
Terms for subject International trade containing forces | all forms
binding force约束力
cease to be in force失效
come into force生效 (effect, operation)
coming into force生效
date of contract coming into force合同产生效力日期
employed labor force雇佣劳动力
enter into force生效
force down prices杀价
force down the prices of...压低... 的价格
force majeure人力不可抗拒的事故
force majeure clause不可抗力条款
force majeure exception不可抗力免责
force of agreement协议协定效力
force of majeure无法履行契约的不可抗力
force payment强迫付款
force the bidding抬价
force the bidding拍卖时提价
force up the prices抬高物价
free working of market forces市场力量自由发挥作用
in force生效
industrial reserve force产业后备军
insurance in force有效保险
irresistible force不可抗力
judicial decision having the force of res judicata有既判力的法院判决
Labor Force劳动力
Labor force participation rate劳动力参加率
labour force concept劳动力观念
market forces市场力量
newly emerging forces新兴力量
organization and sale force销售组织和销售力量
patent in force生效的专利
productive forces生产力
"push" & "pull" forces"外推力"与"内推力"
remain in force仍属有效
remain in force继续有效
restored in force恢复效力
sale force销货人员
sale force销售力量
sales force销货力量人员
sales-force-composite method推销人员意见综合法
tariff in force现行税率
total labor force劳动人数