
Terms containing flour | all forms | exact matches only
shipb.abrasive flour研磨粉末
agric.alum flour矾粉
tech.alum flour矶粉
archit.alumen flour矶粉
tech.asbestos flour石棉粉末
tech.asphalt with rock flour石粉沥青
tech.asphaltic-bitumen with rock flour混有石粉的沥青
tech.automatically flour banding plant面粉自动包装机组
agric.banana flour from green bananas香蕉粉
forestr.bark flour树皮粉
agric.barley flour大麦粉
agric.bean flour豆粉
anim.husb.binder flour香肠面粉黏合剂
anim.husb.binder flour粉状黏合剂
dermat.bleaching flour漂白粉
anim.husb.blood flour细血粉
agric.blood flour血粉
agric.blue flour IE小麦
gen.bolt all the flour彻底根究
gen.bolt all the flour仔细调查
anim.husb.bone flour细骨粉
plast.bone flour骨粉
agric.bone flour骨粉指细骨粉,饲料用
anim.husb.bran flour黑面粉
anim.husb.bran flour带麸皮的面粉
agric.bran flour
busin.break flour劣质面粉
agric.break flour粉碎粉
tech.brick flour砖屑
tech.brick flour砖粉
biol.broad-horned flour beetle阔角粉甲 (Gnathocerus cornutus Fabricins,拟步甲科)
agric.brown flour褐色粉
agric.buckwheat flour养麦粉
auto.bulk-flour pneumatic delivery tanker气卸散装面粉车
expl.Cake consists chiefly of flour, sugar and eggs蛋糕主要是用面、糖和蛋做的
eng.geol.calcite flour石灰石粉
anim.husb.carob flour角豆粉
horticult.carob flour角豆荚粉
anim.husb.cassava flour木薯粉
anim.husb.cassava flour木薯细粉
tech.cement flour水泥粉
tech.chamot flour火泥粉末
tech.chamotte flour火泥粉末
biol.cheese ham and flour mites粉螨科 (Tyroglyphidae)
tech.coarse cement flour粗磨水泥粉
agric.coarse flour粗面粉
agric.coarse flour粗粉
plast.coconut shell flour椰子壳粉填料
commer.composite flour复合粉
entomol.confused flour beetle杂拟谷盗 Tribolium confusum (Duv.)
biol.confused flour beetle杂拟谷盗 (Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val)
tech.cork flour软木粉
water.res., ecol.corn cob flour玉米棒子粉末乳化
exhib.corn flour玉米粉
agric.corn flour面粉指玉米,稻米及其他禾谷类所磨成的粉
anim.husb.corn flour mill玉米碾粉机
anim.husb.corn graham flour加全麦粉的玉米粉
anim.husb.cotton seed flour经部分去毒的棉籽饼粉
agric.crude flour粗制粉
anim.husb.crude sago flour湿西谷粉
biol.dark flour beetle黑拟谷盗 (Tribolium destructor Uyttenb.,拟步甲科)
anim.husb.defatted fish flour脱脂鱼粉
anim.husb.defatted soy flour脱脂大豆粉
agric.defatted soya flour脱脂的大豆粉
anim.husb.defatted soybean flour脱脂大豆粉
anim.husb.deodorized fish flour脱臭食用鱼粉
biol.depressed flour beetle拟谷盗弱小谷盗,Palorus subdepressus (Wollaston),拟步甲科
tech.dolomite flour白云岩粉
met.emery flour刚玉粉
tech.emery flour细金刚砂粉
commer.extended flour加长粉
tech.fault-related flour断层岩粉
anim.husb.first break flour头道皮磨粉
anim.husb.first break flour一皮粉
agric.fish flour食用鱼粉
tech.fish flour鱼粉
tech.flour adhesive面粉粘结剂
anim.husb.flour adhesive麦筋
tech.flour adhesive面粉黏结剂
shipb.flour adhesive面粉糨糊
anim.husb.flour ageing麦粉陈化
tech.flour all risks clause面粉全险条款
biol.flour beetle杂拟谷盗 (Tribolium confusum du Val,拟步甲科)
biol.flour beetle大黄粉虫 (Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus,拟步甲科)
genet.flour beetle赤拟谷盗
tech.flour beetle粉甲虫
biol.flour beetle赤拟谷盗 (Tribolium castaneum Herbst)
agric.flour beetle谷盗
biol.flour beetle面粉扁甲 (Cathartics cassiae Reiche,扁甲科)
pest.contr.flour beetles拟谷盗属 Tribolium (spp.)
agric.flour bleaching粉的精制指面粉熏硫变白
tech.flour bolt面粉筛
tech.flour-chrome-arsenate-phenol铬砷酚合剂 (木材防腐剂)
tech.flour content粉状颗粒含量
anim.husb.flour corn粉玉米
agric.flour corn粉质玉米 Zea mays convar. amylacea
agric.flour corn软质玉米 Zea mays convar. amylacea
biol.flour corn粉质种玉米 (Zea mays L. amylacea Sturt.,禾本科)
textileflour-covering fabric铺地织物
biol.flour-de-lis冠状鸢尾 (Iris cristata Ait,鸢尾科)
anim.husb.flour dresser筛粉机
agric.flour dresser面粉筛分器
anim.husb.flour dust粉尘
anim.husb.flour dust粗面
tech.flour dust面粉尘
anim.husb.flour duster净麦机
anim.husb.flour duster面粉筛分机
anim.husb.flour extraction出粉率
anim.husb.flour extraction从谷粒中制粉
agric.flour extraction rate出粉率
anim.husb.flour feeder粉面或谷物喂送器
construct.flour filler细〔粉状〕填料
plast.flour filler细粉填料
archit.flour filler细粉状填料
tech.flour filler粉状填料
tech.flour filler粉状填料
el.flour gel粉胶
met.flour gold细粒砂金矿
met.flour gold粉金
anim.husb.flour grade麦粉等级
agric.flour grade面粉等级
agric.flour industry面粉工业
agric.flour industry制粉工业
agric.flour kneader揉面机
tech.flour lime石灰粉 (stone)
tech.flour lime粉石灰 (stone)
tech.flour lime细石灰 (stone)
agric.flour maize软质玉米 Zea mays convar. amylacea
agric.flour maize粉质玉米 Zea mays convar. amylacea
anim.husb.flour middlings饲料粉
tech.flour mill面粉厂
agric.flour mill面粉碾磨机
agric.flour mill面粉磨
anim.husb.flour mill麦粉厂
agric.flour mill面粉机
tech.flour mill磨粉机
tech.flour mill磨面机
busin.flour mill company面粉公司
agric.flour milling磨粉
anim.husb.flour milling面粉生产
gen.flour-milling磨面 (的)
agric.Flour Milling Associations Group of the EEC Countries欧洲经济共同体面粉企业总会
org.name.Flour Milling Associations Group of the EU Countries欧洲经济共同体国家磨面协会小组
busin.flour milling industry面粉工业
tech.flour milling machine和面机
agric.flour-milling machine磨粉机
econ.flour-milling machine磨面机
tech.flour milling machine磨粉机
agric.flour-milling machine面粉碾磨机
tech.flour milling machine磨面机
agric.flour milling percentage出粉率
biol.flour mite干酪螨粗脚粉螨,Tyroglyphus siro Linnaeus; Acarus siro Linnaeus; Tyrolichus casei Linnaeus,粉螨科
dermat.flour mite粉螨
biol.flour mite粗脚粉螨 (Acarus siro Linnaeus,粉螨科)
biol.flour moth地中海粉螟 (Anagastra kühniella Zeller,螟蛾科)
tech.flour of emery细金刚砂粉
agric.flour of maize玉米面
food.ind.flour of oilseeds油饼粉
food.ind.flour of oilseeds油粕
commer.flour of potatoes马铃薯粉
agric.flour of rice粗米粉
agric.flour of rye黑麦粉
tech.flour packer面粉装袋机
el.flour paste幣糊
met.flour paste糊精
met.flour paste浆糊
agric.flour quality面粉品质
el.mach.flour resin粉末树脂
tech.flour sacker面粉装袋机
agric.flour sieve粉筛
tech.flour sieve面粉筛
tech.flour sling网带吊货兜
tech.flour substance粉状物质
food.ind.flour treatment agent面粉处理剂
chem.flour treatment agents面粉改善剂
chem.flour treatment agents面粉处理剂
agric.flour weight base粉重标准
tech.flour yield出粉率
tech.fluidize flour气流输送粉末
agric.flying-out flour飞粉
met.fossil flour硅藻土
tech.fossil flour化石粉
mil.fossil flour硅藻士
commer.full-fat flour全脂粉
agric.full-fat soya flour全脂豆粉
anim.husb.gelatinized corn flour胶化玉米粉
anim.husb.gelatinized flour糊化的麦粉
anim.husb.gelatinized sorghum grain flour糊化高粱胚乳粉
anim.husb.germ flour饲料粉
anim.husb.germ flour胚芽
chem.glass flour玻璃粉 (磨料)
tech.glass flour玻璃粉
chem.graham flour粗面粉
chem.graham flour黑面粉未去麸的面粉
gen.graham flour全麦面粉
agric.grainy flour上等面粉
tech.granite flour花岗石粉末
anim.husb.granular flour粗粒
met.graphite flour石墨粉
plast.ground flour磨制木粉
tech.ground Trinidad epure with rock flour含石粉的特立尼达沥青粉
agric.hard flour硬质粉
tech.hard flour硬质面粉
tech.hard rock flour硬岩粉末
tech.hard rock flour硬石粉末
anim.husb.hard wheat flour硬质小麦粉
polym.hardwood flour硬木粉
tech.hardwood flour纤维质木粉
food.serv.high-extraction flour高出粉率面粉
tech.impalpable flour细磨材料
agric.increasing flour yield提高出粉率
food.serv.indigenous flour本地产面粉
agric.instant flour速溶淀粉
life.sc.Java flour moth米螟
biol.Java flour moth米蛾 (Corcyrpa cephalonica Stainton,谷蛾科)
chem.koniaku flour蒟蒻粉膏化剂
chem.konjaku flour魔芋粉
anim.husb.lard-crackling flour猪油渣粉
biol.large-grained flour corn粉质种玉米 (Zea mays L. amylacea Sturt.)
anim.husb.lecithinated soy flour卵磷脂化大豆粉在脱脂大豆粉中加人规定量的卵磷脂而成,通常含卵磷脂最高为15%
tech.lily root flour百合粉
tech.limestone flour石灰石粉
biol.long-headed flour beetle长头谷盗 (Latheticus oryzae Waterhouse,拟步甲科)
food.serv.low-extraction flour低出粉率面粉
anim.husb.low-fat soy flour低脂大豆粉
anim.husb.maize flour苞米粉
anim.husb.maize flour玉米粉
agric.maize flour玉米面
anim.husb.malt flour麦芽糖含量高的面粉
anim.husb.malt flour麦芽粉
textilemanna flour刺槐豆粉
textilemanna flour稻子豆粉
tech.marble flour大理石粉 (末)
agric.maslin flour混合面
agric.maslin flour混合粉
agric.masline flour混合面
agric.masline flour混合粉
tech.mechanically driven flour grinder机动磨粉机
agric.mechanically-driven flour grinder机动磨粉机
entomol.Mediterranean flour moth干果斑螟 Ephestia cautella (Wlk.)
entomol.Mediterranean flour moth地中海粉蛾 Ephestia kuehniella
biol.Mediterranean flour moth地中海粉螟 (Anagastra kühniella Zeller,螟蛾科)
agric.mesline flour混合面
agric.mesline flour混合粉
met.mica flour云母粉
tech.mica flour云母粉 (状物质)
tech.middling flour粗石粉
anim.husb.middlings flour粗面粉
milk.milk flour牛奶香味
tech.mill flour磨面
tech.mineral flour矿粉
chem.mirabilite-flour tanning硝面糅
gen.moisted rice flour润粉
met.mountain flour硅藻土
hydroel.st.mountain flour石粉
tech.mountain flour硅藻石
agric.mustard flour芥子粉
agric.mustard flour芥末
commer.non-gluten-forming flour非面筋面粉
anim.husb.oat flour燕麦粉
biol.ochraceous flour beetle长头谷盗 (Latheticus oryzae Waterhouse,拟步甲科)
commer.patent flour优质面粉
tech.patent flour上等面粉
plast.peanut hull flour花生壳粉〈填料〉
commer.potato flour马铃薯粉
agric.pretreatment for wheat flour processing小麦粉加工预处理
anim.husb.pulse flour豌豆粉
agric.pulse flour豆面
agric.pulse flour豆粉
agric.quality wheat flour processing优质面粉加工
agric.quality wheat flour processing富强粉加工
hydroel.st.quartz flour石英粉
anim.husb.red dog flour饲用小麦粉
anim.husb.red dog flour低级面粉
entomol.red flour beetle赤拟谷盗腰果 Tribolium castaneum
biol.red flour beetle赤拟谷盗 (Tribolium ferrugineum Fabricius; Tribolium castaneum Hbst.,拟步甲科)
anim.husb.reduce to flour磨粉
anim.husb.reduce to flour粉碎
agric.refined flour精制面粉
agric.rice flour米粉
agric.rice flour大米面
agric.rice flour粗米粉
eng.geol.rock flour石粉
eng.geol.rock flour岩粉
tech.rock flour粉砂
hydroel.st.rock flour content石粉含量
biol.rust red flour beetle赤拟谷盗 (Tribolium castaneum (Herbst); Tribolium ferrugineum F.,拟步甲科)
biol.rust red flour beetle杂拟谷盗 (Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val)
entomol.rust-red flour beetle赤拟谷盗腰果 Tribolium castaneum
agric.rye flour黑麦粉
textilesacks for flour面粉袋
textilesago flour西米粉
textilesago flour西谷粉
anim.husb.sausage flour香肠面粉黏合剂
tech.self-raising flour自发粉
plast.shell flour果壳粉〈填料〉
plast.shell flour filler果壳粉填料
plast.silanized silica flour硅烷处理的石英粉〈合成树脂专用填料〉
oilsilica flour硅粉
polym.silica flour氧化硅粉
met.silica flour石英粉
tech.silica flour硅石粉
earth.sc.silica flour filled epoxy resin硅粉环氧树脂
tech.silica flour wash石英粉涂料
tech.slag flour矿渣粉
plast.slate flour板岩粉〈填料〉
archit.slate flour页岩粉末
archit.slate flour石粉
tech.slate flour powder板岩粉
biol.smalleyed flour beetle姬粉盗小眼谷盗,Palorus ratzeburgi Wissmann,拟步甲科
agric.soft flour软粒面粉
agric.soft flour少面筋面粉
tech.soft flour软质面粉
polym.softwood flour软木粉
anim.husb.soy flour黄豆精制粉
agric.soya flour大豆面细粉
agric.soya flour大豆粉
agric.soya-bean flour大豆面细粉
agric.soya-bean flour大豆粉
agric.soybean flour大豆面细粉
anim.husb.soybean flour黄豆粉
anim.husb.soybean flour豆腐粉
agric.soybean flour大豆粉
tech.spar flour晶石粉
agric.special use wheat flour processing专用面粉加工
org.name.Standard for Durum Wheat Semolina and Durum Wheat Flour硬质小麦粗粉和硬质小麦粉标准
org.name.Standard for Edible Cassava Flour食用木薯粉标准
org.name.Standard for Pearl Millet Flour珍珠粟米粉标准
org.name.Standard for Sorghum Flour高粱粉标准
org.name.Standard for Wheat Flour小麦粉标准
agric.standard wheat flour processing标准粉加工
agric.starch-flour淀粉 (面)
commer.stone-ground flour石磨面粉
agric.straight flour头磨面粉
commer.straight-run flour不加调配的原麦轧制的面粉
agric.strong flour硬粒面粉
agric.strong flour多面筋面粉
agric.strong flour强韧力粉
tech.sulfur flour粉末硫黄
expl.superfine flour超细粉末
tech.super-fine flour极细粉料
eng.geol.talc flour滑石粉
chem.tapioca flour木薯
agric.tapioca flour木薯粉
exhib.unadulterated flour精白面粉
anim.husb.unsound flour用未成熟谷粒制的粉
anim.husb.unsound flour质量差的面粉
agric.very fine flour特等面粉
plast.walnut shell flour胡桃壳粉〈填料〉
tech.walnut shell flour核桃壳粉末填充剂
agric.waste products of the flour industry粉屑
agric.waste products of the flour industry面粉业废料
econ.We regret to inform you that the flour is far below standard我们遗憾地通知你们面粉质量大大低于标准
agric.weak flour软粒面粉
agric.weak flour少面筋面粉
exhib.wheat flour面粉
agric.wheat flour小麦粉
anim.husb.wheat flour middling次等小麦粉
agric.wheat flour mill面粉厂
agric.wheat flour mill layout面粉厂设计
agric.wheat flour processing面粉加工
agric.wheat flour yield小麦出粉率
agric.wheaten flour上等面粉
gen.wheaten flour面粉
textilewhetstone flour磨石粉沾污疵
tech.white asbestos flour白石棉粉
anim.husb.whole cereal flour全谷物粉
cook.whole meal flour全麦面粉
gen.whole meal flour小麦面粉
agric.whole wheat flour全麦面粉
anim.husb.whole-wheat flour全麦面粉
hydroel.st.wood flour木屑
plast.wood flour木粉〈填料〉
tech.wood flour细木屑
hydroel.st.wood flour木粉
tech.wood flour锯木
gen.wood flour木屑〔粉〕
plast.wood flour filler木粉填料
plast.wood flour phenolics木粉填充酚醛塑料
polym.wooden flour木粉
polym.wooden flour phenolic木粉填充酚醛塑料
agric.yield of flour出粉量
agric.yield of flour出粉率
met.zircon flour锆英粉