
Terms for subject United Nations containing forces | all forms | exact matches only
active forces of the nation所有活跃力量
alliance of democratic forces for the liberation of Congo/Zaire: led by Kabila解放刚果扎伊尔民主力量同盟
Allied Democratic Forces/National Army for the Liberation of Uganda民主力量同盟/乌民族军=民主力量同盟/解放乌干达民族军
armed forces of the Forces Nouvelles新生力量武装部队
Burundian Armed Forces布隆迪武装部队
CFE Treaty = Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe欧洲常规力量条约
CFE Treaty = Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe欧洲常规武装力量条约
Congolese Armed Forces刚果部队
Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda卢民主力量 = 解放卢旺达民主力量
enablers and force multipliers推进手段和增强战斗力的手段
enabling force先 遣 队
entry into force生效
Ethiopian Armed Forces埃塞俄比亚武装部队
ex-FAR/Interahamwe forces前卢旺达部队/联攻派力量
explosive ordnance disposal EOD means, in the context of force EOD, the detection, identification, onsite evaluation, rendering safe, recovery and final disposal of unexploded ammunition爆炸物处理是指在部队处理爆炸物的背景下,对未爆炸弹药的探测、查明、现场评估、安全拆卸、回收和最后处理
ex-Séléka forces前塞雷卡部队
extraction forces撤出人员部队
extraction forces搭救部队
FACA Central African armed forces中非武装部队
Financial Action Task Force on money-laundering and terrorist financingFATF =反洗钱金融行动特别工作组
Financial Action Task Force on money-laundering and terrorist financing反洗钱和反资助恐怖主义金融行动工作组
force assets部队资产
force commander means the officer, appointed under the authority of the Secretary-General, responsible for all military operations within the mission部队指挥官是指根据秘书长授权任命的官员,负责特派团内所有的军事行动
force generation service部队组建处
force level and troop carrying capability部队级和兵员运载能力
force level vertical and horizontal construction部队级纵横结构
forced abandonment means actions resulting from a decision approved by the force Commander/Police commissioner or his authorized representative or a provision in the rules of engagement which results in the loss of custody and control of equipment and supplies被迫放弃是指导致丧失对装备和用品的保管和控制的、由部队指挥官/警务专员或其授权代表所核可的决定或由接战规则中的一项规定所引起的行动
Forces for National Liberation民族解放力量
Forces for the Defence of Democracy捍卫民主阵线
Forces for the Defence of Democracy捍卫民主力量
Forces nouvelles新军
forward task force MONUC先头部队
French Licorne forces法国"独角兽"部队
Guidelines on the protection and reintegration of children associated with armed forces or armed groups巴黎原则
Guidelines on the protection and reintegration of children associated with armed forces or armed groups与武装部队或武装团伙有关系的儿童的保护和重返社会指导方针
HRDDP Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations support to non-United Nations security forces人权尽职政策
HRDDP Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations support to non-United Nations security forces关于联合国向非联合国安全部队提供支持的人权尽职政策
INF Treaty = Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range nuclear forces中导条约
Inter-Agency Task Force on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific亚太农村综合发展机构间工作队
Inter-Agency Task Force on the Implementation of the Social Development Strategy实施社会发展战略机构间工作队
Inter-agency Task Force on Water for Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋水事机构间工作队
Inter-Agency Task Force on Women and the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade妇女与饮水供应和卫生十年机构间工作队
international security assistance force, extension or expansion国际安全协助部队
international security assistance force, extension or expansion延长或扩大授权
Inter-organizational Task Force on the Ministerial Conference on Urbanization城市化问题部长级会议机构间工作队
level 1 medical facilities are considered "force assets", thus available to all members of a united nations mission一级医疗设备都被视为"部队资产",因此可供联合国特派团所有成员利用
Licorne force独角兽行动部队
logistics units infantry unit, formed police unit, force headquarters, sector headquarters后勤部队步兵单位、建制警察部队、部队总部、区总部
loyalist security forces忠于政府的安全部队
Millennium Project Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability环境可持续性问题千年项目第6工作队
Millennium Project Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability环境可持续性问题第6工作队
Millennium Project Task Force 2 on Hunger饥饿问题千年项目第2工作队
Millennium Project Task Force 2 on Hunger饥饿问题第2工作队
Millennium Project Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development贫穷和经济发展问题千年项目第1工作队
Millennium Project Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development贫穷和经济发展问题第1工作队
Movement of Future Forces未来力量运动
National Council for the Defence of Democracy-Forces for the Defence of Democracy保卫民主全国委员会-保卫民主力量
on a force level在部队一级
over-the-horizon force"地平线以外"部队
Police Support Units from mixed entity and cantonal forces来自不同实体和县部队的警察支助部门
reform and restructuring of the defence and security forces国防和安全部队的改革和重建
rogue elements of the armed forces of the Central African Republic中非共和国武装部队不法分子
Separation of forces部队隔离
Special Account for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队特别账户
specialist unit as a force asset由作为部队资产的专家小组代表特派团进行的
status of force agreement部队地位协定
status-of-forces agreement部队地位协定
Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability环境可持续性问题千年项目第6工作队
Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability环境可持续性问题第6工作队
Task Force 2 on Hunger饥饿问题千年项目第2工作队
Task Force 2 on Hunger饥饿问题第2工作队
Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development贫穷和经济发展问题千年项目第1工作队
Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development贫穷和经济发展问题第1工作队
Technical Committee to implement the procedures for the establishment of a national defense force执行建立国防部队的程序的技术委员会
three programmes cadet training, refresher courses for former police, and voluntary redeployment to increase the percentage of minority representation in the police forces三个方案士官培训、前警察的复习课程和自愿调动
United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus联塞部队=联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队
United Nations Task Force on Environment and Human Settlements联合国环境和人类住区工作队
Work Force Planning Exercise工作人员规划活动