
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing forces | all forms
acting force作用力
active force主动力
active force有效力
actuating force驱动力
adhesive force内聚力
adhesive force黏附力
aerodynamic force气动力
aerodynamic force气动力
aerodynamic force coefficient气动力系数
aerodynamic force component空气动力分量
aerodynamic force component气动力分量
aerodynamic force derivative气动力导数
aerodynamic handling force气动操纵力
air force风力
angular force旋转力
angular force角〔偏〕向力
angular force角向力
applied force外加力
apply force施加力
asymmetric force非对称力
axial compression force轴向压力
axial force轴向力
Beaufort force蒲福风力
breakaway force起步阻力
brute force强力
cantilever force悬臂力
cantilever force悬臂受力
centrifugal force向心力
centrifugal forces离心力
centripetal force向心力
chord force弦向分力
circumferential force切向力
coercive force矫顽力
coercive force抗磁力
coercive force保磁力
coercive force矫顽磁力
cohesive force黏合力
collapsing force破坏力
component of force力分量
component of force分力
concurrent forces汇交力
concurrent forces共点力
conservation field of force保守力场
Coriolis force科里奥利力
Coriolis forces科氏力地球自转偏向力
cornering force拐弯力
counter force反作用力
cross wind wake force横风尾流力
deflection force of earth rotation地球自转偏向力
deflection force of earth rotation地球自转向力
deviating force偏向力
deviating force偏转力
diffusiophoretic force散泳力
diffusiophoretic force扩散迁移力
diffusive force扩散力
disturbing force干扰力
drag force阻力
dynamic force动力
elastic force弹力
excitation force激振力
excitation force激励力
field of force力场
flapping force拍打力
fluctuating aerodynamic force脉动气动力
fluctuating force脉动力
force balance测力天平
force balance力平衡
force cell测力传感器
force coefficient力系数
force component分力
force derivative力导数
force diagram作用力示意图
force due to friction摩擦阻力
force equilibrium力平衡
force excited oscillation力激振动
force fan增压风扇
force fan强力风扇
force fan强压通风机
force fan压风机
force friction摩擦力
force line力线
force measuring system测力系统
force moment力矩
force spectrum力谱
force test测力试验
force unbalance力失衡
force vector力矢量
front side force前轮侧力
galloping force coefficient驰振力系数
generalized aerodynamic force广义气动力
generalized force vector广义力向量
geostrophic force地转力
gyroscopic force陀螺力
inertia forces惯性力
lateral force侧力
lateral/side force侧力
lift force升力
lifting force moment升力矩
magnetic force磁力
magneto motive force磁通势
Magnus force马格努斯力
modal force模态力
multi force transducer多力传感器
nonlinear aerodynamic force非线性气动力
normal force法向力
pressure gradient force气压梯度力
pseudo random force假随机力
reaction force反作用力
reactive force反作用力
resolution of force力的分解
restoration force恢复力
restoring force回复力
restoring force恢复力
retarding force制动力
self excited force自激力
side force侧力
strain force变形力
thrust force推力
thrust force轴向力
torque force转矩力
viscous force黏性力
viscous friction force黏性摩擦力
wave force波力
wind force coefficient风荷载系数
wind force scale风级
wind force scale风力级
wind force/strength/stress风力
wind of Beaufort force 7蒲福风级七级风
wind of Beaufort force轻风
wind of Beaufort force 2蒲福风级二级风
wind of Beaufort force2蒲福风级二级风