
Terms for subject Finances containing fair | all forms | exact matches only
create a fair and transparent market environment营造公平透明的市场环境
create fairer and more legitimate global governance创造更加公平合理的全球治理环境
ensure fair prices for consumers为消费者保障物价的公道
fair and open investment environments公平、开放的投资环境
fair and reasonable direction公正合理的方向
fair, just and effective international financial system公平、公正、有效的国际金融体系
fair market price公允市价
fair market value公允市值
fair, stable and transparent investment environment公平、稳定、透明的投资环境
fair trade公允交易
fair treatment公平对待
fair value公平价格
fair value accounting公允价值会计
fair value accounting公平价值会计
fair value hedging公允价值套期
fair value measurements公允价值计量
fair value of the assets资产公允价值
fair value of the equity instruments权益工具公允价值
fair value pattern公允价值模式
foster open, fair, and transparent investment environments培育开放、公平和透明的投资环境
gain on the changes in the fair value公允价值变动收益
measurement at the fair value公允价值计量
methods for confirmation of fair value公允价值确定方法
new international financial order that is fair, equitable, inclusive and well-managed公平、公正、包容、有序的国际金融新秩序
profit and loss on changes in fair value公允价值变动损益
promote fair competition促进公平竞争
promote the establishment of fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory international trading system推动建立公平、合理、非歧视的国际贸易体系
provide a fair and even more transparent environment for foreign investors为各国投资者提供更加公平透明的创业环境
S & P fair value ranking标普公允价值排名
true and fair准确性和合理性