
Terms for subject Sports containing false | all forms | exact matches only
a false start起跑犯规
A runner who fails to comply promptly with the starter's commands may also be charged with a false start任何一名赛跑运动员不立刻遵守发令员的口令也可判为起跑犯规
Any competitor making a false start must be warned.任何运动员起跑犯规必须受到警告
false play假球
false play on purpose放水
file a false affidavit伪造运动员保证书
If a competitor after the command On your marks "disturbs other competitors in the race through sound or otherwise,it may be considered a false start"在"各就位" 口令下达后、如果一名运动员通过声音或其他方式干扰参加这次比赛的其他运动员、这一行动应视为起跑犯规
make a false start起跑犯规
No. 3 committed a second false start3 号第二次起跑犯规
provide false information提供虚假信息
The competitor has made a false start这位运动员起跑犯规
The Starter should warn only such competitor or competitors who, in his opinion, were responsible for the false start发令员认为一名或几名运动员对起跑犯规负责时、他应只给这名或这几名运动员警告
true-false method正误法
true-false method是非法
When a runner in his heat committed a false start, Liu Xiang limped out of the starting block同组中一名运动员抢跑了,随后刘翔一瘸一拐地离开了起跑器