
Terms for subject Nautical containing fish | all forms | exact matches only
carrier for fresh fish活鲜鱼运输船
colour vertical projection fish finder彩色鱼探仪
fish box鱼箱
fish carrier水产品运输船
fish catch渔获物
fish-factory ship鱼类加工船
fish factory ship鱼类加工船
fish finder鱼探仪
fish hatch cover鱼舱盖
fish hold鱼舱
fish luring light boat诱鱼灯船
fish pond拦鱼池
fish processing room鱼品加工间
fish stock鱼类种群
flooding of fish-holds鱼舱进水
fresh and live fish vessel鲜活鱼运输船
handling of fish catch渔获物处理
horizontal projection fish finder水平探鱼仪
live fish carrier活鱼运输船
refrigerated seawater fish carrier冷海水保鲜运输船
submerged fish-pump潜水鱼泵
tin fish鱼雷
vertical projection fish finder垂直探鱼仪