
Terms for subject China containing false | all forms | exact matches only
bear false witness作伪证
buy credit cards obtained by using false identity certification购买骗领的信用卡
clear somebody of a false charge雪冤
convey a false military order假传军令
crack down on the production and sale of counterfeit goods, false advertising, commercial fraud, pyramid schemes, including pyramid schemes in disguised forms, tax evasion, tax fraud, smuggling and sale of smuggled goods打击制假售假、虚假广告、商业欺诈、传销和变相传销、偷逃骗税、走私贩私等违法活动
deliberately provide false testifying paper故意提供虚假证明文件
discern the false from the genuine辨别真伪
disseminate false information传播虚假信息
distinguish the true from the false辨别真伪
fabricate and disseminate false information编造并传播虚假信息
fabrication or distortion of facts for purposes of libel or false incrimination捏造或者歪曲事实进行诬告陷害
false accusation or false incrimination诬告陷害
false advertisement虚假广告
false and inferior seeds假劣种子
false appraisal虚假鉴定
false certificate虚假证明文件
false confession虚伪供述
false confession intentionally故意作虚伪供述
false documents of certification虚假证明材料
false employment information虚假就业信息
false identity虚假身份
false identity certification虚假的身份证明
false incrimination陷害
false information虚假情报
false inspection results虚假检验结果
false materials虚假材料
false plea伪辩
false reasons虚假理由
false records虚假记载
false representation虚假表示
false seeds假种子
false settlement虚假理赔
false testimony伪供
file false export declaration假报出口
force others to bear false witness胁迫他人作伪证
give false information about a case谎报案情
give false testimony作伪证
give false testimony to protect the criminal作假证明包庇
instigating, bribing or forcing another person to bear false witness指使、贿买、胁迫他人作伪证
invent false reason编造虚假理由
issue a false certificate错误出证
legal responsibility that shall be incurred for making a false accusation诬告应负的法律责任
make a false reports谎报
present false evidence出具伪证
provide false energy statistical data编造虚假能源统计数据
record false information虚伪记载
release false information公布虚假信息
report a false fire alarm谎报火警
take advantage of advertisement to make false publicity of commodities or services利用广告作虚假宣传