
Terms containing foreign exchange | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
commer.A portion of foreign exchange may be retained by enterprises企业可以留存一部分外汇
busin.ability to repay in foreign exchange外汇偿付能力
busin.ability to repay investment in foreign exchange外汇偿付投资能力
econ., int. law.ability-to-repay investment in foreign exchange外汇偿付能力
China, polit.actively carry out the foreign exchange work of the NPC积极开展人大对外交往
busin.adequate gold and foreign exchange reserve适度黄金外汇储备
busin.adequate gold and foreign exchange reserve适度的黄金外汇储备
commer.administrative restriction of foreign exchange外汇行政管制
busin.advance settlement of foreign exchange预结外汇
busin.advance surrender of foreign exchange预缴外汇
commer.advanced surrender of foreign exchange预缴外汇
econ., agric.agriculture to earn foreign exchange创汇农业
busin.American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange美国制造商出口信用保险公司
tech.amount of foreign exchange outflow外汇流出量
busin.amount of foreign exchange overbought外汇买入逾额
busin.amount of foreign exchange oversold外汇卖出逾额
tech.amount of net foreign exchange净外汇流量
busin.application for foreign exchange外汇申请
busin.application for import permit without foreign exchange settlement不结汇进口许可证申请书
econ.application for permission to retain a position of the foreign exchange brought in留存外汇申请
commer.appointed foreign exchange bank外汇指定银行
tech.approval by an authorized foreign exchange bank经指定外汇银行认可
busin.approval of the application of foreign exchange批汇
tech.authorized agency for foreign currency exchange外币兑换指定代理处
busin.authorized agents for foreign currency exchange指定外币汇兑机构
busin.authorized bank for dealing in foreign exchange外汇指定银行
busin.authorized foreign exchange bank法定外汇银行
econ.authorized foreign exchange bank指令外汇银行
tech.authorized foreign exchange bank指定外汇银行
busin.authorized foreign exchange bank's system指定外汇银行制
busin.automatic foreign exchange allocation自动外汇分配额
busin.Automatic Foreign Exchange Allocation System外汇自动分配制
busin.automatic foreign exchange allocation system自动外汇分配制度
busin.average cost in earning foreign exchange平均换汇成本
tech.balance of foreign exchange外汇收支结算
China, lawbalance of receipts and payments in foreign exchanges外汇收支平衡
busin.balance one's foreign exchange budget外汇收支差额
tech.blocked foreign exchange冻结外汇
busin.budget for foreign exchange receipts and disbursements外汇收支预算表
China, polit.carry out foreign exchange work开展对外交往
commer.centre of foreign exchange control外汇管理中心
busin.certificate of foreign exchange settlement for export出口结汇证书
busin.certificate of foreign exchange settlement for import进口结汇证书
consult.Change in foreign exchange rates外汇率变动
busin.change in gold and foreign exchange reserve黄金及外汇储备变动
econ.change of foreign exchange risk汇价变动险
securit.China Foreign Exchange Center中国外汇交易中心
busin.Chinese-foreign academic exchanges中外学术交流
busin.Chinese-foreign technology exchange and cooperation中外技术交流与合作'
busin."clean" floating foreign exchange rate自由浮动汇率
busin.commission paid on foreign exchange外汇佣金支出
busin.commission received on foreign exchange外汇佣金收入
commer.Committee for Monetary and Foreign Exchange Matters经济合作与发展组织货币与外汇问题委员会
busin.commodity futures foreign exchange contract商品期货汇兑合同
commer.concentration system of foreign exchange外汇集中制
busin.concentration system of foreign exchange外汇集中制度
tech.control center of foreign exchange外汇管理中心
busin.control of foreign exchange外汇管理统制
econ.convert foreign exchange兑换外汇
busin.convertible foreign exchange现汇现汇可自由转移、调拨及兑换
tech.convertible foreign exchange现汇
econ.correction of foreign exchange外汇矫正
busin.correction of foreign exchange外汇校正
tech.cost of foreign exchange换汇成本
busin.costs in terms of foreign exchange换汇成本
securit.costs of foreign exchange earnings换汇成本
busin.coverage of foreign exchange asset外汇资产范围
busin.Currency Exchange Rate Listed for Renminbi and Foreign Currencies人民币外汇牌价
tech.current foreign exchange rate现行汇率
tech.depletion of foreign exchange reserve外汇储备耗尽
busin.depletion of foreign exchange reserves外汇储备耗减
China, polit.develop exchanges and cooperation with foreign legislatures and international legislative organizations开展同外国议会和议会国际组织的交流与合作
tech.direct foreign exchange quotation直接标价法
busin.direct intervention on the foreign exchange market对外汇市场直接进行干预
gen.Do you exchange foreign currency here? This is my traveler's check. Can you cash it for me?请问你们这儿兑换外币吗?这是我的旅行支票。能兑现吗?
tech.drain of foreign exchange外汇外流
busin.drain on foreign exchange reserve外汇储备枯竭
busin.drawing on reserve of foreign exchange从外汇储备中提取
busin.dual foreign exchange market双重外汇市场
commer.earn foreign exchange创汇
econ.earn foreign exchange创外汇
tech.earn foreign exchange附加值高
econ.earning in foreign exchange外汇收入
busin.earnings in foreign exchange外汇收入
econ.earnings of foreign exchange外汇收入
tech.eliminate foreign exchange risk消除外汇风险
tech.engage in all kinds of foreign exchange operations经营外汇业务
securit.equity-linked foreign exchange option股本关联外汇期权
econ., int. law.evade foreign exchange逃汇
securit.evasion of foreign exchange逃汇行为
busin.examination and verification of foreign exchange外汇检查核实
tech.exchange of foreign currency外币兑换
China, polit.exchanges of high-level visits between the NPC Chairman or Vice Chairmen and their foreign counterparts委员长、副委员长与外国议会议长、副议长的高层互访
China, polit.exchanges with foreign countries对外交往
commer.exert direct control of foreign exchange对外汇实行直接管制
busin.export without foreign exchange无外汇出口
securit.exposure to foreign exchange risk承受外汇风险
econ.favourable balance of foreign exchange earnings and outlays外汇收支顺差
tech.financial conversion cost of foreign exchange财务换汇成本
busin.financial institutions for foreign exchange外汇金融机构
tech.financial net present value of foreign exchange财务外汇净现值
busin.flexible foreign exchange rate浮动汇率
econ.foreign bill of exchange外汇汇票
tech.foreign bill of exchange外国汇
earth.sc.foreign bill of exchange国外汇票
securit.foreign bill of exchange外地汇票
busin.foreign currency exchange certificate外币兑换证
tech.foreign ecologic and technical exchange对外经济技术交流
tech.foreign ecological and technical exchange对外经济技术交流
busin.foreign economic and technical exchange对外经济技术交流
sel.breed., ITforeign exchange外局交换
sel.breed.foreign exchange国外交换
gen.foreign exchange外汇
econ.foreign exchange account国外汇兑账
busin.foreign exchange account外汇账户
busin.foreign exchange accounting外汇会计
securit.foreign exchange administration外汇管理局
securit.foreign exchange administration外汇管制
China, lawforeign exchange affairs外汇事宜
econ.foreign exchange agreement外汇协议
busin.foreign exchange allocation外汇限额
securit.foreign exchange allocation外汇配额
econ.foreign exchange allocation system外汇配额制
busin.foreign exchange allocation system外汇分配制度
China, lawforeign exchange and cooperation对外交流与合作
China, lawforeign exchange and cooperation in education教育对外交流与合作
tech.foreign exchange and cooperation of education教育对外交流与合作
securit.foreign exchange arbitrage倒汇
tech.foreign exchange arbitrage外汇套利
securit.foreign exchange arbitrage外汇倒卖
securit.foreign exchange assets外汇资金证券
econ.foreign exchange availabilities外币可供量
econ.foreign exchange balance外汇的余额
commer.Foreign Exchange Bank, Vneshtorgbank对外贸易银行 (Moscow, 莫斯科)
busin.foreign exchange bill外汇汇票
busin.foreign exchange bill外汇
busin.foreign exchange bills bought外汇买进
busin.foreign exchange bills sold外汇卖出
econ.foreign exchange bought买入的外汇
busin.foreign exchange broker firms外汇经纪行
securit.foreign exchange capital account外汇资本金账户
securit.foreign exchange category外汇种类 (外国汇票、外国期票、外币等)
busin.foreign exchange certificate外汇证明
busin.foreign exchange certificate外汇兑换券
securit.foreign exchange certificate结汇证
busin.foreign exchange certificates外汇券
econ.foreign exchange clause外汇条款
busin.foreign exchange clearance外汇清算
securit.foreign exchange clearing外汇结算
securit.foreign exchange coefficient外汇折算率
busin.foreign exchange concentration外汇集中制度
econ.foreign exchange concentration system外汇集中制
econ.foreign exchange contract外汇合同
econ.foreign exchange control外汇控制
China, lawforeign exchange control agency外汇管理机关
busin.Foreign Exchange Control Board外汇管理局
busin.foreign exchange control measure外汇管理办法
China, lawforeign exchange control policy外汇管制政策
tech.foreign exchange control regulation外汇管理条例
busin.foreign exchange control regulation外汇管制条例
tech.foreign exchange control regulation外汇管制法规
busin.foreign exchange conversion rate外汇换算率
busin.foreign exchange conversion table外汇换算表
econ.foreign exchange coordination system外汇调剂办法 (制度)
busin.foreign exchange coordination system外币调剂办法
econ.foreign exchange cost外汇费用
tech.foreign exchange cost外汇成本
busin.foreign exchange cushion外汇储备
securit.foreign exchange dealer外汇交易商
busin.foreign exchange dealer外汇商
busin.foreign exchange dealer英格兰银行外汇经纪人
securit.foreign exchange dealer外汇经营商
busin.foreign exchange dealing外汇买卖
securit.foreign exchange declaration外汇申报
securit.foreign exchange deposit account外汇存款账户
securit.foreign exchange derivatives外汇衍生工具
econ.foreign exchange earnings theory外汇价值论
busin.foreign exchange equalization account外汇平衡账户
econ.foreign exchange equilibrium外汇均衡
securit.foreign exchange exposure外汇收支差
securit.foreign exchange exposure外汇缺口
tech.foreign exchange exposure management外汇风险暴露管理
busin.foreign exchange fluctuation外汇波动
tech.foreign exchange fluctuation外汇浮动
tech.foreign exchange fluctuation insurance外汇波动保险
econ.foreign exchange fluctuations国外汇兑涨落
econ.foreign exchange fluctuations外汇变动
econ., int. law.foreign exchange for incidental use临时性外汇
busin.foreign exchange fund外汇资金
busin.foreign exchange fund bill外汇基金证券
busin.foreign exchange fund bill外汇资金证券
securit.foreign exchange fund bill外汇基金票据
tech.foreign exchange future外汇期货
busin.foreign exchange futures远期外汇
securit.foreign exchange futures transaction外汇期货交易
econ.foreign exchange gain or loss a/c外汇损益账户
tech.foreign exchange gains or loss外汇损益
securit.foreign exchange hedge外汇套期保值
econ.foreign exchange holding restriction system外汇持有管制制度
busin.foreign exchange holding restriction system外汇持有限制制
busin.foreign exchange holdings外汇持有额
consult.foreign exchange illusion外汇幻觉
econ.foreign exchange inducement吸收外汇
busin.foreign exchange inducement外汇引进
econ., int. law.foreign exchange instrument外汇票证
busin.foreign exchange instrument外汇券
econ.foreign exchange instrument外汇票据
securit.foreign exchange instrument外汇工具
busin.foreign exchange liability外汇负债
commer.foreign exchange licence外汇许可证
tech.foreign exchange line国际信息交换线路
tech.foreign exchange loan外汇贷款
securit.foreign exchange loan外汇放贷
econ.foreign exchange loans外汇贷款
tech.foreign exchange management外汇管理
securit.Foreign Exchange Management Department外汇管理部 (PBC, 央行上海部)
commer.foreign exchange market交易所市场
tech.foreign exchange market closed已关闭的外汇市场
busin.foreign exchange market management外汇市场管理
securit.foreign exchange market participant外汇市场参与者
busin.foreign exchange marketing外汇市场经营
commer.foreign exchange memo买汇水单
econ.foreign exchange method外国汇兑平均法
econ.foreign exchange method外国汇兑平准法
busin.foreign exchange of non-trade非贸易外汇
busin.foreign exchange office外汇管理局
securit.foreign exchange official rate外汇牌价兑换率
econ.foreign exchange operation外汇业务
econ.foreign exchange operation fund外汇周转基金
commer.foreign exchange operation fund外汇周转资金
busin.foreign exchange operation funds外汇周转基金
tech.foreign exchange option外币期权
securit.foreign exchange option外汇期权
econ.foreign exchange outflow外汇流出量
busin.foreign exchange parity外汇牌价
econ.foreign exchange permit外汇许可
securit.foreign exchange position外汇持有量
econ.foreign exchange premium外汇贴水
econ.foreign exchange privileges外汇特权
busin.foreign exchange purchase外汇买入
busin.foreign exchange purchase journal外汇买入日记账
busin.foreign exchange quota外汇额度
busin.foreign exchange quota外汇限额
securit.foreign exchange quota allocation外汇额度调拨
securit.foreign exchange quota allocation外汇额度分配
busin.foreign exchange quota allocation form外汇额度调拨单
econ.foreign exchange quota system外汇留成额制
tech.foreign exchange quotation外汇报价
busin.foreign exchange quotation外汇牌价行情
securit.foreign exchange quotation外汇行情表
busin.foreign exchange rate汇率
busin.foreign exchange rate外汇率
tech.foreign exchange rate外汇牌价
busin.foreign exchange rates in selected countries外汇货币对美元换算率
econ., int. law.foreign exchange receipt外汇收入
securit.foreign exchange receipt外汇收据
econ.foreign exchange receipt and disbursement外汇收人和支出
busin.foreign exchange receipts外汇收入
busin.foreign exchange receipts and disbursement外汇收支
econ.foreign exchange receipts and disbursements外汇收入和支出
busin.foreign exchange regulation外汇管理条例
tech.foreign exchange regulation regulations外汇管理条例
busin.foreign exchange regulations外汇条例
commer.foreign exchange remittance国际汇兑
commer.foreign exchange remittance国外汇兑
securit.Foreign Exchange Reserve Operation Center PBC中国人民银行外汇储备运作中心央行上海分部
China, polit.state foreign exchange reserves国家外汇储备
agric.foreign exchange reserves外汇贮备
securit.foreign exchange resource外汇资源
busin.foreign exchange restriction外汇限制
econ.foreign exchange restrictions外汇限制
tech.foreign exchange retail market外汇零售市场
econ.foreign exchange retaining system外汇自留制
busin.foreign exchange retaining system外汇留存制
tech.foreign exchange retaining system保留外汇制
China, lawforeign exchange revenue外汇收入
securit.foreign exchange risk外汇风险
busin.foreign exchange sales外汇卖出
busin.foreign exchange sales journal外汇卖出日记账
busin.foreign exchange savings外汇节省
tech.foreign exchange service区外交换服务
tech.foreign exchange service国际电报电话局
tech.foreign exchange service外部交换业务
econ.Foreign Exchange Service外汇服务部
tech.foreign exchange service局外交换业务
busin.foreign exchange settlement结汇
tech.foreign exchange settlement外汇结算
China, lawforeign exchange settlement funds结汇资金
busin.foreign exchange speculator外汇投机商
econ.foreign exchange stabilization fund外汇平准基金
busin.foreign exchange stabilization fund外汇稳定基金
securit.foreign exchange surrender外汇结算
econ.foreign exchange swaps外汇掉期
busin.foreign exchange table外汇价目表
econ.foreign exchange trader外汇交易商
busin.foreign exchange trader外汇商
econ.foreign exchange trading外汇贸易
busin.foreign exchange transaction外汇交易业务
China, lawforeign exchange transaction外汇事宜
tech.foreign exchange transaction外汇交易
econ.foreign exchange transaction adjustments外汇换算调整额
econ., int. law.foreign exchange transactions外汇买卖
econ., int. law.foreign exchange transactions外汇业务
busin.foreign exchange transfers外汇转移
econ.foreign exchange translation adjustments外汇折算调整额
busin.foreign exchange translation rate外汇折合率
busin.foreign exchange warfare外汇战
tech.foreign exchange wholesale market外汇批发市场
China, polit.foreign exchange work对外交往
China, polit.foreign exchange work of the NPC人大对外交往
securit.foreign stock exchange境外证券交易所
securit.foreign stock exchange外国证券交易所
econ.foreign-exchange crisis外汇危机
econ.foreign-exchange inflow外汇流入量
econ., int. law.foreign-exchange rate外汇牌价
econ.foreign-exchange rate外汇率
econ.foreign-exchange service汇兑业务
econ.forward foreign exchange期汇
busin.forward foreign exchange远期外汇
securit.forward foreign exchange contract期汇合约
securit.forward foreign exchange contract外汇期货合同
busin.forward foreign exchange discount远期外汇贴水
econ.forward foreign exchange parity远期外汇平价
busin.forward foreign exchange premium远期外汇升水
securit.forward foreign exchange rate远期外汇汇率
securit.forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange远期外汇结算与销售
China, lawfraudulently purchase foreign exchange骗购外汇
econ.free foreign exchange funds自由外汇资金
consult.freedom from foreign exchange restrictions外汇限制的放宽
busin.fund for foreign exchange settlement外汇结算基金
securit.fund for foreign exchange settlement外汇结算资金
busin.fund for operation of foreign exchange经营外汇基金
securit.fund for operation of foreign exchange外汇经营资金
econ.funds for foreign exchange settlement外汇清算基金
securit.funds for foreign exchange settlement外汇清算资金
securit.futures foreign exchange期货外汇
tech.futures foreign exchange contract期货汇兑合同
busin.gain on foreign exchange外汇收益
commer.gains on foreign exchange外汇收益
econ.gold and foreign exchange turmoil黄金外汇风潮
tech.hand-over foreign exchange支付外汇
econ.He has traded on the foreign exchange market for many years他在外汇市场做了多年的交易
securit.illegal acquisition of foreign exchange非法倒汇
lawillegal dealings of foreign exchange套汇
busin.illegal foreign exchange逃汇指用非法手段将资金转移国外。如进出口商互相串通,用抬高进口货价的办法,将其差额款转存国外等
busin.illegal procurement of foreign exchange非法套汇
securit.illegal purchase of foreign exchange非法套汇
busin.illegal remittance of foreign exchange逃汇
busin.illegal remittance of foreign exchange套汇
securit.illegal remittance of foreign exchange非法外币汇款
securit.illegal trading in foreign exchange非法外汇交易
China, lawillegally trade in foreign exchange非法买卖外汇
econ.import permit without foreign exchange settlement不结汇进口许可证
shipb.import without foreign exchange settlement不结算外汇进口
China, lawincome in foreign exchange外汇收益
busin.index number of foreign exchange外汇指数
securit.indirect foreign exchange standard间接外汇制
busin.indirect foreign-exchange standard间接外汇标准
busin.instrument payable in foreign exchange外国货币本位付款证券
securit.interbank foreign exchange market银行同业外汇市场
securit.interbank spot foreign exchange market银行同业即时外汇交易市场
busin.Interim Regulation on Foreign Exchange Control of the Peopled Republic of China中华人民共和国外汇管理暂行条例
busin.international financial institution for foreign exchange外汇国际金融机构
busin.international foreign exchange market国际外汇市场
busin.irredeemable foreign exchange不兑换外汇
busin.irredeemable foreign-exchange standard不可兑换外汇制
busin.keep part of the foreign exchange earnings外汇留成
tech.keep part of the foreign exchange earnings外汇分成
tech.lending foreign exchange account出借外汇账户
securit.leveraged foreign exchange contract杠杆式外汇合同
securit.leveraged foreign exchange contract of locked position锁仓的杠杆式外汇合约同时持有同一外币的相同数量长仓及短仓
securit.leveraged foreign exchange spot transaction杠杆式外汇即期交易
busin.limited reserves of foreign exchange有限外汇储备
tech.limited reserves of foreign exchange外汇资金短缺
busin.loan against foreign exchange assets对外交易资产贷款
tech.loan for foreign exchange外汇贷款
busin.loan in foreign exchange对外交易贷款
consult.local and foreign exchange本国货币和外汇
busin.local foreign exchange reserve地方外汇储备
busin.loss from fluctuation of foreign exchange rate外汇汇率波动损失
China, polit.maintain the continuity and stability of the foreign exchange work保持对外交往连续性和稳定性
China, lawmaintaining the balance of receipts and payment of the State in foreign exchange保障国家外汇收支平衡
busin.management of quota of foreign exchange外汇额度管理
busin.mandatory restrictions on foreign exchange强制外汇管理
busin.market of foreign exchange外汇市场
busin."marrying" foreign exchange transaction"结合"外汇交易
tech.mechanics of the foreign exchange market外汇市场机制
busin.mechanism of foreign exchange control外汇管制机构
busin.method of controlling foreign exchange外汇管制方法
econ.mutually adjust the foreign exchange surpluses and deficiencies互相调剂外汇余缺
econ.My bank will supply me with foreign exchange for my trip abroad: French francs and Egyptian pounds我的银行将为我的国外旅行提供外汇,如法国法郎和埃及镑
tech.net foreign exchange gains净外汇效果
busin.non-commercial foreign exchange division非贸易外汇部门
busin.non-commercial foreign exchange division非商业性外汇部门
econ.nontrade foreign exchange earnings非贸易外汇收人
busin.official foreign exchange asset官方外汇资产
commer.official foreign exchange assets官方外汇资产
busin.official foreign exchange assets官方外汇资产如中央银行所持外汇资产
busin.official foreign exchange holding官方持有外汇
commer.official foreign exchange market官方外汇市场 (与自由外汇市场 (free exchange market), 黑市外汇市场(dark exchange market) 相对)
busin.official foreign exchange market官方外汇市场
busin.overall balance of foreign exchange国际交易综合平衡
tech.par or rate of foreign exchange外汇行市
tech.parity sheet of foreign exchange外汇平价表
China, lawpay in foreign exchange付汇
tech.payment instruction in foreign exchange外汇票证
busin.premium on foreign exchange外汇溢价
econ.price of foreign exchange earned through trade for internal settlement贸易外汇内部的结算价
econ.profit on foreign exchange外币兑换利益
busin.profit on foreign exchange外币兑换利润
busin.profit on foreign exchange transactions外汇交易利益
busin.profit or loss on foreign exchange外币汇兑损益
econ.provide foreign exchange and the funds for the manufacture of the supporting facilities at home提供外汇和国内配套资金
China, lawpurchase and sale of foreign exchange买卖外汇
China, lawpurchase of foreign exchange购汇
busin.quota loan on foreign exchange retention留成外汇额定贷款
econ.quotas of one's retained foreign exchange earnings留成外汇额度
econ.quotation on the foreign exchange market外汇市场牌价
commer.rate of foreign exchange外汇行市
commer.rate of foreign exchange汇价
busin.ratio of cost of export goods to revenue state in foreign exchange出口商品成本与外汇收入比率
econ.ratio of cost of export goods to revenue stated in foreign exchange出口商品换汇比与成本比率
busin.rationing foreign exchange外汇配给制
commer.rationing of foreign exchange外汇分配
commer.readjustment of foreign exchange rate外汇汇率重新调整
tech.readjustment of foreign exchange rate调整外汇汇率
busin.region's foreign-exchange constraint地区外汇紧张状况
busin.regulations on foreign exchange control外汇管理条例
busin.reserve for foreign exchange外汇储备
econ.reserve of foreign exchange外汇准备
busin.reserve of foreign exchange外汇储备
econ.reserve sum of foreign exchange专项外汇
tech.retain a portion of foreign exchange留成外汇
busin.retained balance from foreign exchange revenue外汇收入留成余额
busin.revenue in foreign exchange created创汇收入
econ.RMB foreign exchange instrument人民币外价票证
econ., int. law.RMB foreign exchange instrument人民币外.汇票证
econ.Rules for the Implementation of Controls Relating to Carrying Foreign Exchange Precious Metals and Foreign Exchange Instruments into and out of China"对外汇、贵重金属和外汇票证等进出国境的管理施行细则"
econ.Rules for the Implementation of Foreign Exchange Control Relating to Individuals《对个人的外汇管理施行细则
econ.Rules for the Implementation of the Examination and Approval of Applications by Individual for Foreign Exchange审批个人外汇申请施行细则
securit.sale and purchase of foreign exchange结汇售汇
securit.sale and purchase of foreign exchange外币买卖
China, lawsale of foreign exchange付汇
securit.securities that have foreign exchange value有外汇价值的有价证券
securit.Securities with foreign exchange value有外汇价值的有价证券
China, lawsettle and use foreign exchange结汇用汇
busin.settlement with foreign exchange on account记账外汇结算
busin.settlement with foreign exchange on bank现汇结算
expl.shadow exchange rate of foreign currency影子汇率在国民经济评价中,区别于现行的法定外币汇率而采用的能反映实际购买力的汇率
tech.shadow foreign exchange rate影子外汇率
securit.shadow foreign exchange rate假定汇率
securit.shadow foreign exchange rate影子汇率
commer.share of foreign exchange外汇留成
securit.Shenzhen Foreign Exchange Trading Centre深圳外汇交易中心
agric.shortage of foreign exchange外汇短缺
agric.shortage of foreign exchange缺乏外汇
busin.short-term foreign exchange loan短期外汇贷款
tech.special sum of foreign exchange专项外汇
tech.spot foreign exchange现期外汇
securit.spot foreign exchange即期外汇交易
securit.State Administration of Foreign Exchange中国国家外汇管理局
China, polit.State Administration of Foreign Exchange中国外汇管理局中国人民银行总行 (under the People's Bank of China)
securit.State Administration of Foreign Exchange SAFE国家外汇管理局
China, polit.state foreign exchange reserves国家外汇储备
China, lawstate provisions for foreign exchange control国家外汇管理规定
busin.statement of foreign exchange外汇情况表
commer.Statute for Foreign Exchange Regulations外汇管理条例
China, polit.system of managed floating foreign currency exchange rates有管理的浮动汇率制度
busin.table of foreign exchange quotations外汇汇率牌价表
econ.the application for foreign exchange remittance外汇汇款申请书
econ.the commission paid on foreign exchange外汇佣金支出
econ.the coverage of foreign exchange asset外汇资产的范围
econ.the foreign exchange warfare外汇战
econ.the settlement with foreign exchange on account记账外汇估算
econ.The value of a currency on foreign exchange market changes frequently外汇交易所的货币价格经常变化
econ.They even speculate on foreign exchange他们甚至对外汇进行投机
busin.three point arbitrage in foreign exchange三角套汇指在一地高价岀售外汇,在另一地又以低价补进同一外汇,以套取差额获利
commer.three-point arbitrage in foreign exchange三角套汇
commer.timing of readjusting foreign exchange rate外汇汇率调整时机
busin.total amount of foreign exchange gained创汇总额
busin.total foreign exchange control全面外汇管制
consult.tourist rate of foreign exchange旅游者外汇率
busin.trade foreign exchange earnings贸易外汇收入
tech.trade foreign exchange earnings贸易外汇
busin.transfer of foreign exchange quota among foreign exchange control bureaus联局外汇额度调拨
tech.transfer of foreign exchange risk外汇风险转移
busin.travelling foreign exchange旅游外汇
busin.two-point arbitrage in foreign exchange双角套汇指在汇率低的市场买进; 在汇率高的市场卖出
busin.two-point arbitrage in foreign exchange对角套汇
busin.two-tier foreign exchange market双重汇率市场
tech.two-tier foreign exchange market双重外汇市场
busin.two-tier foreign exchange rate双重外汇率
busin.unified foreign exchange rate统一汇率
tech.unified foreign exchange rate统一外汇汇率
commer.Uniform Rules for Foreign Exchange Contracts外汇合同统一规则
tech.Uniform Rules for Foreign Exchange Contracts外汇契约统一规则
busin.violation of regulation on foreign exchange control违反外汇管制规定
gen.What exactly should I do with the foreign exchange certificates left with me?如果外汇兑换券用不完该怎么办?
busin.withhold foreign exchange that should be turned over to the state截留外汇
busin.working foreign exchange for trade贸易周转外汇
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