
Terms for subject International trade containing final | all forms | exact matches only
book of final entry结账记录
book of final entry终结账簿
condition final at shipment装船时的货物状态
court of final jurisdiction终审法院
final account决算账户
final account of state revenue and expenditure国家决算
final agreement最终协定
final agreement最后协议
final agreement最后协定
final approval最后核准
final articles最后条款
final average remuneration最后平均薪资报酬
final award终局仲裁裁决
final balance最后结余
final balance最后余额
final budget核定预算
final carrier最后承运人
final cash settlements最后现款偿金
final consumer price最后消费价格
final cost最后成本
final demand最终需求
final destination目的港
final destination最终目的地
final dividend最后利润
final dividend终结股利
final goods and services最终商品和劳务
final inventory期末存货
final invoice最终发票
final invoice确定发票
final judgment终局判决
final maturities最后偿还期
final maturity贷款期限
final port of destination最后目的港
final port of discharge最后卸载港
final price最后价格
final products最终产品
final protocol最后议定书
final rate最后定价
final report决算书报告
final return最后申报
final settlement of account决算
final shipping instructions最后船运通知
final statement决算表
final user最后用户
final utility最后效用
final value终价
general final accounts总决算
give a final ruling作出最后裁决
index numbers of domestic final consumption of commercial energy国内商业性能源最终消费指数
subject to our final confirmation以我方最后确认为准
taken as final and binding upon both parties对双方均有最终约束力