
Terms for subject China containing fiscal | all forms | exact matches only
a fiscal policy财政政策
a proactive fiscal policy积极的财政政策
a prudent fiscal policy稳健的财政政策
administrative charges subject to fiscal administration纳入财政管理的行政事业性收费
fiscal appropriations财政拨款
fiscal balance收支平衡
fiscal funds财政资金
fiscal reports and statement会计报表
fiscal reserve funds财政预备费
fiscal revenues财政收入
follow a prudent fiscal policy实行稳健的财政政策
preferential fiscal and tax policies财税优惠政策
preserve the continuity of fiscal policy保持财政政策的连续性
previous fiscal year上一财政年度
steadily proceed with reform of the fiscal and tax systems稳步推进财税体制改革