trade.unclean B/L or foul B/L不清洁提单
sport, bask.unintentional foul非故意犯规
sport.unintentional foul非故意犯规 (offence)
sport.unsportsmanlike foul违反体育道德犯规
footb.use of foul language粗野骂人
tech.water foul水禽
sport.whistle for a foul吹哨判定犯规
w.polo.willful foul故意犯规
sport.You must be sure not to foul again你一定不要再犯规了
gymn.zone foul区域错误
gymn.zone foul跳马支撑区区域错误
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