
Terms containing forces | all forms | exact matches only
busin.acquisition of new productive forces新生产力之获得
UN, afr.active forces of the nation所有活跃力量
tech.additon of forces分力相加
chem.adsorption forces吸附力
spaceaerospace forces航空航天部队
spaceaerospace forces航空航天力量
avia.air reserve forces空军预备役部队
avia.air reserve forces personnel data system空军后备队人员数据系统
gen.Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment空降部队实验研究中心
avia.airborne forces experimental establishment空降部队试验中心
gen.airborne task force空降兵特遣部队
UN, afr.alliance of democratic forces for the liberation of Congo/Zaire: led by Kabila解放刚果扎伊尔民主力量同盟
avia.allied air forces, Central Europe〔北〕中欧盟国空军
avia.allied air forces, Western Europe〔北〕西欧盟国空军
UN, afr.Allied Democratic Forces/National Army for the Liberation of Uganda民主力量同盟/乌民族军=民主力量同盟/解放乌干达民族军
avia.allied forces盟军
avia.antiaircraft forces防空部队
spaceanti-ballistic missile forces反弹道导弹部队
China, lawarmed forces武装力量
gen.armed forces武装部队陆海空三军的统称
avia.armed forces air intelligence training center武装部队航空情报培训中心
gen.armed forces communication and electronics军事通信与电子学
avia.armed forces communication and electronics association武装部队通信和电子学协会
el.Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association武装力量通信与电子装备协会
avia.armed forces communications association武装部队通信协会
USA, spacearmed forces imagery exploitation system武装部队图像利用系统
avia.armed forces management association武装部队管理协会
el.armed forces network武装力量通信网
UN, afr.armed forces of the Forces Nouvelles新生力量武装部队
avia.armed forces qualification test武装部队资格测试
el.armed forces radio and television service satellite network武装力量无线电与电视服务卫星网络
ITarmed forces radio service武装部队无线业务
spacearming by multiple environmental forces多重环境保险
gen.armored forces装甲部队
gen.armoured forces装甲部队
gen.army field forces陆军野战部队
gen.army field forces野战军
eng.geol.assemblage of forces力系
gen.Atlantic Fleet surface forces大西洋舰队水面兵力
tech.atomic binding forces原子结合力
gen.auxiliary air force base辅助空军基地
bridg.constr.balance of forces力的平衡
econ.balance of forces力量对比
bridg.constr.balanced forces平衡的力
spacebalancing inertia forces平衡惯性力
auto.balancing of inertia forces惯性力的平衡
bridg.constr.bar compressed by two opposite forces由两个相反的力压缩的杆
el.battle forces electronic mail作战部队电子邮件
China, polit.be beneficial to developing socialist productive forces有利于发展社会主义生产力
China, lawbuilding up the armed forces军队建设
spacecampaign reserve forces战役预备队
gen.central air defense force中央防空部队
el.centre of parallel forces平行力中心
tech.centre of parallel forces平行力系中心
wind.centrifugal forces离心力
econ.China intends to make greater use of market forces中国打算更多地利用市场力量
China, lawChinese People's Armed Police Forces中国人民武装警察部队
auto.circle of frictional forces摩擦力圆
tech.circuital forces平衡力系中矢量相加所形成的闭合回路
met.climb forces on dislocation位错攀移力
spacecoast missile forces海岸导弹部队
bridg.constr.coaxial forces共轴力
bridg.constr.collinear forces共线力
tech.collinear forces共力线
avia.combat forces assessment model战斗力评估模型
bridg.constr.combination of forces力的组合
bridg.constr.combination of primary and secondary forces主力与附加力的组合
bridg.constr.combination of various external forces各种外力组合
spacecombined forces command联合部队司令部
avia.commander naval air forces Atlantic fleet大西洋舰队海军航空兵司令 (美国)
avia.commander naval air forces, Pacific太平洋舰队海军航空兵司令
avia.commander naval air forces Pacific fleet太平洋舰队海军航空兵司令 (美国)
spacecommitted forces投入战斗的部队 (unit)
gen.compelling force外加〔强制〕力
China, lawcompetent department of surveying and mapping in the armed forces军队测绘主管部门
securit.composite supervision forces综合监管队伍
tech.composition of concurrent forces汇交力系的合成
tech.composition of forces力合成
hydroel.st.composition of forces力的合成
tech.composition of forces力系合成
railw.composition of forces expression for a moving object任意运动体合力表达式
construct.composition of forces in plane平面力系合成
tech.composition of forces in plane平面力系的合成
tech.composition of parallel forces平行力系的合成
bridg.constr.compression by concentrated forces受集中力压缩
spacecomputer generated armed forces计算机生成兵力
spacecomputer generated forces计算机生成兵力
gen.concentrate preponderant forces集中优势兵力
bridg.constr.concurrence point of forces力交会点
el.concurrent forces汇交合力
wind.concurrent forces汇交力
wind.concurrent forces共点力
tech.condition of equilibrium of forces平衡条件
econ.conflict of forces力力相克
sport., med.conservative forces保守力
manag.continental defense forces外防部队
busin.control through market forces借助市场力量控制
tech.control through market forces市场力量控制
spaceconventional forces常规部队
spaceconventional missile forces常规导弹部队
busin.conversion of science and technology into productive forces科技转化为生产力
bridg.constr.coplanar forces共面力
tech.co-planar forces共面力系
wind.Coriolis forces科氏力地球自转偏向力
China, lawcounter-terrorism forces反恐怖主义力量
phys.couple of forces力偶
sport., med.coupling forces耦合力
sport., med.coupling forces and torques耦合力和力矩
tech.Cremona's polygon of forces克列莫纳多边形
plast.Debye induction forces德拜〈感应〉力
tech.decomposition of forces分解
wushu.deflecting force捋劲
UN, afr.Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda卢民主力量 = 解放卢旺达民主力量
tech.density of lines of forces力线密度
avia.Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces加拿大国防部
spacedeployable space forces可部署的空间力量
China, lawdesert from the armed forces逃离部队
econ.develop social productive forces发展社会生产力
China, polit.develop the productive forces发展社会生产力
tech.diagram of component forces分力图
tech.difference between hydrostatic end forces流体静压轴向力差
tech.difference between hydrostatical end forces流体静压轴向力差
tech.different levels of productive forces不同层次生产力
econ.direct sales forces推销员
econ.direct sales forces工业企业、商号的贸易代表
China, lawdirect the armed forces of the country领导全国武装力量
expl.direction of reactive forces反作用力方向
spacedissipative forces耗散力
tech.distributed body forces分布的体积力
met.distribution of forces力的分布
econ.distribution of productive forces生产力布局
tech.distribution of productive forces生产布局
fin.dominant forces主导力量
sport., med.driving forces驱动力
spacedynamic forces动态力
econ.dynamic forces推动力量
econ.dynamic forces for investment对投资的动态力量
securit.dynamic forces for investment投资驱动力量
water.res.earthquake forces地震力
bridg.constr.eccentricity of resultant of downward forces向下力的合力的偏心距
econ.economic forces经济因素
bridg.constr.effect of forces力的效应
chem.electrostatic forces库仑力
chem.electrostatic forces静电力
econ.elements of productive forces生产力诸要素
China, polit.emancipate the social productive forces解放社会生产力
auto.engine forces发动机动力
China, polit.ensure the livelihood of disabled members of the armed forces保障残废军人的生活
oilenvironmental forces环境力
gen.equilibrium is often produced with frictional forces平衡常常是由于摩擦力的存在而得到的
busin.equilibrium of forces力平衡
hydroel.st.equilibrium of forces力的平衡
tech.equilibrium of forces平衡
bridg.constr.equilibrium polygon of forces力平衡多边形
lab.law.estimation of required labor forces员工需求估计
genet.evolutionary forces进化动力
auto.excitation by forces of inertia发动机由惯性力激发
auto.excitation by gas forces发动机由气体压力激发
UN, afr.ex-FAR/Interahamwe forces前卢旺达部队/联攻派力量
UN, afr.ex-Séléka forces前塞雷卡部队
UN, afr.extraction forces撤出人员部队
UN, afr.extraction forces搭救部队
sport.extraneous forces外力
UN, afr.FACA Central African armed forces中非武装部队
avia.feel forces/stick angle relation感力与驾驶杆偏角的关系
tech.field forces区力
mil.field forces野战部队
met.fire fighting forces消防队
environ.firefighting forces消防队
securit.Five Forces Theory五种力量理论
tech.flow of forces力的流线
econ.forces affecting economic life决定长期资产使用年限的因素
econ.forces affecting economic life影响经济使用寿命的因素 (力量)
securit.forces affecting economic life决定资产使用寿命的因素
econ.forces affecting economic live决定长期资产用年限的因素
busin.forces and services bounty服务人员奖励金
tech.forces balanced in pairs成对平衡的力
hydroel.st.forces composition力的合成
UN, afr.Forces for the Defence of Democracy捍卫民主阵线
UN, afr.Forces for the Defence of Democracy捍卫民主力量
roll.forces in roll gap辊隙间作用力
roll.forces in roll throat辊隙间作用力
tech.forces intersecting at an acute angle相交成锐角的力
gen.forces may be exerted without producing motion可以做到施加外力而不产生运动
tech.forces network军用通信网
hydroel.st.forces parallelogram力平行四边形
tech.forces station军用电台
econ.foreign forces外力
interntl.trade.free working of market forces市场力量自由发挥作用
econ.free working of market forces市场力量的自由发挥作用
busin.free working of market forces无限制的市场作用
UN, afr.French Licorne forces法国"独角兽"部队
China, polit.frustrate the isolation, blockade, interference and provocation by international antagonistic forces挫败国际敌对势力的孤立、封锁、干涉和挑衅
avia.general purpose forces常规武器力量
econ.general purpose forces一般部队
avia.general purpose forces常规部队
China, polit.Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed forces in the Field改善战地武装部队伤者病者境遇之日内瓦公约
fin.give freer rein to market forces让市场力量发挥更大作用
tech.give more rein to market forces扩大市场作用
fin.global market forces全球市场力量
el.global mobile forces terminal全球机动部队终端
spaceglobal space forces全球空间力量
tech.government forces政府因素
el.ground mobile forces地面机动部队
spaceground mobile forces satellite communication地面机动部队卫星通信
spaceground mobile forces satellite communications地面机动部队卫星通信
el.ground mobile forces satellite communications system地面机动部队卫星通信系统
spaceground reaction forces地面反应力
UN, h.rghts.act.Guidelines on the protection and reintegration of children associated with armed forces or armed groups巴黎原则
UN, h.rghts.act.Guidelines on the protection and reintegration of children associated with armed forces or armed groups与武装部队或武装团伙有关系的儿童的保护和重返社会指导方针
econ.guiding light of human and non-human forces引导人力物力的光
el.high frequency intra-task forces network高频特遣部队间内部通信
auto.higher-order forces发动机高阶力
forestr.holding forces保持力量
bridg.constr.horizontal coplanar forces同一水平面的力
UN, afr.HRDDP Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations support to non-United Nations security forces人权尽职政策
UN, afr.HRDDP Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations support to non-United Nations security forces关于联合国向非联合国安全部队提供支持的人权尽职政策
busin.human and non-human forces人力物力
China, lawillegally sell or transfer weapons or equipment of the armed forces非法出卖、转让军队武器装备
construct.impersonal forces不具人格的力量如自然力
econ.impersonal forces非人力指自然力等
commer.impersonal forces非人力 (指自然力等)
tech.impersonal forces非人力
fin.in response to market forces顺应市场力量
gen.Indian Forces印度武装部队
plast.induction forces德拜力
plast.induction forces感应力
avia.industrial college of the armed forces武装部队工业学院
wind.inertia forces惯性力
UNINF Treaty = Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range nuclear forces中导条约
fin.inflationary forces通胀力量
el.information superiority air expeditionary forces信息优势空中远征部队
bridg.constr.in-plane forces面内的力
manag.institutional forces公共机构的力量
manag.institutional forces制度上的力量
sport., med.interactive forces相互作用力
plast.interfacial forces界面力〈胶接〉
el.intermediate-range nuclear forces中距离核力量
spaceintermediate-range nuclear forces中程核武器 (射程1000-4800千米)
el.intermediate-range nuclear forces中程核武器
mil., air.def.intermediate-range nuclear forces中程核力量
China, polit.international antagonistic forces国际敌对势力
tech.interplay of forces力的相互作用
expl.interplay of internal forces内力的相互作用
tech.intranuclear forces核内力
econ.intrinsic forces内力
econ.intrinsic forces内在力量
gen.join forces与…联合行动 (with)
gen.join forces与…合作 (with)
gen.join forces与…通力合作
gen.join forceswith…与…联合以运用共同的力量
spacejoint expeditionary forces experiment联合远征军实验 (美国空军)
avia.joint forces air component command联合部队空军司令部
avia.joint forces air component commander联合部队空军指挥官
spacejoint synthetic forces联合合成兵力
tech.labor forces劳动资源
tech.labour forces劳动资源
mil.land forces陆军
mil.land forces地面部队
met.law of interatomic forces原子间力定律
busin.layout of productive forces生产力配置
busin.liberate the productive forces解放生产力
gen.linear combination of interaction forces相互作用力钱性组合
hydroel.st.load due to friction forces由摩擦力引起的载荷
avia.long range intermediate nuclear forces中远程核导弹部队
el.longer range intermediate-range nuclear forces中远程核武器
spacelong-range intermediate nuclear forces中远程核导弹部队
spacelong-range theater nuclear forces远程战区核力量
el.long-range theater nuclear forces远程战区核武器
UN, afr.loyalist security forces忠于政府的安全部队
manag.management of the sales forces销售力的管理
interntl.trade.market forces市场力量
busin.market forces市场压力
tech.market forces市场动力
tech.Maxwell polygon of forces麦克斯韦力多边形
railw.measuring system for contact forces接触压力测量系统
securit.mechanism of market forces市场机制
tech.member forces杆内力
tech.member forces杆力
gen.member of the armed forces
bridg.constr.method of redundant forces赘余力法
spacemissile forces导弹部队
spacemissile forces checkout exercise导弹部队检验性演习
spacemissile forces combined training导弹部队合成训练
spacemissile forces coordinated training导弹部队协同训练
spacemissile forces fire training导弹部队点火训练
spacemissile forces live equipment operation training导弹部队实装操作训练
spacemissile forces maneuverability导弹部队机动能力
spacemissile forces operational command导弹部队作战指挥
spacemissile forces site deployment导弹部队阵地部署
spacemodular semi automated forces组件化半自动兵力
tech.moment of forces tending to capsize倾斜力矩
econ.monetary forces货币数额
econ.monetary forces货币因素
gen.motor battery force机械化炮兵部队
spacemulticomponent forces test多分力试车
busin.multilevel productive forces多层次生产力
bridg.constr.mutual forces相互作用力
UN, afr.National Council for the Defence of Democracy-Forces for the Defence of Democracy保卫民主全国委员会-保卫民主力量
tech.natural forces自然力
gen.naval forces海军部队
spacenaval missile forces square training海军导弹部队方队训练
tech.neutron-proton exchange forces中子质子交换力
gen.never will the bodies move without forces sufficient to overcome the resistance物体决不会运动
gen.never will the bodies move without forces sufficient to overcome the resistance没有足够的外力克服阻力的作用
interntl.trade.newly emerging forces新兴力量
bridg.constr.non-collinear forces非共线力
railw.non-compensated centrifugal forces未被平衡的离心力
bridg.constr.non-concurrent forces非共点力
tech.non-concurrent forces非集中一点的力
bridg.constr.non-coplanar forces非共面力
tech.non-coplanar forces非共面力系
tech.non-coplanar forces异面力
tech.non-coplanar forces空间力
spacenon-strategic nuclear forces非战略核部队
el.non-strategic nuclear forces非战略核力量
spacenuclear forces核部队
avia.nuclear forces communication satellite核部队通信卫星
el.nuclear forces communications satellite核动力通信卫星【核】
spacenuclear forces communications satellite核部队通信卫星
el.nuclear forces communications satellite核力量通信卫星
spacenuclear missile forces核导弹部队
spacenuclear powered submarine forces核动力潜艇部队
spacenuclear-certified forces核合格部队
plast.operating forces作用力
plast.operating forces有效力
construct.opposite forces对向〔反向〕力
avia.orientation-to-impact forces冲击力的方向
tech.parallel forces平行力
tech.parallel system of forces力的平行系统
tech.parallelepiped on of forces力的平行六面体
tech.parallelogram of forces平行四边形
bridg.constr.parallelogram of forces力平行四边形
sport.parallelogram of forces力的合成和分解
sport.parallelogram of forces力的平行四边形
gen.pathfinder force轰炸或运输机队长机
gen.pathfinder force领航飞机
tech.pile shaft frictional forces桩身摩阻力
tech.plane system of forces平面力系
ecol.planning of distribution of productive forces生产力布局规划
tech.play of forces力的起伏
UN, polit.Police Support Units from mixed entity and cantonal forces来自不同实体和县部队的警察支助部门
bridg.constr.polygon of forces力多边形
tech.principle of virtual forces虚力原理
interntl.trade.productive forces生产力
China, lawproductive forces社会生产力
tech.productive forces criterion生产力标准
econ.productive-forces economics生产力经济学
tech.public forces公共劳动力
tech.public forces社会劳动力
China, lawpublic security forces公安部队
auto.pull forces and moments拉力与力矩
gen.pump forces mud through hose on drilling pipe泵把泥浆通过软管打到钻管里
interntl.trade."push" & "pull" forces"外推力"与"内推力"
sport.rally one's forces重整旗鼓
chem.range of nuclear forces核力范围
chem.range of nuclear forces核力半径
China, polit.reactionary ruling forces反动统治势力
China, lawreal estate of the armed forces军队房地产
gen.recognition and identification between ground forces地面部队相互〔之间的〕识别
el.recognition and identification between ground forces and aircraft地面部队与飞机间互相识别与验证
mil., air.def.reconnaissance forces侦察力量
spacerecovery forces回收部队
biophys.recovery forces回收队
tech.recruit technical forces补充技术力量
UN, afr.reform and restructuring of the defence and security forces国防和安全部队的改革和重建
tech.regardless of the level of the productive forces离开生产力发展要求
gen.regular forces正规军
econ.regular labour forces企业工人干部
busin.release the productive forces解放生产力
busin.remnant capitalist forces资本主义残余势力
plast.repulsion forces排斥力
gen.require additional force from one side or the other需要从某一侧再加一-个力
gen.reserve force Naval海军后备力量舰队
China, lawreserve forces后备力量
compr.residual mass forces残余质量力
met.resolution of forces力的分解
tech.resolution of forces分解
tech.resolution of forces求分力
tech.restraint forces约束力
sport., med.resultant muscle forces肌肉合力
hydroel.st.resultant of forces合力
tech.resultant of forces力的合成
UN, afr.rogue elements of the armed forces of the Central African Republic中非共和国武装部队不法分子
plast.roll supporting forces滚辊支承力
avia.Royal Saudi Land Forces沙特皇家陆军
avia.Royal Saudi Naval Forces沙特皇家海军
China, lawrun by social forces社会力量举办
tech.saturation of forces力的饱和
nautic.sea forces海军
China, lawsecessionist forces分裂势力
tech.section forces维修养护队
avia.self-defense forces自卫队
el.semi-automated forces半自动武器
tech.separate lifting forces分项浮力
UN, polit.Separation of forces部队隔离
tech.shear of lines of forces磁力线的剪切
tech.shell forces and moments薄壳的受力和弯矩
spaceshort range nuclear forces近程核部队
spaceshort-range, intermediate-range nuclear forces中近程核力量
spaceshort-range, intermediate-range nuclear forces中短程核力量
el.short-range intermediate-range nuclear forces中短程核武器
econ.significance of dynamic forces for investment动态力量对投资的重要性
bridg.constr.simultaneously acted forces同时作用的力
econ.social forces社会势力
China, lawsocial forces社会力量
econ.social management of the productive forces生产力的社会管理
econ.social nature of the productive forces生产力社会化
econ.social productive forces社会生产力
busin.socio-cultural forces社会文化力量
spacespace forces engagement model特种部队交战模型
tech.spatial distribution of forces力的空间分布
el.special air warfare forces特种空战部队
avia.special air warfare forces特种空中作战部队
spacespecial forces特种部队
spacespecial forces operating base特种部队作战基地
spacespecial forces operating system特种部队作战系统
spacespecial forces operations area特种部队作战区域
spacespecial operations forces特种作战部队
econ.spontaneous capitalist forces自发的资本主义势力
busin.spontaneous forces自发势力
busin.spontaneous forces of capitalism资本主义自发势力趋势
tech.stand off and on forces船舶荷载
tech.standard of productive forces生产力标准
tech.state forces基本劳动力
tech.state forces直接劳动
tech.state forces计日劳动力
tech.state forces计日工作
bridg.constr.statically indeterminate bridge with respect to external forces外力超静定桥梁外力静不定桥梁
tech.statically indeterminate structure with respect to internal forces内力超静定结构
bridg.constr.statically indeterminate with respect to external forces外力超静定外力静不定
tech.statically indeterminate with respect to internal forces内力超静定
bridg.constr.statically indeterminated structure with respect to internal forces内力超静定结构
tech.statically indetermined truss with respect to internal forces内力超静定桁架
UN, policestatus-of-forces agreement部队地位协定
China, polit.steadily deregulate interest rates to leave them to market forces稳步推进利率市场化改革
construct.strain forces变形力
spacestrategic alert forces战略警戒力量
mil., air.def.strategic defensive forces战略防御力量
spacestrategic forces战略部队
spacestrategic missile forces战略导弹部队
spacestrategic missile submarine forces战略导弹潜艇部队
spacestrategic nuclear forces战略核部队
el.strategic nuclear forces战略核力量
avia.strategic offensive forces战略进攻部队
econ.strategic retaliatory forces战略部队
China, polit.subject to no interference by any outside forces不受任何外国势力的干涉
gen.such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken所有的窗户都震破了
gen.such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken那次爆炸力很大
sport., med.sum of forces力的总和
sport.sum of forces合力
tech.summation of forces力的总和
tech.symbolism of forces力的记号
bridg.constr.system of cocurrent forces共点力系
chem.system of concurrent forces共点力系
bridg.constr.system of coplanar forces共面力系
bridg.constr.system of forces力系
bridg.constr.system of parallel forces平行力系
mil., air.def.tactical air forces information integration system战术空军情报综合系统
mil., air.def.tactical air forces intelligence exploitation system战术空军情报利用系统
spacetactical missile forces战术导弹部队
el.tactical nuclear forces战术核武器
el.tactical nuclear forces战术核力量
China, polit.the fight against violent terrorist forces, ethnic separatist forces and religious extremist force打击"三股势力"
China, polit.the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces"台独"分裂势力
spacetheater nuclear forces战区核部队
el.theater nuclear forces战区核武器
el.theater nuclear forces战区核力量
el.theater nuclear forces survivability, security and safety战区核武器抗毁性、安全性和保险性
spacetheater organic space forces战区固有的空间力量
fin.theory according to productive forces依生产力论
econ.theory of productive forces decide everything唯生产力论
gen.there are many problems in engineering where the forces are known工程方面有许多问题中力是已知的
UN, polit.three programmes cadet training, refresher courses for former police, and voluntary redeployment to increase the percentage of minority representation in the police forces三个方案士官培训、前警察的复习课程和自愿调动
tech.three-dimensional distribution of forces三维力分布
tech.three-dimensional system of forces三维作用力系统
gen.tideraising force引起潮汐的力
gen.tideraising force成〔起,涨〕潮力
bridg.constr.total moment of all external forces about centre of base of foundation全部外力对基础底面中心的总力矩
tech.transcend the actual level of productive forces超越实际生产力水平
tech.transfer of forces力的传递
bridg.constr.triangle of forces力三角形
tech.triangle of forces三角形
bridg.constr.two opposite forces两个相反的力
avia.UK land forces英国陆军部队
spaceunconventional military forces非常规军事力量
tech.under the influence natural forces在自力的影响下
bridg.constr.unequal forces不相等的力
China, polit.unite all forces that can be united团结一切可以团结的力量
plast.valence forces价力
plast.van der Waals attractive forces范德华吸引力
spaceVan der Waals forces范德瓦尔斯力 (相互作用的不同偶极矩之间的分子或原子吸引力)
plast.van der Waals forces分子间力
tech.Van der Waals forces范德华力
chem.van der Waals forces范德瓦耳斯力
avia.Van der Waals forces范德瓦尔斯力
earth.sc.viscous and capillary forces黏滞力和毛管力
gen.viscous and capillary forces粘滞力及毛管力
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