
Terms for subject Geology containing fault | all forms | exact matches only
abrupt fault逆断层
active fault活断层形成以后于晚近地质时期有过活动或目前正活动,或者具潜在活动性的断层
Allertal fault system阿勒特断层系
Atacama fault zone智利阿塔卡马断层带
basement fault基底断裂
borehole strata fault井中地层断层
Cape Egmont Fault Zone埃格蒙特角断层带
Causey Pike fault考塞派克断层
Cevennes fault法国塞文山脉断层
composite fault plane solutions复合断层面溶液
counter regional faults反向区域断层
Dead Sea fault死海断层
dextral fault右断层
diverging faults枝状断层
East Anatolian transform fault东阿纳托利转换断层
fault block断块
fault-bounded anticline断层边界背斜
fault-layer insularity zone断层不均匀带
fault-plane solution断层面溶液
flaw fault捩〔横推〕断层
general fault type常见断层类型
Great Glen fault格伦大断层
imbricate fault叠互式断层
keystone fault system拱楔断层系
midcontinent fault and fold zone美国中陆断层褶皱带
Nesodden fault segment尼索登断层错断部分
North Anatolia master fault北安那托利亚大断层
north bounding fault北界断层
North Pyrenees fault法国北比利牛斯断层
Northern Rocky Mountain Fault/Trench美国北落基山断层峡谷
northwest fault block西北断块
regional fault区域性断层
reverse listric fault铲状【犁式】逆断层
rotation fault旋转断层
rotational fault旋转断层
San Gabriel fault圣加夫列尔断层
simple sealing fault简单封闭断层
sole fault底部断层
sole fault基底断层
Sorong fault zone印度尼西亚索龙断层带
South Cretan fault valley system南克雷坦断裂谷系统
thrust fault冲【逆】断层
trailing fault system拖曳断层系统
triangular facets of fault断层三角面
true fault正断层
Wonji fault belt翁吉断层带
wrench fault走向断层
wrench fault扭转断层
wrench fault system扭断层系