
Terms containing fixing | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a fixing letter租定船只通知函
econ.a fixing letter成交函
tech.acid fixing bath酸性定影液
chem.acid fixing bath酸性定象浴
shipb.acid fixing bath酸性定像浴
tech.acoustic Doppler fixing system声学多普勒定位系统
tech.acoustic fixing and ranging声学定位和测距
earth.sc.acoustic position-fixing system声学定位系统
tech.acoustical Doppler fixing system声学多普勒定位系统
tech.acoustical fixing and ranging声学定位和测距
tech.adjustable fixing可调支柱
tech.adjustable fixing调节支柱
ecol.aerobic nitrogen-fixing需氧固氮细菌
tech.aerobic nitrogen fixing bacteria好气固氮细菌
tech.after fixing后固定
busin.agreement fixing price议定价格
securit.a.m. fixing上午定价
med.amboceptor fixing antigen介体固定抗原
agric.anaerobic nitrogen-fixing bacteria厌氧固氮细菌
agric.anaerobic nitrogen-fixing bacteria嫌气固氮细菌
tech.anaerobic nitrogen fixing bacteria厌氧固氮细菌
desert.anaerobic nitrogen-fixing bacterium厌氧固氮菌
desert.anaerobic nitrogen-fixing bacterium嫌气固氮细菌
tech.anchor fixing angle steel下锚固定角钢
tech.anchorage fixing锚碇
tech.anchorage fixing锚固安装
tech.angle fixing pedal角度固定踏板
construct.banjo fixing对接接头〔组件〕
tech.banjo fixing对接接头
auto.battery fixing strap蓄电池夹紧板带,箍
tech.bayonet fixing管脚固定
tech.bayonet fixing卡口式固定
auto.body fixing point车身固定点
tech.boltless fixing system无螺栓固定系统
archit.bond fixing预应力混凝土先张法的粘着固定
tech.breeze fixing brick煤渣固结砖
tech.breeze fixing brick焦渣受钉砖
tech.breeze fixing brick焦渣固结砖
tech.breeze fixing brick焦渣水泥砖
tech.burner fixing plate烧嘴固定板
tech.cargo-handling operation with movable machinery and fixing ship定船移机装卸作业
busin.cartel price-fixing arrangement卡特尔运价协定
busin.cartel price-fixing arrangement卡特尔价格运价协定
tech.cavity fixing自挤压螺旋铆件 (薄墙壁用)
tech.celestial fixing测天定位
tech.celestial fixing测天对时
shipb.celestial position fixing天文定位
tech.cement fixing method黏结法
ecol.chemical sand-fixing material化学固沙剂
avia.clamping plate of support for fixing引下线固定
tech.color fixing定色 (料)
tech.color fixing颜固定
tech.color fixing媒染剂
chem.color fixing agent固色剂
chem.color fixing agent XFG固色剂 XFG
chem.color fixing agent Y固色剂 Y
agric.color-fixing stage定色期烟草烘烤过程
tech.colour fixing颜固定
tech.colour fixing定色 (料)
tech.colour fixing媒染剂
chem.colour fixing agent固色剂
chem.colour fixing agent XFG固色剂 XFG
chem.colour fixing agent Y固色剂 Y
CNCcolumn fixing nail hole立柱紧固钉孔
nurs.complement fixing antibody补体结合[性]抗体
tech.composite fixing综合定位
tech.concealed fixing隐蔽式装配
tech.concealed fixing隐式接合
shipb.container fixing device集装箱固定器具
China, polit.Convention Concerning the Creation of Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery制定最低工资确定办法公约
China, polit.Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for Admission of Children to Employment at Sea确定允许儿童在海上工作的最低年龄公约
China, polit.Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Children to Industrial Employment确定准许使用儿童于工业工作的最低年龄公约
China, polit.Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Young Persons to Employment as Trimmers or Stokers确定准许使用未成年人为扒炭工或司炉工的最低年龄公约
fin.currency fixings汇率定盘
shipb.cylinder cover fixing stud气缸盖固定螺栓
tech.Decca fixing台卡定位
tech.Decca homing fixing台卡导向定位
tech.defects in sash fixing窗扇施工疵病
tech.defects in window hardware fixing窗五金安装疵病
archit.detachable fixing可拆卸式装配
tech.detachable fixing可拆卸装配
tech.developing and fixing显影及定影
tech.door frame fixing门框的固定
shipb.Doppler fixing method多普勒定位法
tech.dot and dab fixing点状黏结固定
tech.dune-fixing forest固砂林
tech.dune-fixing forest防砂林
tech.dune-fixing forest固沙林
CNCear bearing fixing nail后轴承紧定钉
tech.elastic fixing弹性连接
earth.sc.electromagnetic position-fixing systems电磁定位系统
tech.electronic position fixing system电子定位系统
tech.electrostatic fixing静电定影
tech.end fixing端部固定
tech.explosive fixing安装爆炸物
chem.film fixing bath坚膜定像浴
tech.first fixings预装配
tech.first fixings嵌固件
tech.first fixings木构件
tech.first fixings细木工程准备工作
tech.first fixings初级装配
tech.fish-tailed fixing鱼尾形紧固件
tech.fixing accessories固定辅助设备
tech.fixing aeration固定曝气
polym.fixing agent固着剂
tech.fixing agent固色剂
agric.fixing agent固定剂{显技}
gen.fixing agent固定〔定影〕剂
tech.fixing aid定位辅助设备
tech.fixing aid定影助剂
securit.fixing an artificial price以人为方式设定价格
tech.fixing angle定位角
securit.fixing artificial prices for shares人为设定虚假股价
agric.fixing atmospheric nitrogen固定大气氮素
auto.fixing band固定带
tech.fixing base固定地基
tech.fixing base固定基础
tech.fixing bath定影槽
chem.fixing bath定…浴
tech.fixing bath定影液
tech.fixing block受钉砌块
tech.fixing block受钉块
archit.fixing block木落砖 (可钉钉)
archit.fixing block
tech.fixing block木落砖
tech.fixing bolt螺栓标志
chem.fixing bolt紧固螺栓
tech.fixing bolt固定锚杆
tech.fixing bracket牛腿
tech.fixing bracket托座
tech.fixing bracket壁灯架
tech.fixing bracket固定托架
tech.fixing brake上动防松闸
tech.fixing brake上动固定闸
tech.fixing brake止动闸
shipb.fixing brake防松闸
tech.fixing brick木落砖
tech.fixing brick受钉块
archit.fixing brick软性砖
tech.fixing brick受钉砖
tech.fixing brick受钉砖块
tech.fixing by cross bearings方位定位
tech.fixing by distance距离定位
tech.fixing by horizontal angles水平夹角定位
tech.fixing by landmarks陆标定位
tech.fixing by nails用钉固定
tech.fixing by very high altitude sun sights太阳特大高度求船位
tech.fixing by wedges用楔固定
tech.fixing cabin固定型小室
auto.fixing clamp固定夹子
tech.fixing clearance安装净空
tech.fixing clearance安装空隙
tech.fixing clip固定夹
auto.fixing clip固定夹片线夹
tech.fixing clip固定卡
tech.fixing collar加固圈
China, lawfixing commodity price固定商品价格
tech.fixing compound镶玻璃油灰
tech.fixing concrete装修加固混凝土
tech.fixing cord固定线
fin.fixing date基准日 (决定参考利率的日子)
securit.fixing date指标利率确定基准日
tech.fixing degree固定程度
tech.fixing development定显影
dril.fixing device锁定装置
tech.fixing device紧固件
archit.fixing dimension装配规定尺寸
tech.fixing dimension固定尺寸
anim.husb.fixing end of skein留绪
avia.fixing error测定目标位置误差
avia.fixing error定位误差
econ.fixing fares and rates限定票价和运价率
tech.fixing fillet固定嵌条
tech.fixing fillet受钉嵌条
tech.fixing fillet木针
tech.fixing fillet嵌缝木条
tech.fixing flange固定翼缘
earth.sc.fixing fluid固定液
tech.fixing foot固定撑脚
tech.fixing frame固定框架
tech.fixing-hardening bath坚膜定影液
tech.fixing hole安装孔
tech.fixing hole固定孔
auto.fixing hoop固定卡箍
tech.fixing instruction安装说明
tech.fixing length固定长度
tech.fixing letter成交函
commer.fixing letter租船成交函
econ.fixing letter议定成交涵
securit.fixing letter成交书
tech.fixing level定影级别
tech.fixing level定影水平
tech.fixing lug固定耳
tech.fixing lug固定扣钉
tech.fixing material固定材料
tech.fixing means固定手段
agric.fixing method固定法{显技}
tech.fixing method固定方法
tech.fixing model scale模型比例尺确定
tech.fixing moment固定力矩
tech.fixing mortar固定砂浆
CNCfixing nut固定螺母
busin.fixing of budget预算制订
tech.fixing of budget编制预算
econ.fixing of budgets编制预算
agric.fixing of farm output quotas for each household包产到户
tech.fixing of position定船位
agric.fixing of quotas规定分配额限额
econ.fixing of quotas for allotment of exchange制定外汇供和之分配额
econ.fixing of quotas for allotment of exchange制定外汇供给的分配额
econ.fixing of quotas for allotment of exchange制订外汇供给之分配额
busin.fixing of trolley wheel滑轮固定法
econ.fixing output quotas for individual household包产到户
anim.husb.fixing output quotas for individual households包产到户
tech.fixing pad受钉嵌条
tech.fixing pad受钉压缝条
tech.fixing piece固定件
tech.fixing piece固定块
tech.fixing plate固定板
tech.fixing point定点
agric.fixing point标定点
tech.fixing point固定点
tech.fixing powder定影粉
tech.fixing powder固色粉
China, lawfixing price定价
tech.fixing price according quality按质论价
econ.fixing price according to quality按质论价
busin.fixing prices according to the quality of products按质论价
tech.fixing process定影法
tech.fixing profile固定外形
tech.fixing rail钢结构的固定用横档
econ.fixing rate成交运费率
securit.fixing repo rate回购定盘利率
agric.fixing rice heterosis固定水稻杂种优势
auto.fixing ring固定圈
shipb.fixing rope固定索
tech.fixing route bus定线公共汽车
industr.fixing salt定像剂
tech.fixing salt定影剂
ecol.fixing sand principal固沙原理
desert.fixing sanddrift固沙
auto.fixing screw固定止动螺钉
CNCfixing screw装配螺钉
dril.fixing screw固定螺栓
shipb.fixing screw定位螺丝
tech.fixing section固定断面
tech.fixing shape固定形状
shipb.fixing ship's position定船位
tech.fixing slip固定嵌条
tech.fixing slip固定嵌带
tech.fixing slip木针
agric.fixing solution固定液{显技}
dril.fixing solution定影液
tech.fixing solution固定液
tech.fixing stirrup固定箍
tech.fixing stirrup固定卡子
auto.fixing strap固定箍
auto.fixing strap固定带
tech.fixing strip钉板条
tech.fixing strip固定条带
refrig.fixing support固定支座
tech.fixing system固定系统
tech.fixing technique固定技术
agric.fixing the bed of stream固定河床
tech.fixing the tunnel alignment隧道定线
tech.fixing the tunnel levels定隧道标高
tech.fixing the tunnel levels定隧道高程
tech.fixing tray定影盘
tech.fixing trim固定镶边
tech.fixing unit固定单元
tech.fixing-up expenses出售房产前的修理费
tech.fixing wall固定墙
tech.fixing web固定腹板
tech.fixing wedge固定楔块
tech.fixing wire固定铁丝
tech.fixing work定位工作
tech.fixing work固定工作
tech.fixing work according to quotas定额包工
tech.flexible fixing弹性连接
tech.flush fixing齐平接榫
tech.flush fixing齐平接头
auto.four-point fixing四点固定连接
agric.free nitrogen fixing bacteria游离氮固定细菌
shipb.frequency fixing频率固定
CNCfront bearing fixing nail前轴承紧定钉
tech.glue fixing method黏结固结法
econ.gold fixing金市定价
fin.gold price fixing黄金定价
tech.graphic position fixing图解定位
tech.graphical position fixing图解定位
CNCguide rail fixing hole导轨固定孔
chem.hair fixing composition发型固定剂
desert.herbaceous sand-fixing plant固沙草本植物
tech.hook for pipe fixing装管用钩
commer.horizontal price fixing横向限价
econ.horizontal price fixing横向统一价格
econ.horizontal price fixing水平固定价格
busin.horizontal price fixing横向定价
tech.hyperbolic position fixing system双曲线定位系统
agric.increasing nitroge-fixing capacity增强固氮能力
auto.injection-nozzle fixing喷油嘴的固定
auto.injector fixing喷油器固定
tech.interchain fixing跨链定位
tech.interim fixing临时固定
tech.interim fixing中间固定
agric.isolated free nitrogen fixing bacteria自生游离氮固定细菌
tech.joint fixing接缝固定
tech.key fixing plate固键板
tech.load-bearing fixing承重配件
tech.load-bearing fixing支承固定件
tech.Loran fixing罗兰定位
tech.magnetic fixing die磁力固定模具
desert.manganese-fixing bacteria固锰细菌
desert.manganese-fixing organism固锰有机体
tech.masonry fixing固定铁件
tech.masonry fixing固定附件
tech.masonry fixing石工连接件
tech.masonry fixing砌体附件
shipb.maximum probability fixing method最大概率定位法
tech.metal fixing金属固定件
tech.microwave position fixing system微波定位系统
shipb.multibody position fixing多星定位
tech.nail fixing钉固定
desert.nitrogen-fixing algae固氮藻类
desert.nitrogen fixing algae固氮藻类
desert.nitrogen-fixing bacteria固氮菌
life.sc.nitrogen fixing bacteria固氮菌
agric.nitrogen fixing bacteria固氮[细]菌
desert.nitrogen fixing bacteria固氮细菌
agric.nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae固氮蓝绿藻
agric.nitrogen-fixing capacity固氮能力
agric.nitrogen-fixing capacity固氮强度
ecol.nitrogen fixing capacity固氮能力
agric.nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria固氮蓝细菌
agric.nitrogen-fixing fertilizer固氮菌肥
agric.nitrogen-fixing microorganism固氮微生物
agric.nitrogen-fixing organism固氮[微]生物
agric.nitrogen-fixing plant固氮植物
agric.nitrogen-fixing root nodule固氮根瘤
bot.nitrogen fixing species固氮树种
agric.nitrogen-fixing symbiont固氮共生生物
agric.nitrogen-fixing symbiotic bacteria固氮共生菌
agric.nitrogen-fixing tree固氮树
tech.nitrogen-fixing vegetation固氮植物
tech.non-bearing fixing非承重固定件
tech.observation tube fixing screw抽筒固定螺旋
tech.Omega fixing奥米伽定位
securit.online price-fixing网上定价
securit.open fixing开放式定盘
railw.outer fixing ring外压圈
tech.partial fixing部分嵌固
tech.partial fixing部分固定
tech.partial fixing部分嵌图
tech.partial fixing部分装配
dril.photographic fixing定影
tech.photographical fixing定影
tech.plan position fixing平面位置固定
tech.plane-table fixing平板仪定位
tech.plate for fixing work固定工件夹板
tech.polar coordinate position-fixing system极坐标定位系统
tech.pontoon fixing趸船码头固定
tech.position fixing测定位置
tech.position fixing定坐标
tech.position fixing and navigational system定位与导航系统
tech.position fixing by polar coordinate method极坐标法水深定位
tech.position fixing error位置测定误差
shipb.position line fixing method方位线定位法
shipb.position line fixing method位置线定位法
tech.pressure fixing加压定影
tech.pressure fixing压力固定
econ.price fixing定价价格垄断
econ.price fixing限价
tech.price fixing价格协商 (投标人之间的)
tech.price fixing默许订价
busin.price fixing零售价统一制定指厂商或批发商与零售商之间签订的有约束性协议,避免以低于协定价出售商品的不公平竞争,使价格维持在双方认为合理的水平上。美国称为"公平交易协定"
econ.price fixing价格规定
busin.price fixing固定价格
securit.price fixing价格限定
securit.price fixing价格制定
securit.price-fixing ability定价能力
busin.price fixing agreement限价协定
busin.price fixing agreement价格规定协议
securit.price fixing efficiency定价效率股价应按其实际价值定
econ.price-fixing session议价会议
China, lawprovide shelter from the wind and fixing sand防风固沙
CNCrack fixing hole挂架固定孔
tech.radar fixing雷达定位
tech.radar fixing accuracy雷达定位精度
auto.radio fixing无线电定位定向,测位
avia.radio fixing无线电定位〔定向,测位〕
tech.radio fixing aids无线电定位设备
tech.radio location fixing无线电定位
tech.radio position fixing无线电定位法 (method)
nautic., tech.radio position fixing无线电定位法
tech.radio position fixing instrument无线电定位仪
avia.radio position fixing method无线电定位法
tech.rail for fixing elevator buckets提升机斗的固定钢轨
tech.range difference measurement of satellite fixing卫星距离差定位
tech.rapid fixing快速装配
commer.rate fixing费率或生产率确定
tech.rate fixing规定定额
tech.reactive fixing agent反应性固色剂
tech.resilient fixing弹性连接
tech.resonator fixing clamp谐振器固定夹
tech.restraint fixing非承重固定件
tech.restraint fixing约束固定装置
tech.reverse price-fixing反向定价
archit.rigid fixing刚性固接
tech.roofing fixing accessories屋面固定附件
tech.root fixing叶片连接
desert.sand-fixing area固沙区
ecol.sand-fixing effect固沙效应
ecol.sand-fixing vegetation固沙植被
tech.satellite fixing by range difference measurement卫星测距差定位
tech.satellite fixing by range measurement卫星测距定位
tech.screw fixing螺丝固定
tech.screw for starter fixing clamp起动器固定夹螺钉
auto.seat fixing座椅安装固定
tech.second fixing抹灰以后安装的部件
tech.second fixing二次安装
tech.second fixing第二道装修
tech.secondary fixing二次安装
tech.secret fixing暗装配
tech.secret fixing隐蔽式固定
tech.secret fixing隐蔽式安装
tech.secret fixing隐蔽式装配
tech.secret fixing暗装法
mil., air.def.semiautomatic position fixing半自动定位法
tech.semi-automatic position fixing半自动定位
tech.shoran position fixing肖兰定位
agric.shore-fixing plant固岸植物
chem.silk color-fixing agent LA丝绸固色剂 LA
chem.silk colour-fixing agent LA丝绸固色剂 LA
shipb.single-body position fixing单星定位
tech.single-hose nylon fixing seat单管尼龙固定座
tech.slate fixing nail石板固定钉
agric.slope-fixing plant固坡植物
auto.snap fixing用爪固定
tech.soil fixing土壤固定
earth.sc.sound fixing and ranging声发
earth.sc.sound fixing and ranging声波〔水下〕测距定位仪
tech.sound fixing and ranging声发 (水中测声器)
tech.sound fixing and ranging声波定位与测距 (系统)
mil., air.def.sound fixing and ranging声发测音装置
earth.sc.sound fixing and ranging声波水下定位和测距
avia.sound fixing and ranging声波定位与测距
gen.sound fixing and ranging声发用声波进行水下远距离定位的海岸设备
tech.spot fixing局部固定
chem.spray fixing agent喷固定剂
tech.star fixing测星定位
tech.steel fixing accessory钢筋定位附件
tech.steel fixing device钢装配设备
tech.steel fixing means钢装配方法
tech.stone fixing石作安装
tech.stone fixing work石作安装工程
agric.strengthening nitrogen-fixing capacity增强固氮能力
agric.strengthening nitrogen-fixing capacity增强氮素固定能力
tech.sun-run-sun fixing太阳移线定位
avia.support for fixing down lead引下线固定支脚
tech.surface fixing面上置放
tech.surface fixing放置
agric.surveying land and fixing production quota查田定产
agric.symbiotic carbon- heterotrophic nitrogen-fixing organism共生碳异养固氮生物
agric.symbiotic nitrogen-fixing organism共生固氮生物
tech.talon fixing塔能固件 (一种专利的镀锌墙板紧固件)
tech.taper pin fixing锥形销钉紧固
tech.thin-bedded fixing technique薄底胶粘工艺
tech.thin-walled fixing自挤压螺旋铆件
tech.thin-walled fixing薄墙壁铆件
tech.third fixing木工最后三道整修 (房屋的)
shipb.three-body position fixing三星定位
tech.tile cement fixing method水泥固定法
tech.tile fixing砖瓦铺设
tech.tile fixing adhesive固定砖胶合剂
tech.tile fixing agent砖定型剂
tech.tile fixing medium固定砖的介质
tech.tile fixing work砖的固定工作
tech.trial steel work fixing钢梁结构试装配
anim.husb.twist fixing捻丝定形
anim.husb.twist fixing固捻
anim.husb.twist fixing定捻
shipb.two-body position fixing双星定位
auto.two-point fixing两点固定
tech.underwater position fixing水下电氧切割
busin.unilateral fixing of the terms of contract单方制定合同条款内容
econ.unilateral fixing of the terms of the contracts单方面制定合同内容
tech.water pump fixing screw水泵固定螺钉
auto.wheel fixing车轮固定紧固,安装
desert.windbreak and sand-fixing forest防风固沙林
China, lawwindbreaking and sand-fixing forest networks防风固沙林网
tech.window fixing窗户固定
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