
Terms for subject Agriculture containing flour | all forms | exact matches only
alum flour矾粉
banana flour from green bananas香蕉粉
barley flour大麦粉
bean flour豆粉
blood flour血粉
blue flour IE小麦
bone flour骨粉指细骨粉,饲料用
bran flour
break flour粉碎粉
brown flour褐色粉
buckwheat flour养麦粉
coarse flour粗面粉
coarse flour粗粉
corn flour面粉指玉米,稻米及其他禾谷类所磨成的粉
crude flour粗制粉
defatted soya flour脱脂的大豆粉
fish flour食用鱼粉
flour beetle谷盗
flour bleaching粉的精制指面粉熏硫变白
flour corn软质玉米 Zea mays convar. amylacea
flour corn粉质玉米 Zea mays convar. amylacea
flour dresser面粉筛分器
flour extraction rate出粉率
flour grade面粉等级
flour industry面粉工业
flour industry制粉工业
flour kneader揉面机
flour maize软质玉米 Zea mays convar. amylacea
flour maize粉质玉米 Zea mays convar. amylacea
flour mill面粉碾磨机
flour mill面粉磨
flour mill面粉机
flour milling磨粉
Flour Milling Associations Group of the EEC Countries欧洲经济共同体面粉企业总会
flour-milling machine面粉碾磨机
flour-milling machine磨粉机
flour milling percentage出粉率
flour of maize玉米面
flour of rice粗米粉
flour of rye黑麦粉
flour quality面粉品质
flour sieve粉筛
flour weight base粉重标准
flying-out flour飞粉
full-fat soya flour全脂豆粉
grainy flour上等面粉
hard flour硬质粉
increasing flour yield提高出粉率
instant flour速溶淀粉
maize flour玉米面
maslin flour混合面
maslin flour混合粉
masline flour混合面
masline flour混合粉
mechanically-driven flour grinder机动磨粉机
mesline flour混合面
mesline flour混合粉
mustard flour芥子粉
mustard flour芥末
pretreatment for wheat flour processing小麦粉加工预处理
pulse flour豆面
pulse flour豆粉
quality wheat flour processing优质面粉加工
quality wheat flour processing富强粉加工
refined flour精制面粉
rice flour米粉
rice flour大米面
rice flour粗米粉
rye flour黑麦粉
soft flour软粒面粉
soft flour少面筋面粉
soya flour大豆面细粉
soya flour大豆粉
soya-bean flour大豆面细粉
soya-bean flour大豆粉
soybean flour大豆面细粉
soybean flour大豆粉
special use wheat flour processing专用面粉加工
standard wheat flour processing标准粉加工
starch-flour淀粉 (面)
straight flour头磨面粉
strong flour多面筋面粉
strong flour硬粒面粉
strong flour强韧力粉
tapioca flour木薯粉
very fine flour特等面粉
waste products of the flour industry粉屑
waste products of the flour industry面粉业废料
weak flour软粒面粉
weak flour少面筋面粉
wheat flour小麦粉
wheat flour mill面粉厂
wheat flour mill layout面粉厂设计
wheat flour processing面粉加工
wheat flour yield小麦出粉率
wheaten flour上等面粉
whole wheat flour全麦面粉
yield of flour出粉量
yield of flour出粉率