
Terms for subject Environment containing fire | all forms | exact matches only
attack a fire向火灾发动进攻
auxiliary fire service辅助消防设备
bays of a fire火灾凹进的地方加拿大
bush fire矮树丛火灾
causes of fires火灾原因
Committee on Safety and Fire Protection安全防火委员会
contain a fire遏制火灾势头
control a fire控制火灾
counter fire逆火
crown fire树冠火
debris burning fire没有得到控制的残留燃烧火苗
deep-seated fire深层火情
draft fire逆火
economic fire protection theory最小成本加最低损失防火理论
economic fire protection theory经济防火理论
equipment use fire设备利用时发生的火灾
exposure fire曝热起火
fire agency火灾服务处
fire analysis火灾分析
fire and gas detection and control system火灾和天然气测控系统
fire and land management planning火灾和土地管理计划简写为FIRELAMP
fire authority火灾管理当局
fire behaviour forecast火灾习性预报
fire behaviour officer火灾习性联络官员
fire belt防火带
fire benefits防火效益
fire cause class火灾原因种类
fire cause determination火灾原因确定
fire cause determination火灾调查
fire control equipment消防设备
fire cooperator计划合作者
fire cooperator火灾辅助服务机构
fire crew消防队
fire danger火灾危险
fire danger board火灾危险牌
fire danger meter火险估测仪
fire danger rating area火灾危险分级地区
fire danger tables火险计算表
fire day防火日
fire district防火区
fire duty防火值班
fire edge火灾边缘
fire edge火缘
fire effects火灾后果
fire environment火灾环境
fire-fighting vehicle消防车
fire-flood cycle火灾-水灾周期
fire frequency火灾发生频率
fire hazardous areas火灾危险地区
fire incidence火灾发生率
fire information field investigation火灾资料现场调查
fire injury烧伤
fire insurance tree火灾保险树木
fire investigation火灾原因确定
fire investigation火灾调查
fire load火灾风险负荷
fire load index火灾负荷指数简写为FLI
fire main消防总管
fire management火灾管理
fire management area火灾管理区
fire management improvements火灾管理改进
fire management objective火灾管理目标
fire management plan火灾管理计划
fire occurrence火灾发生率
fire pack防火包装
fire precaution Measure, action or installation implemented in advance to avert the possibility of any unexpected and potentially harmful combustion of materials防火措施 (措施、行动或提前实施安装,以避免任何意外的和潜在有害的材料燃烧的可能性。)
fire problem class火灾问题分类
fire protection All necessary precautions to see that fire is not initiated, by ensuring that all necessary fire fighting apparatus is in good order and available for use if fire should break out, and by ensuring that personnel are properly trained and drilled in fighting fire消防 (使火灾不会发生的预防措施。保证所有的必要消防仪器都有序和在必要时可用,保证人员都经过良好训练,可以抗击火灾。)
fire retardant灭火剂
fire safety requirement Rules to be followed and safety systems to be adopted for preventing or fighting fire消防安全规定 (需要遵守的规则,需要采用的安全系统以预防和抵御火灾。)
fire scan空中红外探火仪
fire scan火情扫描
fire season火灾季节
fire service Technical organisation with trained personnel for dealing with fires and other incidents and for co-operating in their prevention消防队 (技术组织,有受训过的人员能处理火灾及其他突发事件,以及能预防这些事件。)
fire service防火服务
fire storm风暴性大火
fire suppression organization火灾扑灭组织
fire trace救火道
fire trap燃烧陷阱
fire triangle火灾三角
fire warden防火看守人
fire whirl燃烧旋涡
fire zone火警【防火】区
flank fire侧面燃烧火情
flanking a fire侧面火扑灭
flanking fire suppression侧面火扑灭
forest fire A conflagration in or destroying large wooded areas having a thick growth of trees and plants森林火灾 (在密集生长树木和植物的地方发生的大火。)
general fire headquarters防火总指挥部简写为GHQ
grass fire A conflagration in or destroying large areas of any vegetation in the Gramineae family as found in fields, meadows, savannas or other grasslands草地火灾 (破坏生长在原野、草地、大草原或其他牧草地等大片面积禾本科植物地区的大火。)
indirect fire suppression间接法
indirect fire suppression间接扑灭火灾
indirect fire suppression迂回攻击
Industrial Fire Safety刊名, 美国工业防火安全
least cost plus loss fire protection theory最小成本加最低损失防火理论
least cost plus loss fire protection theory经济防火理论
long-term fire danger长期火灾危险
miscellaneous fire杂火
National Board of Fire Underwriters美国全国火灾保险商委员会
National Fire Code美国全国防火规程
national fire codes火灾国家代码
National Fire Protection Association美国全国消防协会
National Fire Protection Association美国全国防火协会
national fire protection association国家火灾保护协会简写为NFPA
no-convective lift fire phase非对流栏火灾阶段
Prevention of Fire & Explosion and Emergency Response Regulations防火防爆与应急处理规定
prevention of forest fires Precautionary actions, measures or installations implemented to avert the possibility of an unexpected conflagration of any large wooded area having a thick growth of trees and plants预防森林火灾 (预防行动、措施或设施,以避免森林区发生意外火灾的可能性。)
Society of Fire Protection Engineers美国防火工程师协会