
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing foreign exchange | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
authorized foreign exchange bank外汇专业银行
cost of foreign exchange generated换汇成本
discounted foreign exchange flow折现外汇流
evasion of foreign exchange逃汇
export cost in terms of foreign exchange出口换汇成本
foreign exchange account外汇预算
foreign exchange allowance外汇额度
foreign exchange balance外汇余额
foreign exchange balance外汇平衡
foreign exchange balance外汇结存
foreign exchange funds外汇资金
foreign exchange generation创汇
foreign exchange guarantee外汇担保
foreign exchange inflow外汇流入量
foreign exchange quotation外汇牌价
foreign exchange rate外汇汇率
foreign exchange retained外汇留成
foreign exchange transaction外汇业务
net present value of foreign exchange外汇净现值
Renminbi loans mortgaged by foreign exchange外汇抵押人民币贷款
retained foreign exchange留存外汇