
Terms for subject Economy containing forms | all forms | exact matches only
a form of application申请书格式
a form of business organization业务组织形式
a marked application form有记号的申请书
a multicolumn account form多栏账户式
a normalized form标准化形式
a quadruple tabular form四次表式
a ranking form排队格式
a ranking form投资方案
a registry form登记表
a report form报告格式
a request form申请书 (sheet)
a set form固定表格
a subrogation form权利转让书
a taxation form税报单
a valuation form货物估价单
a zigzag form之字形
a zigzag form锯形
accidental form of value偶然价值形式
account form账项
account form of balance sheet式资产负债表
account form of income statement账户式收入计算书
account form of profit and loss statement式损益表
alternative form替换制度
alternative form是否式
American form美国式 (簿记)
An agreement for the sale and purchase of goods may take the form of a formal contract对销售与购买此类货物的协议可采用正式合同的形式
an observation in a form表格调査
application form投保书
assets forms资产形态
balance form of profit and loss statement余额式损益计算书
balance sheet in account form账户式资产负债表
Baltimore Form C巴尔的摩C式程租合约格式
blank order forms空白定单 (表格)
blue form return蓝色所得税
building contract forms房屋建筑用合同条款
business forms control账票管理
Certificate of Origin Form A原产地证明书表格 A
certificate of origin form A原产地证书表格A
commercial form商业形式
communal form of land tenure土地占有制的公有形式
converted form of value价值转换形式
create form utility创造形式效用
customs form海关单据
deductible forms of insurance可扣除式保险
delivery form送到单
desired form所需的型式
dual tabular form二次表式
elementary form of value价值的简单形式
English form of closing the ledger英国式结账法
equivalent form of commodity商品的等价形式
equivalent form of commodity等价形成的商品价值
equivalent form of commodity等价形式的商品价值
equivalent form of value等价形态
established form规定的格式
evidential requirement of form有关证据的形式的要求
expanded form of value扩大的价值形态
expanded form of value价值的扩展形式
expected form期望式
Experts invited by our country will form an advisory board as a consultative body for our special zone我国聘请的专家将组成顾问委员会,作为我们特区的咨询机构
feasible form of competition适宜的竞争形式
financial position form财务状况表示式
financial position form of balance资产负债表财务状况式
finished forms制成毛坯
finished forms毛逐
first normal form第一标准形式
Form A表格 A
form a complete production network形成配套生产
form a queue排成队
form in矿权租入
form letter标准答询
form letter打印函件
form of accounting statement会计报表格式
form of action诉讼手续
form of action诉讼方式
form of balance sheet资产负债表格式
form of competition各种形式的竞争
form of enterprise organization企业组织形式
form of measurement计量方式
form of money货币形态
form of presentation出示方式
form of production生产形态
form of proposal、咨投标单格式
form of questionnaire调査表
form of social life社会生活形态
form of tender标件格式
form of tender应标表格
form of treaty合同形式
form of treaty条约格式
form of value价值形态
form of wages equivalent to the commodity price of labour power作为劳动力商品价格的雇佣工资
form required by law法律要求的形式
form utility产品加工后产生的效用 (如原料加工成成品)
form utility必要的物品
form utility形式效用
forms control账表管理
forms of competition各种形式的竞争
forms of natural materials自然物质的形态
forms of social life社会生活形态
forms of value价值形态
free economy extreme form极度的自由经济
free-form organization structure自由形式的组织结构
General Conditions of Sale and Standard Forms of Contract of the ECE联合国欧洲经济委员会买卖共同条件和标准合同格式
General Conditions of Sales and Standard Forms of Contract of the ECE联合国欧洲经济委员会一般条件和标准合同格式
general form运算能式
head office-branch form总分支行形式
head office-branch form总、分、支行形式
head office-branch form总分公司形式
If so, please send us the necessary application forms如果是这样,请将必需的申请寄来
immediate social form of labour劳动的直接社会形式
in computer-readable form供计算机阅读的形式
in tabular form以表格形式
intensive form of development of heavy industry重工业集约式发展
joint contract tribunal for standard form of building contract房屋建筑标准合同制订联合会
latent form of capital资本的潜在形式
liquid form流动形式
Lloyd's Form "Average Bond"劳氏"海损担保" 格式
Lloyd's S.G. Form劳氏船舶货物保险单
Lloyd's Standard Form of Salvage Agreement劳合社救助契约标准格式
loan application form贷款申请表
long form详式
long form bank reconciliation银行往来详细调节表
management forms管理状态
matrix form矩阵形式
modified form of value价值的转化形式
monetary form of value价值的货币形式
money form of value货币的价值形态
more developed form of socialist public ownership比较成熟的社会主义公有制
negative form of property消极财产
neotype economic form新型经济形态
new product evaluation form新产品估计表
non-interleaved forms无插页的格式
NPEF new product on evaluation form新产品估价表
Our purpose in approaching you is to form a cooperative association我方和你方联系的目的是为了组成一家合作公司
ownership by the whole people in the form of state ownership全民所有制的国家所有制形式
parent-subsidiary form母公司一子公司形式
particular form of social production社会生产的一定形式
personnel requisition form职工条件表
Please insert your name in the space provided on the face of the form请在本表封面页留出的空白处填入你的名字
pre-season loans in the form of advances以预付款形式提供的收获前贷款
printed order form订货表格 (单)
printed order form商品订购格式
recall form circulation从流通中回收
recall form circulation停止流通
receipt inspection form验收单
reduced-form equation简化型方程
regular long form bill of landing正规样式提单 (B/L)
relative form of commodity value相对形式的商品价值
relative form of value相对价值形式
report form报告式 (balance, 资产负债表)
report form统计报表
reporting form汇报报告式表格
return form劳务收入 (services)
revenue form经济建设事业,基本折旧基金收入 (economic undertakings, capital depreciation fund)
running form of profit and loss statement连续式流水式损益表
security in the form of landed property土地财产担保
set form固定表格
short form auditor's report简易查账报告
simple form of value简单价值形式
simple tabular form简单表式
single step form单步式
single tabular form单项表式
single tabular form简单表式
single-step form单项表式
single-step form简单表式
special form of trading购销的特殊形式 (如邮寄贸易)
standard form标准型式
standard form范式
standard form标准格式
standard form of agency agreement经销协定的正式文本
standard form of arbitration procedure仲裁诉讼程序标准格式
standard form of building contract formulae rules建筑工程标准合同条款
statistical forms统计报表
stock order form仓库的商品定购单
stock transfer form股票等的过户凭单
table form统计表格
tabular form表式
take the form of取…形式
tax forms纳税申报表格
technical certification form技术合格证
telegram me form电报纸
The businessman gave the clerk gratuities in the form of entertainment这个商人通过应酬方式把钱送给了办事员
The company may elect to receive payment in such form as may be permitted该公司可决定以可容许的某种方式来收取款项
the expanded form of value扩大的价值形态
The figure showed the sales pattern in diagrammatic form该插图以图表的形式显示了销售的格局
the form of direct loans by a government agency政府直接借贷方式
the form of goods and services商品与劳务的形式
the narrative form叙述报告式
the narrative form文字报告式
the narrative form of profit and loss statement叙述式损益表
the negative form of property消极财产
the requirement of written form书面形式上的要求
The right and interest can be transferred in a definite form of embodiment权利和利益可以用一种确定的表现形式加以转让
the statement form报表格式
the statement form表式
The three arbitrators will form an arbitration tribunal to hear the case这三位仲裁员组成仲裁庭审理该案件
the traditional form of energy传统方式的能源
The transfer in contravention of the terms of this chapter shall form a default under this contract违反本章条款的过户将构成对本合同的违约
total form of value总和的价值形式
traditional form of energy传统方式的能源
triple tabular form三次表式
typical form代表式
universal equivalent form一般等价形式
value form价值形态