
Terms for subject General containing form of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
after the form ofM 照M的格式
arithmetic of quadratic forms二次形式整数论
For me, drawing is a form of therapy, but also, quietly, it has become a passion对我来说,绘画是一种治疗方式,但同样,它也悄悄地成了一种激情
form a good opinion ofM 相信 M
form a good opinion ofM 对M评价很高
form a good opinion ofM 认为 M好
form a high opinion ofM 对M评价很高
form a high opinion ofM 相信 M
form a high opinion ofM 认为 M好
form a true estimation of对…作出正确的评价
form an estimate of给〔对〕…作一估计
form an idea of心里想象
form an opinion ofM 对 M 形成意见
form M out of用 N 制作成 M (N)
form of形式
form of形态
form of address称呼
form part ofM 成为M的要素
form part ofM 成为〔组成〕M的一部分
in the form ofM 呈M状态
in the form ofM 以〔取〕M形状〔式,态〕
Melanoma is the least common form of skin cancer, but the most lethal黑素瘤是皮肤癌中最为罕见的一种,也是最为致命的
nitrogen forms about four fifths of the atmosphere氮约占大气的五分之四
none of the inert gases will combine with other substances to form compounds惰性气体之中无论那一种都不会和其他物质化合而形成化合物
pair of quadratic forms二次型对
pair of quadratic forms二次齐式对
People with the condition have red blood cells smaller than normal — causing a mild form of anaemia患有这种病的人红细胞比正常人的更小——这会导致轻微贫血
set forms of死板的
short form of bill of lading略式〔简式〕提单
Sky blue and cloud white of this city form a picture of harmony and unity这个城市的天蓝色和纯白色构成了一幅和谐、统一的图画
take the form ofM 成〔具有〕M的性质
take the form ofM 取 M 的形式
the motion of matter always assumes certain forms物质的运动总是表现为-定的形式
uniforming of form整流
various forms of transport各种运输方式〔工具〕
Yes. Log on to the website of the United States embassy in Beijing and fill in the application forms and make an appointment online登录美国驻华大使馆的网站,填写申请表,然后网上预约