
Terms for subject Textile industry containing fashion | all forms | exact matches only
adult fashion成人风格服饰
adult fashion成人服式
alternative fashion非主流时装
alternative fashion另类时装
antiestablishment fashion反体制服饰
antique fashion仿古款式
Apparel and Fashion Industry's Association服装工业协会
Apparel and Fashion Industry's Association服装和时装工业协会
automatic full fashion glove knitting machine全自动成型手套机
automatic glove full-fashion knitting machine自动全成形手套机
automatic glove full-fashion knitting machine自动收放针手套机
automatic glove full-fashion knitting machine全成形自动手套机
avant-garde fashion超前款式
avant-garde fashion前卫流行
avant-garde fashion先锋派款式
avant-garde fashion标新立异的款式
avant-garde fashion先锋派时装
avantgarde fashion前卫流行
basic fashion在流行中保持基本式样
basic fashion基本款式
big fashion大款式
bottom fashion以裤子为中心的款式
British Industry Fashion Fair, Birmingham英国国际时装博览会伯明翰
channel fashion无领上衣裙服式
Chinese fashion中国时装
Chinese fashion中国式
class fashion上流时装
coatless fashion不穿外衣式样
current fashion流行式样
current fashion apparel流行式样的服装
current fashion apparel流行时装
current fashion appeal流行时装
current fashion trends当前流行趋势
2D-fashion design二维服装设计系统
Da Lian International Fashion Festival大连国际服装节
3-dimensional fashion立体成形
display of fashion dress时装展示
earthy fashion乡土装
empire fashions拿破仑一世时期女服式样
epicene fashion男女通用款式
fake cheap fashion顽世装
fake fashion仿制时装
fall-winter fashion秋冬时装
fashion accessories服饰品
fashion accessories时装配饰
fashion administrator時装管理员
fashion advertising时装广告
fashion adviser时装顾问
fashion and accessories流行服饰
fashion androgyny男式女装
fashion announcement时装发布
fashion apparel流行服装
fashion appearance时装外观
fashion art流行服饰艺术
fashion artist时装艺术大师
fashion artist时装设计师
Fashion Avenue第七大街美国纽约市美国时装业中心所在地
fashion babies时装娃娃
fashion book时装书籍
fashion book流行服饰书籍
fashion boots新款式靴子总称
fashion boots时装靴
fashion boots时款靴
fashion bulletin时装公报
fashion business时装业
fashion business服饰业
fashion business流行服饰行业
fashion business开创流行品的事业
fashion button时款纽扣
fashion button时装扣
fashion button时尚扣
fashion button时尚纽扣
fashion buyer时装采购人员
fashion buyer流行服饰采购员
fashion calendar时装发布日程表
fashion cap时款帽
fashion cap时尚帽
fashion catalogue时装目录册
fashion centre时装中心
fashion chain store时装连锁店
fashion chineseknot时尚扣
fashion chineseknot时装扣
fashion circle时装界
fashion climate流行服饰气候
fashion clinic流行服饰诊所
fashion clinic流行会诊
fashion clinic时装讨论会
fashion clothes时髦衣服
fashion clothing时装
fashion coat时尚外套
fashion cognoscente时装鉴赏家
fashion collection时装总汇
Fashion Collection时装发布会
fashion collection时装博览会
fashion color流行色
fashion color area流行色范围
fashion color cycle流行色周期
fashion color dissemination流行色传播
fashion color forecast流行色预测
fashion color research organization流行色研究机构
fashion column时装专栏
fashion consultant流行服饰咨询机构
fashion consultant时装顾问
fashion consultant服饰顾问
fashion consultant流行服饰顾问
fashion contemporarist流行款式引导人
fashion contemporarist服饰上有时代感的人
fashion contemporarist流行款式倡导人
fashion coordinator时装调度员
fashion coordinator时装流行导向人员
fashion coordinator流行款式协调者
fashion coordinator款式协调人
fashion copywriter流行服饰撰稿员
Fashion Coterie纽药小集团時装节美国
fashion creator时装设计师
fashion creator创造时尚者
fashion culmination时装全盛期
fashion culture服装文化
fashion currency时装流行
fashion cycle时髦周期
fashion cycle时装流行周期
fashion cycle流行周期
fashion design时装设计
fashion design master时装设计大师
fashion designer时尚服饰设计师
fashion designer服饰设计师
fashion designer时装设计师
fashion designer stylist新款式设计师
fashion director流行服饰指导员
fashion director流行总监
fashion director时装引导员
fashion director时装调度员
fashion director时装导向者
fashion director时装指导员
fashion doll时装女郎
fashion dolls时装娃娃
fashion drawer时装绘图师
fashion drawing服装效果图
fashion drawing时装款式图
fashion drawing效果图
fashion drawing时装画
fashion dress时装
fashion dynamics时装动态
fashion editor时装编辑
fashion editor时装杂志编辑
fashion editor流行服饰编辑
Fashion Editors Club流行服饰编辑俱乐部 (FEC)
fashion element流行因素
fashion element流行要素
fashion fabric时髦面料
fashion fabric时装面料
fashion fabric流行面料
fashion factory时装厂
fashion festival时装节
fashion flash流行快讯
fashion follower时装追随者
fashion follower流行追随者
fashion forecast流行预测
fashion forum时装讨论会
fashion garment时装
fashion glasses装饰眼镜
fashion goods时尚产品
fashion goods流行服饰品
fashion goods流行货
Fashion Group时装集团1931年创立于纽约
Fashion Group International Inc国际时装集团公司
fashion handbag时款手袋
fashion handbag时尚手袋
fashion helmet新款式的头盔
fashion history服装史
fashion history服饰史
fashion house女装店
fashion house女服店
fashion house时装公司
fashion house时装商店
fashion idea时装概念
fashion idea流行意识
fashion idea流行观念
fashion idea时装意识
fashion ideal流行观念
fashion illustration服饰图
fashion illustration时装画技法
fashion illustration流行服饰画
fashion illustration时装画
fashion illustrator时装画画家
fashion illustrator时装图样师
fashion illustrator流行服饰画家
fashion image流行印象
fashion image时装形象
fashion image流行概念
fashion individualization时装个性化
fashion industry时装工业
fashion industry流行服饰产业
fashion innovator流行开创者
Fashion Institute of Technology时装工艺学院纽约时装学院
Fashion Institute of Technology纽约时装工艺学院
Fashion Institute of Technology F.LT.纽约时装学院
fashion items流行服饰品
fashion jacquard sand crepe时新绸
fashion jeans流行牛仔裤
fashion jeans时款牛仔裤
fashion jeans时髦牛仔裤
fashion jewelry时装饰品
fashion jewelry流行首饰
fashion journal时装杂志
fashion journalist时装记者
fashion knit针织领带绸
fashion knit针织领带织物
fashion leader流行款式导向者
fashion leader时装领袖
fashion leader流行带头人
fashion life流行周期
fashion life流行寿命
fashion life cycle时装流行周期
fashion line流行式
fashion line收放针线迹
fashion line成形线
fashion made in refuse再利用服装
fashion made of bamboo竹制时装
fashion made of refuse利用废料制的垃圾时装
fashion made of refuse[利用废料制的]垃圾时装
fashion magazine流行服饰杂志
fashion magazine时装杂志
fashion map时装图表
fashion mark成形星
fashion mark成形线迹
fashion marketing时装销售
fashion marks成形记号
fashion mart時装市场
fashion merchandise director时装流行总监
fashion merchandise director流行总监
fashion merchandiser时装买手
fashion merchandising时装销售
fashion merchant时装经营者
fashion message时装信息
fashion-minded children时尚感儿童
fashion mode流行
fashion mode时新式样
fashion mode流行模式
fashion model时装模特儿
fashion model时装模特
fashion monger买卖时髦商品的商人
fashion monger赶时髦的人
fashion monger买卖时尚商品的商人
fashion monger时装商
fashion newness时装时新感
fashion news时装快讯
fashion news流行信息
fashion news时装流行趋势
fashion news时装流行信息
fashion obsolescence时装逐渐过时阶段
fashion obsolescence时装衰退
fashion oriented clothing时装
fashion oriented clothing东方流行的时装
fashion oriented clothing manufacturer时装制造者
fashion oriented clothing manufacturer时装裁缝
fashion paper时装样本
fashion parade时装展览
fashion parade时装表演
fashion pattern book流行服饰图刊
fashion pattern book服饰图形
fashion performance时装表演
fashion period流行周期
fashion photograph时装照
fashion photographer流行服饰摄影师
fashion photographer时装摄影师
fashion photography时装摄影
fashion picture时装画
fashion plate前卫流行者
fashion plate穿着时髦者
fashion plate流行服装图
fashion plate时装样片
fashion plate流行服饰画
fashion plate服装穿着极时髦的人
fashion plate时装图片
fashion presentation时装表演
fashion presentation新装发布会
fashion presentation计划说明
fashion press流行媒体
fashion press时装媒体
fashion press流行款式报道
fashion press流行服饰新闻报道
fashion principle流行原则
fashion product时尚产品
fashion promotion流行服装促销
fashion promotion服饰推广
fashion promotion服饰推销
fashion report流行报道
fashion reporter时装记者
fashion reporter流行服饰记者
fashion research流行研究
fashion research流行服饰研究
fashion retailer时装零售商
fashion retailing流行服饰零售业
fashion retailing服饰零售业
fashion rise时装上升阶段
fashion rule流行规律
fashion sameness时装单调性
fashion seam长筒袜假缝
fashion seam面缝
fashion seam成形缝
fashion season时装季节
fashion sense流行敏感度
fashion sense流行感
fashion shade流行色
fashion sheet流行服饰目录单
fashion sheet目录单
fashion shoes时款鞋
fashion shoes时装鞋
fashion shoes时尚鞋
fashion shop时装店
fashion show时装展览
fashion show时览
fashion show时装展示
fashion show时装展示会
fashion show时装表演
fashion showing新装发表会
fashion showing服饰展示
fashion silhouette时装轮廓线条
fashion silhouette时装轮廓
fashion sketch时装效果图
fashion sketch效果图
fashion sketch时装画
fashion sketching时装画
fashion socks时装短袜
fashion sophistication流行服饰精品
fashion stitch pattern花式线迹花样
fashion story时装故事
fashion story时装报道
fashion style流行风格
fashion style流行款式
fashion stylist时装设计师
fashion tape装饰带
fashion technology时装工艺
fashion technology时装工艺学
fashion technology服装技术
fashion technology clinic时装工艺培训班
fashion theme款式动向
fashion theme流行主题
fashion theme时装趋势
fashion theme流行趋势
fashion theme流行倾向
fashion timetable时装供销时间表
fashion trade fair时装展销
fashion trend时装潮流
fashion trend流行趋势
fashion trend时装趋势
fashion trend时装流行趋势
fashion trends流行潮流
fashion trends时装讯息
fashion trends流行趋势
fashion versatility时装多面性
fashion watch时装表
fashion watch流行手表
fashion week时装节
fashion week时装周
fashion world时装界
fashion writer流行服饰作家
fashion writer流行服饰评论家
fashion yarn花式线
fashion yarn花式毛线
fashion yarn流行毛线
fashion yarn花式纱
fashion yarn花色纱
following of the fashion赶时髦
forklore fashion民俗服装款式
forward fashion超前流行
forward fashion超前流行款式
forward fashion超前[流行]款式
fully fashion全成型
fully fashion收放针
fully-fashion tricot machine全成形经编机
functional fashion功能时装
gentle fashion优雅式样
gentle fashion文雅式样
gentle fashion文雅款式
glam fashion富有魅力的时装
high fashion最新流行款式
high fashion高档时装
high fashion时髦款式
high fashion高级时装
high fashion高档服饰品
high fashion高级女装
high fashion color最新流行色
high fashion designer高级时装设计师
high fashion fabric流行织物
high-fashion fabric流行织物
high fashion garment高级时尚服装
high fashion garment高级流行服装
high fashion house高级时装店
High School of Fashion Industries时装工业高等学校
Hollywood fashion花哨时装
imitation fashion mark仿收放针花
imitation fashion marks仿点状纹
individual fashion个人化服饰
International Commission for colour in Fashion and Textile国际时装纺织品流行色委员会
International Commission for Colour in Fashion and Textiles国际时装纺织品流行色委员会 (INTERCOLOUR)
international China fashion国际中国时装
international fashion国际化时装
international fashion国际时装
International Fashion Council国际流行服装评议委员会 (IFC)
International Fashion Fabrics Exhibition国际时装织物展览会
International Fashion Fair国际时装博览会
International Wool Secretariat Fashion Studio国际羊毛局服装款式创作室 (IWSFS)
Jack & Betty fashion杰克与贝蒂服饰
Japan Fashion Colour Association日本流行色协会 (JAFCA)
Japan men's Fashion Unity日本男装协会
jungle fashion森林探险家款式
Junior Fashion Fair, London少年时装博览会伦敦
kinetic fashion运动感的流行款式用荧光涂料、金属等躬引起光线效果
kinetic fashion运动感的流行服装款式
kinetic fashion活动服饰
kinetic fashion动感流行款式
kinetic fashion运动感的流行款式
kitsch fashion庸俗服饰
knitted fashion针织时装
London Fashion Exhibition伦敦时装展览会
London Fashion Fair伦敦时装博览会
London Fashion week伦敦时装周英国
London International Youth Fashion Fair伦敦国际青少年时装博览会
lycra fashion莱卡时装
lycra-based fashion莱卡时装
major fashion多数派时装
major fashion大众化时装
mark fashion运动衣符号款式
mellow fashion成熟时装
millennium fashion and accessories千禧年服饰
mock fashion充收放针
mock fashion肩部缀袖开口
mock fashion仿收放针
mode fashion时髦式样
modem fashion时下流行
modem fashion摩登式样
modern fashion时下流行
modern fashion摩登式样
mosaic fashion镶嵌流行式
National Association of Fashion and Accessory Designers全国服装服饰设计师协会
National Association of Fashion and Accessory Designers全国服装服饰设计师协会
National Institute of Fashion Technology国家时装工艺学院
native products fashion show国货时装表演
new life fashion新生活服饰
New York Fashion Designers纽约时装设计师协会
nomad fashion游牧民族款式
offbeat fashion不落俗套的款式
oldie's fashion怀旧式时装
oriental fashion东方流行服饰
peek a boo fashion半透明装
peek-a-boo fashion半透明装
plus one fashion增加一件的款式在已流行的款式上增加一件
plus one fashion加一时装在原款式上加一牛服装,变换效果
plus one fashion加一时装
plus one fashion增加一件的款式
popular fashion流行时装
popular fashion普通流行时装
popular fashion大众时装
povertism fashion贫困主义服式
povertism fashion乞丐式时装
progressive fashion进步流行
progressive fashion超前流行款式
ready-made high fashion女装高级成衣
recruit fashion应聘装
restalgic fashion怀旧时装
restalgic fashion复古款式
restalgic fashion怀旧款式
savage fashion粗犷款式
seasonless fashion无季节时装
see-through fashion透明款式
see-through fashion透视装式样
see-through fashion透视装款式
socioeconomics of fashion服饰社会经济学
sports fashion运动服装
sure fashion万全时装
the latest fashion时装
the latest fashion服装的最新式样
the latest fashion服装的最新款式
theater of fashion时装舞台
transnational fashion超越民族流行款式
transnational fashion超民族款式
transnational fashion style超民族款式
trans-season fashion超越季节性服装款式
trans-season fashion超季节款式
trans-sexual fashion男女通用款式
trans-sexual fashion超越性别款式
trans-sexual fashion男女皆宜的服装
trans-times fashion超越时间的款式
two-way fashion两用服装
unisex fashion中性服装
unisex fashion男女通用服装
unisex fashion无性别流行服饰
unisex fashions中性服装
up-scale fashion area高档时尚区
Victorian fashion1837 〜1901维多利亚风格
vintage fashion古典服装
vintage fashion复古时尚
volume fashions大众化流行款式
Women's Fashion Fabric Association女式时装织物协会
young fashion青年流行装
young fashion青年款式
Showing first 500 phrases