
Terms for subject Sports containing forces | all forms | exact matches only
absolute force绝对力量
absolute muscle force绝对肌力
accelerating force加速力量
arm of a force couple力偶臂
available force有效力
back electromotive force逆电动势
backup force后援
cardiac force loop心力环
centre of force力心
composite force复合力
composite force合力
composition of force力的合成
conservative forces保守力
contractile force收缩力
coplanar force共面力
counteracting force反作用力
coupling forces耦合力
coupling forces and torques耦合力和力矩
crack force劲旅
cross force交叉力
cross force横向力
directional force定向力
downward force向下压力
driving forces驱动力
effective force有效力
endpoint force末端点力
equivalent force等效力
equivalent force and couple等量力偶
equivalent system of force力的相当系统
Explosive force is a combination of strength and speed爆发力是力量和速度的结合
extraneous forces外力
fluid force流体力
fluid lift force流体升力
force a draw拉成平局
force actuator力调节器
force constant力恒量
force constant力常数
force ellipsoid力椭球
force majeure不可抗拒的压力通常指天灾,战争等
force measurement system测力系统
force-moment transformation matrix力-力矩转换矩阵
force of buoyancy浮力
force of charge冲击力
force of reaction反作用力
force platform测力台
force the gamepaddleball 冒险快速得分
force the pace赛跑时加快速度使对手很快疲劳
force transducer力换算器
force transducer力转换器
force variability力量可变性
force-velocity relation curve张力-速度关系曲线
fraction effective force分部有效力
Games of the New Emerging Forces Organization新兴力量运动会
generalized contact force一般接触力
gravitational force引′力
ground reaction force地面反作用力
human force人力
hydrokinetic force流体动力
hydrostatic force流体静力
impact force冲撞力
impact force碰撞力
impulsive force冲力
in force有效的
in force规则等现行的
In running events great force is required to accelerate the body and to keep it in motion at top speed在径赛中、需要有极大的力量推动人体快速前进并保持人体高速运动
inspiratory force吸气力
interactive forces相互作用力
isometric force等长收缩力
isotonic muscular force等张肌力
joint force关节力
joint resultant force关节合力
kinetic friction force运动摩擦力
lateral force
line of force力的作用线
line of force vector力矢量线
moment of force about an axis三维中力绕一根轴的矩
muscle force肌力
muscular contraction force肌肉收缩力
nervous force脑力
nervous force神经力
nonconcurrent force非共点力
nonconcurrent force非并发力
nonparallel force不平行的力
parallel force平行力
parallelogram of forces力的合成和分解
parallelogram of forces力的平行四边形
postural force field姿态力场
propelling force推进力
pushing force推力
rally one's forces重整旗鼓
ratio of force力量比率
reaction force component反作用力分力
relative force相对力量
reserve force保存力
reserve force潜力
reserve force后备力量
resistance force抵抗力
resultant force component合力的分量
resultant muscle forces肌肉合力
retarding force减速力
retarding force阻滞力
reversed effective force反有效力
rise with force and spirit雄起
Shot putting depends more on explosive force than any other activity推铅球比其他任何活动更多地依靠爆发力
slip force滑脱力
Sprint is greatly dependent upon explosive force短跑运动在很大程度上取决于爆发力
Static strength is the ability to apply force at a particular position without moving through the range of motion静力性力量是指不移动位置、 在固定某一种姿势时用力的能力
suction force吸取力
suction force吸引力
sum of forces力的总和
sum of forces合力
The explosive force is determined by the combination of force and speed爆发力大小取决于力量与速度的结合
360° tour de force绝招
tour de force绝招
triaxial force plate三轴测力板
turning force转动力
Van der Waals force范德华力
vital force活力