
Terms for subject Economy containing fluctuation | all forms | exact matches only
a fluctuation clause伸价条款
a fluctuation clause波动条款
accidental fluctuation意外浮动
adjustment for price fluctuation价格变动调整
allowable bonds of fluctuations容许的波动幅度
business fluctuation经济波动
business fluctuation景气变动
compensating financing of export fluctuation国际货币基金组织的 出口变动补偿性贷款办法
compensating fluctuation高低相抵
cyclic fluctuations周期性波动
cyclical fluctuation周期性变动指行情波动或物价涨落
economic fluctuations经济变动
erratic fluctuations无规律的暂时波动
exchange fluctuation汇兑变动
exchange fluctuation汇兑涨落
exchange fluctuation汇价波动
exchange fluctuation fund汇率变动储备金
financing of export fluctuation出口波动贷款
financing of export fluctuations出口波动贷款
financing of export fluctuations出口波动的资金供应
fluctuation clause物价上涨条文
fluctuation cyclical周期性变化
fluctuation formulae examples物价上涨指数计算方法
fluctuation in prices价格涨跌
fluctuation in prices of merchandise inventory库存商品的价格变化
fluctuation in prices of raw materials原材料价格波动
fluctuation in rate of exchange汇率波动
fluctuation in the exchange rates of the principal currencies主要货币汇率波动
fluctuation in trade贸易波动
fluctuation in traffic运输运量波动
fluctuation margin波动幅度
fluctuation of discount rate贴现率的波动
fluctuation of supply and demand供求变动
fluctuation spread波动幅度
fluctuations in investment securities投资有价证券的变动
fluctuations in prices of merchandizes inventory库存商品的价格变动
fluctuations in prices of raw material and supplies原材料和物料的价格变动
foreign exchange fluctuations国外汇兑涨落
foreign exchange fluctuations外汇变动
industrial fluctuation工业变动
international fluctuation国际波动
intra-annual price fluctuation年度内价格波动
long-term fluctuation长期变动
margin of exchange rate fluctuation汇价的波动范围
margin of exchange rate fluctuations汇价波动的范围
margin of exchange rate fluctuations in terms of parity汇价围绕平价波动的范围
margin of fluctuation价格波动边际
market fluctuation市况波动
market fluctuations市价波动
markets fluctuations市场物价波动
Michael's fluctuation index迈克莱氏变动指数
narrower fluctuation margins较小波动幅度
offer subject to market fluctuation按市价变动增减的报盘
Once a contract is signed, it must be strictly abided by and not influenced by price fluctuation一旦签定合同,将严格遵守,不受价格波动的影响
Please note that these quotations are open for a week only because there are frequent fluctuations in the market price务请注意,由于市场价格频繁波动,所有报价有效期仅一周
policy for industrial fluctuation景气政策
price fluctuation价格浮动
price fluctuation价格涨落
price fluctuation reserve价格浮动准备
price fluctuation reserve价格浮动准备
prices fluctuation within a certain range幅度价格
range of fluctuation波幅
reserve for fluctuations in exchange汇率波动准备
seasonal fluctuation季节性价格变动
seasonal fluctuation季节性变动
short-time fluctuation短期变动
the fluctuation in exchange汇率变动
the fluctuation in exchange汇率波动
the fluctuation of discount rate贴现率的波动
the fluctuation spread波动幅度
the fluctuation within a narrow range小幅度波动
the magnitude of energy fluctuation能量波动的大小
the margin of exchange rate fluctuations in terms of parity汇价围绕平价波动的范围
The prices of following vegetables are subject to market fluctuations下列蔬菜价格随市价变动
the uncontrolled fluctuations in prices自由涨落
the wild fluctuation不切实际的变动
There are frequent fluctuations in the market price市场价格波动频繁
trade fluctuation贸易流动
Transactions are hampered by wide and frequent price fluctuations频繁的大幅度价格波动阻碍了交易
yearly price fluctuations年价格波动情况