
Terms for subject General containing forces | all forms | exact matches only
absolute force绝对逼叫
aggregate breaking force钢丝绳钢丝破断拉力总和
aggregate breaking force钢丝绳内各根钢丝的破断拉力总和
air defense force防空部队
air force ammunition depot空军弹药军火
air force ammunition ordnance depot空军弹药军械库
air force auxiliary field空军辅助机场
air force base group空军基地大队
air force base squadron空军基地中队
air force base unit空军基地分队
air force communication squadron空军通信中队
air force departure point空军起飞站
air force depot空军仓库补给站
air force flying safety空军飞行保安
air force high altitude flying clothing空军高空飞行服
air force job knowledge test空军工作知识测验
air force nuclear engineering test reactor空军核子工程技术试验用反应堆
air force school空军学校
air force service number空军服役编号
air force special activities wing空军特种飞行联队
air force speciality空军分科专业
air force speciality code空军专业代码
air force training camp空军训练营
air force units空军分队
air force units空军部队
air force visual aid空军目视导航设备
air force weather group空军气象大队
air force wing空军联队
air materiel force空军器材部队
air materiel force空军后勤部队
Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment空降部队实验研究中心
airborne task force空降兵特遣部队
Allied Air Forces, Southern Europe盟国南欧空军北大西洋公约组织所属的
Allied Forces Enemy Equipment Intelligence Service盟军敌方设备情报处
American Forces美国武装部队
American Forces Network美军〔无线电〕通信网
Andrews Air Force Base安德鲁斯空军基地
armed forces军队
armed forces武装部队陆海空三军的统称
Armed Forces Chemical Association武装部队化学协会
armed forces communication and electronics军事通信与电子学
Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association武装部队通信与电子学协会
Armed Forces Communications Association武装部队通信协会
Armed Forces Designation method美国武装部队辛烷值测定法
Armed Forces Designation methodAFD〔 辛焼值测定〕法
Armed Forces in the Pacific驻太平洋武装部队
Armed Forces of the United States美国武装部队
Armed Forces Radio Service武装部队无线电服务处
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute武装部队放射生物学研究所
Armed Forces Security Agency武装部队保安局
Armed Forces Special Weapons Project武装部队特种武器设计局
Armed Forces, West Pacific驻西太平洋武装部队
armored force装甲部队
armored forces装甲部队
armoured force装甲部队
armoured forces装甲部队
army field forces陆军野战部队
army field forces野战军
Army Forces, Middle Pacific太平洋中部美军
Army Ground Forces陆军地面部队
Atlantic Fleet surface forces大西洋舰队水面兵力
Australian Commonwealth Military Forces澳大利亚联邦武装部队
Australian Military Forces澳大利亚武装部队
auxiliary air force base辅助空军基地
bring into force实施
British Forces英国武装部队
British Forces Broadcasting Station英国武装部队广播电台
British Forces Network英军通信网
brush force filter平滑滤波器
by main force尽全力
by main force强迫
by main force凭力气〔暴力〕
by force of迫于
by force of用…手段
by force of通过
by force of由于
by main force全靠力气
by sheer force全靠力量〔外力〕
Canadian Forces加拿大武装部队
Canadian Forces Headquarters加拿大武装部队总司令部
central air defense force中央防空部队
collecting force蓄劲
combined airlift task force联合空运作业队
compelling force外加〔强制〕力
composite air strike force〔空军〕混合作战机队
concentrate preponderant forces集中优势兵力
conservative force保守〔守恒〕力
contact engaging and insertion and withdraw force触点插拔力
cornering force侧偏力轮胎的
crew training air force机组人员训练航空队训练也组人员的空军
cross-magnetomotive force正交磁通势
deflecting force捋劲
directional forceголуб.гонк. 定向力
duty air force speciality值勤空军人员类别
Edwards Air Force Base爱德华空军基地
elasticity is that property of a body which enables it to resist deformation and to recover after removal of the deforming force它使物体抵抗变形
elasticity is that property of a body which enables it to resist deformation and to recover after removal of the deforming force并在变形力消除之后恢复原状
elasticity is that property of a body which enables it to resist deformation and to recover after removal of the deforming force弹性是物体的这样一种性质
elasticity is that property of a body which enables it to resist deformation and to recover after removal of the deforming force弹性是物体的这样一种性质,它使物体抵抗变形,并在变形力消除之后恢复原状
electromotive force电动势
equilibrium is often produced with frictional forces平衡常常是由于摩擦力的存在而得到的
exertion of force用力
explosive force寸劲
F is not so great a forceF是这么大〔不怎么大〕的一个力
fleet marine force舰载海军陆战队
flying training air force飞行教练空军
flying training air force飞行教练空军
focussing force聚焦作用
force M against使M触及 〔碰到〕N (N)
force M against把M压到〔强压在〕N上 (N)
force an entrance into闯进
force an entrance into乱挤进
force apart使分开
force de cheval〔法语〕公制马力
force de dissuasion〔法语〕核威慑〔打击〕 力量
force de frappe〔法语〕核威慑〔打击〕 力量
force down one's throat使…勉强接受意见等
force M in把M压人〔进〕N (N)
force M in强迫〔迫使〕M进人N (N)
force-input device加载装置
force M into把M压人〔进〕N (N)
force M into强迫〔迫使〕M进人N (N)
force its way ahead冲向前
force majeure压倒的力量
force of habit习惯势力
force on
force on打上
force on强迫…接受
force on强加于
force on压 〔嵌〕人套压
force one's way in
force open气开
force open压开
force M out压〔挤,打,抽〕出M
force M out迫使M往外〔凸出来〕
force M out of把M从N中压出 (N)
force M out of迫使M脱离N〔从N中出来〕 (N)
force somebody to do something勉强
force, time , length力-时间-长度〔单位制〕
force M to + inf.迫使M去
force to be reckoned with不可忽视的力量
force M together强行把M合成一体〔合到一起〕
force up迫使上升
force upon打上
force upon强加于
force upon强迫…接受
force M upon把M强加于
force upon
force upon压 〔嵌〕人套压
force one's way ahead硬往前挤,钻,冲
force one's way ahead冲向前
forces may be exerted without producing motion可以做到施加外力而不产生运动
French Air Forces法国空军
frontier force边防部队
grand force大满贯试探法
grand slam force大满贯问叫
grand slam force大满贯逼叫
Headquarters, Allied Forces, South Europe南欧盟国武装部队司令部 (NATO 所属的)
Holloman Air Force Base霍洛曼空军基地
in force大举
in force大批地
in force大规模地
in force实施中
in full force发挥充分威力
in full force用全力
in great force精力充沛地
in great force大举
in great force大批地
Indian Forces印度武装部队
Industrial College of the Armed Forces武装部队工业学院
join forces与…联合行动 (with)
join forces与…合作 (with)
join forces与…通力合作
join forceswith…与…联合以运用共同的力量
Joint Task Forces联合专门工作队
kilograms-force-metres per second公斤-米/秒功率单位,等于9.80665瓦
kilograms-force per square centimetre公斤/厘米2压力单位,等于1工程大气压或98066.5牛顿/米2
kilograms-force per square millimetre公斤〔力〕/毫米2 (压力单位,等于100工程大气压或9.80665兆牛顿/米2)
linear combination of interaction forces相互作用力钱性组合
long range air force战略空军
long range air force远程空军
maritime air force海军航空兵
maritime air force海上空军
May the force be with you愿力量与你同在
mechanomotive force机动力
mechanomotive force有效机械力
mechanomotive force交变机械力的均方根值单位牛顿
member of the armed forces
military force武装部队
motive force动力
motor battery force机械化炮兵部队
naval forces海军部队
Navy with air force航空兵的海奉
neutralize the oncoming force with waist turn转腰化解
neutralizing force化劲
never will the bodies move without forces sufficient to overcome the resistance物体决不会运动
never will the bodies move without forces sufficient to overcome the resistance没有足够的外力克服阻力的作用
no body can be set in motion without having a force act upon it就不能使任何物体运动
no body can be set in motion without having a force act upon it如果不让力作用于其上
normal force法线力
ofno force put a force upon对…牵强附会
ofno force put a force upon曲解
ofno force put a force upon对…加以强制
ounce force-inch盎司-英才力矩单位,等于0.00706155牛顿-米
parasitic thermoelectromotive force寄生温差电动势
particle-and-force computing method质点和力计算法
pathfinder force轰炸或运输机队长机
pathfinder force领航飞机
Patrie Air Force Base帕吹克空军基地
patrol torpedo-boat force巡逻鱼雷艇队
permanent force常备军
pound force-inch-英分功或能的单位,等于0.113焦耳
pound-force per square foot磅〔力〕/英尺2
pound force per square inch/英寸2压力及机械强度单位,等于0.07公斤/厘米2或6894.76牛顿/米2
pressing force按劲
primary air force speciality空军主要专业
propulsive force
prying force outward向外撬的力
pump forces mud through hose on drilling pipe泵把泥浆通过软管打到钻管里
pushing force挤劲
put in force实行〔施〕
put M in force使 M 生效
put M in force实施 M
put M into force使 M 生效
put M into force实施 M
recognition and identification between ground forces地面部队相互〔之间的〕识别
regular air force正规空军
regular forces正规军
remain in force仍然有效
remain in force在有效期中
require additional force from one side or the other需要从某一侧再加一-个力
reserve force Naval海军后备力量舰队
resort to force诉诸武力
secondary air force speciality空军第二专业
senior air force instructor空军高级教官
senior air force officer空军高级军官
sticking force粘劲
still in force仍旧生效
Submarine Forces, Atlantic大西洋潜艇队
Submarine Forces, Pacific太平洋潜艇队
such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken所有的窗户都震破了
such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken那次爆炸力很大
take by force武力侵占
take by force夺取
technical training air force技术训练空军
technical training air force技术训练空军空军中负责技术训练的单位
the force acts parallel to the axis这力垂直〔平行〕作用于轴线方向
the force acts perpendicular to the axis这力垂直〔平行〕作用于轴线方向
there are many problems in engineering where the forces are known工程方面有许多问题中力是已知的
there can be no force unless two bodies are involved就不会有力
there can be no force unless two bodies are involved没有两个物体
tide-generating force起〔引〕潮力
tideraising force引起潮汐的力
tideraising force成〔起,涨〕潮力
tour de force壮举
tour de force杰作
tour de force绝 〔特〕技
troop-carrier force兵员运输空军
unbid minor suit force未叫低级花色逼叫
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队
use or apply force使劲
Vandenberg Air Force Base范登堡空军基地
viscous and capillary forces粘滞力及毛管力
warding-off force绷劲
wind force风另
with a constant force, the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass在作用力不变的情况下,加速度和质量成反比
with all one's force竭力
with all one's force尽全力
with every kind of screw, a small force moves a much greater resistance对于无论哪-种螺旋来说,一个小的动力都可以移动大得多的抗力
with force and arms用武力
with much force效力卓著地
with much force极有力地
with the force of an avalanche以排山倒海之势
work is equal to force times distance功等于力乘距离
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base莱特-帕特松空军基地