
Terms for subject Finances containing form of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
account form of balance sheet帐户式资产负债表
account form of income statement帐户式收益表
account form of profit and loss statement帐户式损益表
balance form of account余额式帐户
balance form of ledger余额式分类帐
balance form of profit and loss statement帐户式损益表 (account form of profit and loss statement)
balanced form of profit and loss statement平衡式损益表 (account form of profit and loss statement)
balanced form of profit and loss statement帐户式损益表 (account form of profit and loss statement)
clearing form by letter of credit信用证结算方式
clearing form of accept-encashment托收承付结算方式
clearing form of transferring account in bank银行转帐结算方式
double account form of balance sheet复式帐目资产负债表
economic entities under diverse forms of ownership多种所有制经济
English form of closing the ledger英国式结帐方式
form a new pattern of open economy形成开放型经济新格局
form of account账户格式
form of accounting statements会计报表的格式
form of books帐簿的格式
form of deposits存款的形式
form of lease financing融资租赁之形式
form of organization企业组织的形态
form of payment支付方式
form of settlement结算方式
forms of organization企业组织的形态
multiple-step form of income statement阶梯式收益表
multiple-step form of income statement分步式收益表
narrative form of profit and loss statement报告式损益表 (report form of profit and loss statement)
oppose all forms of protectionism反对各种形式的保护主义
other forms of business organization其他企业组织方式
reducing balance form of profit and loss statement余额递减式损益表 (report form of profit and loss statement; running form of profit and loss statement)
reject all forms of protectionism反对各种形式的保护主义
resolutely boycott all forms of protectionism坚决抵制各种形式的保护主义
running form of profit and loss statement流水式损益表报告式损益表
short-form bill of lading简式提单
stick to the market orientation of form坚持市场化的改革方向
summary vouchers form of accounting汇总记帐凭证核算形式
technical form of profit and loss statement技术式决算表 (account form of profit and loss statement)
technical form of profit and loss statement帐户式损益表 (account form of profit and loss statement)
various forms of protectionism各种形式的保护主义
weak form of market efficiency弱势市场有效性