
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing fold | all forms | exact matches only
abrupt ending of mucosal fold黏膜皱嬖中断
anterior fold前皱襞
anterior fold of malleus锤骨前襞
anterior malleolar fold锤骨前襞
aryepiglottic fold杓状会厌襞
circular folds环状襞
cricopharyngeal fold环咽襞
epiglottic fold会厌襞
fold of chorda tympani鼓索襞
fold of laryngeal nerve喉神经襞
fold of tympanic membrane鼓膜襞
glossoepiglottic folds舌会厌襞
incudal fold砧骨襞
interarytenoid fold杓间襞
lacrimal fold鼻泪管襞
lateral fold侧褶
lateral glossoepiglottic fold舌会厌外侧襞
lateral nasal fold侧鼻襞
median nasal fold中鼻襞
middle glossoepiglottic fold舌会厌正中襞
palatine fold腭突
palatine fold腭褶
pharyngoepiglottic fold咽会厌襞
posterior fold后皱襞
posterior fold of malleus锤骨后襞
posterior malleolar fold锤骨后襞
pretonsillar fold扁桃体前襞
salpingopalatine fold咽鼓管腭襞
salpingopharyngeal fold咽鼓管咽襞
semilunar fold半月襞
stapedial fold镫骨襞
sublingual fold舌下襞
synovial fold滑膜襞
transverse palatine folds腭横襞
triangular fold三角襞
Tröltsch folds特勒尔奇襞
vestibular fold前庭襞
vocal fold声带