
Terms for subject Business containing fiscal | all forms | exact matches only
all-embracing fiscal policy总括财政政策
automatic fiscal stabilizers财政自动稳定因素
avoid fiscal税收抵负
balance at the beginning of a fiscal year财政年度年初结存
balance at the end of a fiscal year财政年度年终结存
Budget and Fiscal Officer预算与财政官
budgetary and fiscal data processing system预算财政数据处理系统
budgetary and fiscal operation预算财政业务
compensating fiscal policy补偿性财政政策
counter cyclical fiscal policy反周期财政政策
credit and fiscal measures信用财政措施
deficit fiscal policy赤字财政政策
evasion of fiscal漏税
expansionary fiscal policy扩张财政政策
expansive fiscal policy扩张性财政政策
expense belonging to the preceding fiscal year上一财政年度费用开支
fiscal account国库账
fiscal account财政账户账目
fiscal agency财务代理机构
fiscal agency agreement财务代理协定
fiscal agent财务代理商
fiscal and tax policy财政税收政策
fiscal charge财务税收
fiscal committee财务委员会
fiscal control财政控制
fiscal control财务管理
fiscal crisis财政危机表现在预算赤字巨大,国债增加等方面
fiscal deposit财务存款
fiscal deposit account财务存款账户
fiscal deposit accounts for payments of principle and fiscal trust of external bonded debts支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政存款计算书
fiscal discipline财务纪律
fiscal dividend〈美〉财政支用余额
fiscal drag财政拖曳
fiscal exemptions财政的豁免
fiscal gap财政缺口差额
fiscal incentives for exportation鼓励出口的财政措施
fiscal incentives for investment鼓励投资的财政措施
fiscal inflexibility财政不变
fiscal investment and loans财政投资公债
fiscal law财政法
fiscal-leverage measure"财务杠杆"测量法
fiscal loans and investment财政贷款投资
fiscal measure财政措施
fiscal-monetary mix财政金融政策搭配
fiscal-monetary mix财政金融综合政策
fiscal monopolies财政公卖
fiscal monopolies政府专卖
fiscal needs财政需要
fiscal outlay财政支出
fiscal period纳税期
fiscal period会计期
fiscal quarter财政季度
fiscal regulation财政法规
fiscal reports on liquidation财务清算报表
fiscal reserve财政储备金
fiscal resources财政手段
fiscal responsibility会计职责
fiscal restraint财政限制措施
fiscal revenue财政岁入
fiscal science财政学
fiscal spending财政开销
fiscal stimulation财政刺激
fiscal stimulus财政促进因素
fiscal subsidies财政补贴
fiscal trust accounts财务信托账
fiscal trust accounts for payments of principle and interest fiscal trust of external bonded debts支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政委托计算书
fiscal union财政同盟
fiscal year and fiscal period预算年度与预算期间
harmony of fiscal and monetary policies财政与金融政策协调
investigation on fiscal operation财务调查
local fiscal revenue地方财政收入
method of inspection of fiscal holdings査库方法
monetary and fiscal policy货币金融政策
neutral fiscal policy中性财政政策
non-fiscal policy非财政性政策
selective fiscal action policy选择财政政策
tax equity and fiscal responsibility act产权和财政责任课税法