
Terms containing flange pipe | all forms | in specified order only
tech.cast-iron flange pipe铸铁法兰
tech.cast-steel pipe flange铸钢管凸缘
tech.cast-steel pipe flange铸钢管法兰
hydroel.st.equivalent flange width of pipe shell管壁等效翼缘宽度
tech.exhaust pipe flange gasket排气管凸缘密封片
tech.exhaust pipe flange seal排气管凸缘气封
tech.flange and elbow bend pipe法兰盘弯管
tech.flange joint of pipe管道法兰螺栓连接
el.flange joint pipe法兰接头管道
el.flange of pipe管子法兰
hydroel.st.flange of pipe管子法兰
tech.flange of pipe管子法兰 (盘)
tech.flange of pipe管子凸缘
oilflange pipe凸缘管
archit.flange pipe凸缘法兰
tech.flange pipe盘管
dril.flange pipe带法兰的管子
tech.flange pipe法兰管
tech.flanged pipe with threaded flanges螺纹法兰的法兰管
tech.hawse pipe flange锚链筒滚口
tech.hawse pipe flange锚链筒凸缘
tech.high-pressure pipe flange高压管法兰
avia.integral pipe flange整体法兰
tech.pipe connecting flange接管凸缘
tech.pipe connecting flange接管法兰
oilpipe end flange管端法兰
oilpipe flange管子凸缘
met.pipe flange管凸缘
tech.pipe flange法兰
tech.pipe flange管法兰
tech.pipe flange盘按管
auto.pipe flange管子法兰凸缘
met.pipe flange管子法兰盘
compr.pipe flange法兰盘
railw.pipe flange管道法兰
tech.pipe flange凸缘
tech.pipe flange管子凸缘 (盘)
el.pipe flange管式法兰
hydroel.st.pipe flange管子法兰
tech.pipe flange管子法兰 (盘)
tech.pipe flange joint管子凸缘接头
tech.pipe flange joint管子法兰接头
plast.pipe-to-flange joint管与法兰连接〈塑料管线〉
tech.pit cast cast-iron flange pipe坑铸铸铁凸缘管
tech.pit cast cast-iron flange pipe坑铸铸铁法兰管
tech.screwed flange of pipes管子旋上凸缘
tech.screwed flange of pipes管口栓接法兰
tech.screwed flange of pipes管子上螺旋法兰
compr.solid flange pipe带整体法兰的管子
tech.steel pipe flange钢管法兰
tech.steel pipe flange钢管凸缘
oil, transp.threaded pipe flange螺纹管法兰