
Terms for subject Business containing forces | all forms | exact matches only
absorption of idle labour force吸收闲散劳动力
acquisition of new productive forces新生产力之获得
active labour force有效劳动力
aging of labour force劳动力老化
aging of the labour force劳力老龄化
allocation of the labour force劳力配置
alloting responsibilities according to labour force劳力承包
amount in force有效金额
amount of insurance in force有效保险额
amount of insurance in force有效保险金额
amount of insurance in force现行保险额
average accumulation level needed by the newly employed labour force按新增加就业劳动力平均需要的积累水平
braking force抑制力
bring into force使生效
civilian labour force民用劳动力
civilian labour force employed就业的民用劳动力
clerical force办事员
coefficient of the allocation of labour force in shifts劳动换班系数
come into force实施
come into force as of today即日生效
control of sale force推销人员管理
control of sales force销售员管理
control through market forces借助市场力量控制
conversion of science and technology into productive forces科技转化为生产力
convincing force折服力
date of signature and entry into force签字及生效日期
direct force support直接支援力量
direct sale force直接推销人员
displacement of labor force劳动力转移
driving force动力
economic force经济实力
electric motive force电动力
equilibrium of forces力平衡
estimation of require labor force劳动力需要量估算
estimation of require labour force劳动力需要量估算
estimation of required labour force劳动力需求估计
existing plant force现有设备能力
external force外部力量
field force外勤人员
field sales force现场销售人员
force down the price of...压低…的价格
force down the prices压低价格
force majore clause意外变故条款指遇天灾人祸或意外事故而不能履约时可以免责的合同条款
force majore event人力无法抗拒的事故
force majore exception不可抗拒免责即意外事故免除责任条款
force method强制法
force of bind约束力
force of damage杀伤力
force of habits习惯势力
force of low法律约束力
force of mortality人力
force of public opinion舆论势力
force of supply and demand供求效力
force the execution强制拍卖
force, time, length力、时间、长度单位制
force up commodity price抬高商品价格
force up prices抬高物价
forces and services bounty服务人员奖励金
free working of market force市场力量自由发挥作用
free working of market forces无限制的市场作用
habit force习惯势力
harmonic force调和力
human and non-human forces人力物力
impersonal force非人力
in force在有效期中
in force有效
incentive force鼓励力
industrial labour force工业劳动力
industrial productive force工业生产力
institutional force机构力量
intervening force干预力
intrinsic force内在力量
intrinsic force内力
join force合作
join force联合行动
labor force in commodity circulation fields商品流通领域的劳动力
labor force reserve and regulatory system劳动力调蓄体制
labor force sampling survey劳动力状况抽样调查
labor force statistics劳动力统计
labor force survey劳动力调查
labour force participation rate劳动参加率
layout of productive forces生产力配置
liberate the productive forces解放生产力
management on the sales force销售人员管理
managerial force经理人员
market force市场力量
market forces市场压力
material force of production物质生产力
motive force of development发展动力
multilevel productive forces多层次生产力
permanent work force固定人力
personal sale force management个人推销员管理
physical force体力
production work force training生产职工培训
production work force training expenses生产职工培训费用
productive force and relation production生产力和生产关系
provisional entry into force暂时生效
rate in force现行税率
rate in force现行税率表
redundant industrial force解雇
redundant industrial force裁减多余劳力
redundant labor force多余劳动力
release the productive forces解放生产力
remnant capitalist forces资本主义残余势力
resource of labor force劳动力资源
restraint force约束力
sale force销售人员力量
sale-force-composite method推销人员意见综合法销售预测法之一
sales force composite method销售人员汇集意见法
sales force management销售人员管理
secondary inertia force第二惯性力
seismic force震力
shock force突击队
shock force冲击力
shop force车间职工人数
shop force capabilities车间职工效率
size of personnel force人员编制
social productive force社会生产力
socio-cultural forces社会文化力量
spontaneous forces自发势力
spontaneous forces of capitalism资本主义自发势力趋势
spurious force伪力
stick force黏力
surplus labor force剩余劳力
surplus work force剩余劳动力
tail force尾力
task force任务小组
tearing force裂力
temporary work force临时职工
theory of the omnipotence of productive force唯生产力论
total work force全部职工
unbalanced force不均衡力
unconscious force无意识力量
uniplanar force同面力
vital force生命力
work force劳工
work force analysis劳动力分析
work force level工作力水准