
Terms for subject Ecology containing fire | all forms | exact matches only
biological fire-protection forest belt生物防火林带
fatal forest fire重大森林火灾
fire agriculture烧荒农业
fire clay火泥
fire command center消防指挥中心
fire damp生物气
fire damp甲烷
fire damp cap焰晕
fire ecology火灾生态学
fire extinguishing apparatus灭火装置
fire-extinguishing chemical灭火剂
fire flow消防用水
fire pressure救火水压
fire-proofing reagent防火药剂
fire resistant of wood木材耐火性
fire retardancy阻燃性能
fire-retardant mechanism阻燃机制
fire unit灭火装置
forest fire behavior林火行为
forest fire danger prediction森林火险预报
forest fire forecast林火预测
forest fire integrated index森林火险综合指数
forest fire spreading林火蔓延
prediction of forest fire disaster森林火险预测
quench a fire灭火
set fire to放火
set fire to点燃