
Terms for subject Economy containing false | all forms | exact matches only
a false account假账
a false verdict错误的判断
a false witness假见证
abnormal false test异常假测试
anti-false system防伪系统
fabrication of false evidence制造伪证
false advertising广告宣传弄虚作假
false billing开假账单
false billing虚假填报
false claim谎报
false colours假的船籍国旗
false correlation假相关
false declaration谎报
false entry记假账
false invoice假发票
false money伪造的货币
false paper假证件
false papers假文件
false personation假冒姓名罪
false representation谎报
false representation虚报
false social value theory虚假社会价值理论
false tax瞒税
false verdict错误的判断
false weights不准的砥码
false weights不准的砝码
He has made some false statements in his application, which is unfavourable to him他在申请书中作了些虚假陈述,这对他不利
If we find out any false statements in your report of business, we will stop providing loans如果发现你方在业务报告中弄虚作假,我们将立即停止贷款
She was sent to prison for obtaining money by false pretences她因诈骗钱财而入狱
the false itemization of accounts账目不实
the false prosperity虚假繁荣