
Terms containing fair | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a fair shake公平交易〔处置〕
gen.$208 a night? Thats a fair price208 美元一晚?这价格很公道
gen.a veneer of fair-mindedness貌似公正
tech.affirmative fair housing marketing公平住房销售计划
agric.agricultural fair农业展览会
agric.agricultural fair农业集市
tech.Asia-Pacific International Trade Fair亚太地区国际贸易博览会
securit.at fair price公正定价
commer.attend the fair出席交易会
commer.attract customers to the fair把客户吸引到交易会上来
gen.Bai's Fair in March白族三月街3 月 10一21
busin.be fair in buying and selling买卖公平
China, lawbe fair in handling matters办事公道
gen.be in a fair way to很可能
gen.be in a fair way to有…的希望
gen.bid fair to很有…的希望 (+ inf.)
gen.bid fair to有…希望〔可能〕
securit.boost the timely, fair, truthful, accurate, complete, transparent and effective information disclosure促使及时、公平、真实、准确、完整、透明和有效地进行信息披露
gen.British Industries Fair英国工业博览会
gen.British Instrument Industries Fair英国仪表工业博览会
China, polit.build a fair and rational new international political and economic order建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序
tech.by fair means foul不择手段
sport.by fair means or foul不择手段地
sport.by fair means or foul用正当或不正当的手段
gen.by fair means or foul用任何方法
gen.by fair means or foul不择手段
gen.by fair means or foul无论用什么办法
gen.by reason of the fair eyes of sb.为了某人的缘故
commer.Canadian International Trade Fair加拿大国际贸易博览会
securit.carries out firm and fair enforcement坚定公允执法
tech.cast reinforced fair-faced manufacturing yard钢筋混凝土磨光盖面生产场地
tech.cast reinforced fair-faced panel钢筋混凝土磨光盖面板
tech.cast reinforced fair-faced pile钢筋混凝土磨光盖面桩
busin.certificate of fair交易单据
busin.certificate of fair完好合格证
commer.China Export Commodities Fair中国岀口商品交易会
ecol.China Export Commodities Fair广交会
shipb.China's Autumn Export Commodities Fair中国秋季出口商品交易会
commer.China's Spring Export Commodities Fair中国春季岀口商品交易会
commer.Chinese Export Commodities Fair中国岀口商品交易会
shipb.closed fair leader闭式导缆器
tech.closed fair-leader导缆环
tech.closed fair-leader甲板导缆孔
shipb.closed fair-leader闭式导缆器
China, lawcollect fees from people who attend job fair向应聘者收取费用
tech.commodities for fair商品展销会
China, lawcompensate in a fair manner公平补偿
gen.copy fair抄写清楚
busin.country fair集市贸易
busin.country fair tax集市交易税
busin.country fair trade集市贸易
busin.country fair transaction集市交易
busin.county fair农产品展销会
China, lawcreate an environment for fair employment创造公平就业的环境
tech.crop fair and refit部分取下修复后再装上
gen.day after the fair失去时机
gen.day after the fair太迟
shipb.deck machinery, warping and lead-fair appliances甲板机械、带缆和导缆装置
securit.determining fair price判断公允价格
busin.domestic fair market value国内公平市价
tech.dressed fair face天然石装修
tech.dressed fair face光洁的石面
tech.dressed fair face加工过的平整面
securit.equal or fair treatment平等和公平待遇
China, polit.establish a systematic, scientific, fair and efficient system of policies建立起系统、科学、公平、有效的政策体系 (to)
busin.ex fair市场交货价
China, lawfair administration of justice司法公正
busin.fair and equitable公平合理
anim.husb.fair and equitable sharing of the benefits利润公平公正分享
securit.fair and equitable test公正与平等的查验
China, lawfair and just公平正义
busin.fair and marketable quality尚好的适销品质
busin.fair and marketable quality适销对路的质量
securit.fair and reasonable transaction prices公平合理的交易价格
gen.fair and softly稳重些
gen.fair and softly别急
gen.fair and softly慢点
gen.fair and softly态度好些
gen.fair and square光明正大的
tech.fair and square公平合理
gen.fair and square公平的
agric.fair and traditional practices商业惯例
securit.fair and transparent securities market公平及透明证券市场
busin.fair average中等品
busin.fair average中等货
tech.fair average适当平均数
tech.fair average quality良好平均质量
tech.fair average quality良好中等质量
tech.fair average quality质量般良好
busin.fair average quality平均良好品质
busin.fair average quality平均质量
avia.fair average quality良好平均品质
tech.fair average quality中等品 (质)
gen.fair average quality平均中等质量
busin.fair average sample中等品质样品
bowl.fair ball合法投球
bowl.fair ball合法投球
tech.fair batten顺光线木条
securit.fair bets in money management期望值为零的资金管理
shipb.fair-body draft理论吃水
busin.fair boy商业宠儿
tech.fair building展览厅
tech.fair buoy航道口浮标
tech.fair buoy进口浮标
China, lawfair centralized trading公平的集中交易
tech.fair chart印刷图
securit.fair comment公正评论
busin.fair competition rules公平竞争规则
busin.fair competitive bidding公平竞标
agric.fair condition情况良好
China, lawfair conditions for employment公平的就业条件
sport.fair conduct光明正大的行为
sport.fair conduct公正行为
busin.fair consideration合理对价
gen.fair copy清样〔稿〕
gen.fair copy誉写稿
adv.fair copy修订本
adv.fair copy校正本
busin.fair copy誊清本
busin.fair copy誉清本
gen.fair copy好本印刷好的成品
busin.fair copy of a document公文誉清
chem.Fair correlation of flooding弗阿的液泛关联法板式塔
busin.fair cost system合理成本制
busin.fair cost system合理费用制度
securit.Fair Credit Billing Act公平信用结账法
securit.fair credit reporting公正信用报告
securit.Fair Credit Reporting Act公平信贷付款法
tech.fair curve平顺曲线
construct.fair curve整形〔修正,展平〕曲线
tech.fair curve光顺曲线
tech.fair cutting细砍砖
construct.fair cutting修砍砖的
tech.fair cutting修整切削
busin.fair day's work日合理工作量
tech.fair deal公平交易
China, polit.fair deeds公道事
tech.fair draft清绘
tech.fair draught清绘
tech.fair drawing地图清绘
earth.sc.fair drawing清绘
tech.fair drawing清绘 (原图)
busin.fair employment公平就业
tech.fair ends琢石露头
tech.fair face从驾驶员位置上观察的路面可见部分
tech.fair face外露面
tech.fair face of concrete混凝土清水面
tech.fair-faced aggregate饰面混凝土集料
tech.fair-faced block饰面砌块
tech.fair-faced brickwork平滑面砌砖工程
tech.fair-faced brickwork清水勾缝砖砌体
tech.fair-faced brickwork清水砖砌体
tech.fair-faced cast compound unit饰面用的混凝土组合件
tech.fair-faced cast-concrete component饰面用的混预制凝土构件
tech.fair-faced cast-concrete compound unit饰面用的预制混凝土组合件
tech.fair-faced cast-in-place concrete现浇饰面混凝土
tech.fair-faced cast-in-situ concrete现浇饰面混凝土
tech.fair-faced clay brickwork饰面黏土砖砌体
tech.fair-faced concrete原浆面混凝土
tech.fair-faced concrete一次抹面的混凝土
tech.fair-faced concrete不另作饰面的混凝土
tech.fair-faced concrete清水混凝土
tech.fair-faced concrete光面混凝土
tech.fair-faced concrete装饰混凝土
tech.fair-faced concrete饰面混凝土
tech.fair-faced concrete aggregate饰面混凝土骨料
tech.fair-faced concrete aggregate饰面混凝土集料
tech.fair-faced concrete beam饰面混凝土梁
tech.fair-faced concrete cast饰面混凝土浇注
tech.fair-faced concrete casting饰面混凝土浇注
tech.fair-faced concrete column饰面混凝土柱
tech.fair-faced concrete facade building unit饰面混凝土房屋正面部件
tech.fair-faced concrete finish混凝土饰面
tech.fair-faced concrete forms饰面混凝土模板
tech.fair-faced concrete panel饰面混凝土板
tech.fair-faced concrete shuttering饰面混凝土模板
tech.fair-faced concrete slab饰面混凝土板
tech.fair-faced concrete stair饰面混凝土楼梯
tech.fair-faced concrete staircase饰面混凝土楼梯
tech.fair-faced concrete texture饰面混凝土结构
tech.fair-faced concrete wall饰面混凝土墙
tech.fair-faced field concrete现浇饰面混凝土
tech.fair-faced finish饰面
tech.fair-faced granite aggregate finish水刷石饰面
tech.fair-faced lightweight concrete饰面轻质混凝土
tech.fair-faced lightweight concrete block饰面轻质混凝土砌块
tech.fair-faced lightweight concrete tile饰面轻质混凝土砖
tech.fair-faced masonry饰面砖石砌筑
tech.fair-faced masonry work饰面砖石砌筑
tech.fair-faced poured in-place concrete就地浇注饰面混凝土
tech.fair-faced precast compound unit预制饰面混凝土组合件
tech.fair-faced precast concrete component预制混凝土饰面构件
tech.fair-faced precast concrete member预制混凝土饰面构件
tech.fair-faced precast concrete unit预制混凝土饰面件
tech.fair-faced reinforced concrete饰面的钢筋混凝土
tech.fair-faced site-placed concrete现浇饰面混凝土
tech.fair-faced wall清水墙
busin.fair game公平对策
math.fair game公平博奕对策
math.fair game公平的博奕对策
tech.fair game公平博弈
tech.fair ground博览会场
busin.fair ground露天市场
busin.fair ground露天集市场所
tech.fair ground露天交易会场
tech.fair ground集市场所
busin.fair grounds交易会会址
tech.fair housing公平住房政策
tech.fair housing program公平住房计划
tech.fair housing programme公平住房计划
tech.fair in place状况良好
gen.fair fit in place现场安装
gen.fair M into使M 和N组合成流线型 (N)
gen.fair M into使M平滑地〔呈流线型地〕连接到N上 (N)
China, lawfair justice公平正义
busin.Fair Labor Standards Act合理劳工标准法
busin.Fair Labour Standard Act<美〉公正劳动标准法规定最低工资、最长工时
wushu.fair lady works at the shuttle玉女穿梭
tech.fair line光顺线
tech.Fair-Mannington type elevator带自动挡销的筒状铰链式提引器
tech.fair market公平市价
China, lawfair market competition市场公平竞争
earth.sc.fair market rent公平市值〔价〕租金
earth.sc.fair market value市场合理价
tech.fair market value
gen.fair market value市〔集〕价〔值〕
busin.fair means正当手段
busin.fair merchantable质优的
China, lawfair-minded and upright公道正派
busin.fair of means of production生产资料市场
busin.fair offer合理报价
busin.fair offer公平报价
avia.fair over加整流罩 (套)
busin.fair persuasion说服教育
busin.fair persuasion以理服人
tech.fair-plastic clay soil中塑性黏质土
tech.fair-plastic silt中塑性粉土
sport.fair play公平竞争
sport.fair play公平比赛
sport.fair play合法比赛
sport.fair play公平游戏
sport.fair play公平合理的处理
sport.fair play公正的比赛
busin.fair play条件均等
busin.fair play公平对待
sport.fair play正当打法
sport.fair play按规则比赛
sport.fair play trophy公平竞争奖
sport.fair play trophy风格奖
geol.fair porosity良好的孔隙性
securit.fair presentation公平表述
busin.fair presentation公允表达
securit.fair presentation公正陈述
China, lawfair price价格合理
shipb.fair price公道的价格
securit.Fair Price Amendments公平价格修正案收购中,若被收购股份价格公平,绝大多数股东便可放弃改变控制权的反接管修正案
securit.fair price provisions公平价格条款
busin.fair price reference reaction合理价格参照反应
tech.fair-price shop平价商店
busin.fair profit合理利润
busin.fair quality中等品质
agric.fair quality平均质量
tech.fair raking cutting修整切削
busin.fair rate合理费率
busin.fair rate of profit合理利润率
tech.fair rate of return公允收益率
busin.fair rate of return公平收益率即公用事业公司利润率
securit.fair rate of return合理报酬率
busin.fair rental公允租金
tech.fair rental公平租价
busin.fair return合理报酬
busin.fair return on fair value公平价值的公平报酬
tech.fair returns合理报酬
tech.Fair's graticules费尔分度镜
securit.fair salable value test公正销售价值的检测
gen.one's fair share某人应得应负担的一份
tech.fair sheet测深报告表
busin.fair size order适量订货
busin.fair-sounding promise动听的承诺
tech.fair source rock较好烃源岩
tech.fair stand博览会的陈列柜
agric.fair straw strength茎秆坚强
busin.fair subdivision of payoff公平支付再分配
agric., busin.fair subdivision of payoff支付的公平分配
sport.fair territory界内场地
securit.fair test公平测试
securit.fair test公平验证
tech.fair tide顺潮
tech.fair tide顺航潮流
tech.fair tide riding乘潮航行
busin.fair trade agreement厂商与代理商约定公平交易协定即不擅减零售价出售商品的协定
tech.fair-trade agreement不擅自降低零售价格的协定
busin.Fair Trade Commission日本〉公平贸易委员会
busin.fair trade law〈美〉公平贸易法
busin.fair-trade practices公平贸易惯例
busin.fair trade price公平交易价格即由厂商为其标牌商品所定统一零售价
busin.fair trade tax集市交易税
securit.fair treatment of shareholders股东的公平待遇
China, lawfair trial公正审判
busin.fair trial公平审理
multimed.fair use合法使用
tech.fair valuation合理估价
tech.fair valuation合理的估价
securit.fair valuation合理估值
anim.husb.fair value公平合理价值
tech.fair value合理价格
busin.fair value公平价格市场正常价格
securit.fair value合理价值
busin.fair value of leased property租赁财产的公允市价
securit.fair value of liabilities债务的公平价格
sport.fair view清楚的视野
tech.fair visibility中上能见度
tech.fair wage合理工资
busin.fair wages合理工资
tech.fair water指挥台围壳
tech.fair water导流
tech.fair water cap导流帽
tech.fair water cone水锥 (流向指示器)
tech.fair water cone流向袋
tech.fair water cone导流帽
tech.fair water fin导流鳍
tech.fair water piece导流板
tech.fair water sleeves导流套筒
busin.fair way通道
busin.fair wear and tear正常磨损指租船合同中的正常损坏及磨损免责条款
tech.fair wear and tear正常磨耗
desert.fair weather晴天
tech.fair weather好天气
tech.fair weather晴天 (积云)
agric.fair-weather cirrus晴天卷云
tech.fair weather cirrus晴天卷云
agric.fair-weather cumulus晴天积云
tech.fair weather cumulus淡积云
tech.fair weather landing strip好天气着陆地带 (机场)
tech.fair weather road晴天通车道路
tech.fair weather runoff晴天径流
tech.fair weather sailor无航海经验的水手
tech.fair weather ship经受不住大风浪的船
desert.fair wind惠风
gen.fair wind顺 〔微〕风
shipb.Fair Wind Shipping Company Limited, Hongkong香港浩达船务有限公司集装箱
China, polit.fair words公道话
agric.fair yield好收成
agric.fair yield产量好
commer.fancy fair杂货市场
tech.fancy fair杂货市集
brit., busin.fancy fair小商品市场
tech.Federal Fair Housing Law联邦平等居住法 (美国)
tech.flea fair跳蚤市场
amer.for fair肯定地
amer.for fair完全地
gen.for the fair eyes of sb.为了某人的缘故
China, polit.foster a legal taxation environment for fair competition仓造公平竞争的税收法制环境
gen.from fair to midding中等
gen.from fair to midding过得去
gen.from fair to midding尚可
busin.fully good fair全部为上等品
busin.fully good fair最优等
tech.fun fair娱乐场
commer.general fair综合性博览会
busin.genuine goods at a fair price货真价实
earth.sc.good fair很清楚的
commer.good fair优等的
busin.good fair优等
busin.good fair上等
multimed.google science fair谷歌科学博览会
gen.have a fair chance of success成功的可能性还比较大
China, lawhave the right to fair dealing享有公平交易的权利
commer.horizontal fair水平博览会
commer.horizontal fair综合博览会
gen.in fair condition情况还可以
busin.industrial fair工业品交易会
tech.industrial fair工业展览
busin.industrial fair building ground工业展览会会址
tech.industries fair工业展销会
busin.international fair国际交易会
tech.international fair博览会
earth.sc.International Science and Engineering Fair国际科学和工程博览会
busin.international trade fairs shows国际贸易交易会展销会
tech.just and fair rent合理房租
tech.just and fair rent公正房租
gen.keep fair with同…保持友好关系
busin.Kwangchow Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair广州出口商品交易会
busin.Kwangchow Guangzhou Fair广州交易会广交会
tech.lightweight fair-faced concrete轻质清水混凝土
tech.lightweight fair-faced concrete block轻质清水混凝土砌块
tech.lightweight fair-faced concrete tile轻质清水混凝土砖
busin.loss than fair value低于公平价值
earth.sc.map fair drawing地图清绘
securit.market approach to fair market value求得公平市场价值的市场法
busin.market fair集市贸易
busin.middling fair优级
busin.middling fair优等
busin.middling fair〈美〉一级原棉
securit.middling fair良级期货现货交易价格等级
tech.milled fair face加工的光面
busin.miniature fair小型交易会
sport.Nadam Fair少数民族体育那达慕
sport., folk.Nadam Fair那达慕
gen.National Science Fair国家科学展览会
tech.objective and fair客观公正
tech.off and fair拆下敲直
securit.office of fair trade公平交易办公室
securit.Office of Fair Trade公平交易办公室
brit., busin.Office of Fair Trading公平交易管理处
commer.Office of Fair Trading英国公平交易局
avia.Office of Fair Trading公平贸易处 (英国)
busin.open and fair trade开放而公平的贸易
busin.Our market analysis has predicted an active market for the intelligent anti-theft locks. I'm sure we stand a fair chance to win我们的市场分析预测智能防盗门的市场很活跃,因此我们成功的概率也比较大
agric.partnership fair伙伴关系展示会
agric.partnership fair伙伴关系博览会
China, lawpass fair judgement明断
shipb.pedestal fair-leader立式导缆器
tech.pedestal fair leader立式导缆钳
shipb.pedestal fair leader立式导缆器
gen.People with normal skin will have normal moisture and oil secretion levels with a fair skin complexion and good elasticity中性皮肤的人水分和油脂分泌正常,肤质有弹性,肤色均匀
securit.perpetual property fair value永久性财产公正价值
commer.personnel associated with the work of the fair交易会有关工作人员
sport.play fair公平地比赛
sport.play fair光明正大地比赛
sport.play fair公平比赛
sport.play fair按规则比赛
gen.play fair以诚实态度待人
tech.polygonal fair-faced concrete column多边平直面的混凝土柱
tech.polygonal fair-faced concrete column多角平直面的混凝土柱
busin.principle in honesty and fair play商业诚实与公平交易原则
China, lawprotect fair competition保护公平竞争
busin.rag fair伦敦旧货市场
busin.rag fair旧衣市场
tech.rag fair估衣市场
busin.receive a fair sample of the bulk supply收到适当数量的供货样品
busin.receive a fair sample of the bulk supply收到相当数量的供货样品
tech.reinforced fair-faced concrete光面钢筋混凝土
tech.release agent for fair-face concrete光面混凝土脱模剂
tech.remove fair and refit取下修复再装上
doping.right to a fair hearing参加公正听证会的权利
China, lawright to a fair trial by the judicial organ受司法机关公正审判的权利
busin.right to equal and fair treatment享受平等和公正待遇权利
China, lawright to fair dealing公平交易权利
securit.rules of fair practice公正交易条例
commer.rules-based, fair and free international trade基于规则的、公正和自由的国际贸易
busin.sale at less than fair value低于公平价格销售此种销售方式可以认定为倾销
tech.sample fair样品展览会
tech.sample fair ship展览船
tech.scumble for fair-faced concrete薄层涂刷使混凝土表面平整
gen.see fair公平裁判〔对待,处理〕 (play)
gen.speak sb. fair对某人彬彬有礼地讲话
busin.Spring Fair春季交易会
gen.stand fair获得…的好感 (with)
gen.stand fair有良好声誉 (with)
agric.state fair农产品畜产品评比展览会
China, polit.strict, fair and civilized law enforcement严格、公正、文明执法
tech.textured fair-faced concrete花纹饰面混凝土
commer.The Export Commodities Fair will be inaugurated next month岀口商品交易会将于下月开幕
commer.The goods arrived in fair condition货物到达时状态良好
gen.The Mongolian Nadam Fair蒙古族那达慕6 月初 4
commer.There is a large attendance at the fair交易会出席人数很多
gen.through fair and foul不管顺利或困难
gen.through fair and foul在任何情况下
gen.through foul and fair不管顺利或困难
gen.through foul and fair在任何情况下
busin.trade fair商览
tech.trade fair商品展览会
busin.trade fair贸易展览会
tech.trade fair贸易交易会
busin.true and fair真实公平的
gen.upon a fair balance经过慎重考虑
commer.urban and rural trade fair城乡集市贸易
busin.village fair trade农村集市贸易
shipb.warping appliance and lead-fair带缆和导缆装置
commer.We hope we'll have an opportunity to meet your representative at the Fair我们希望有机会在交易会上见到你方代表
multimed.weighted fair queuing合理加权排队
tech.white fair-faced concrete白色磨光面混凝土
commer.world fair世界博览会
tech.Worlds Fair世界博览会
commer.World's Fair相当
commer.World's Fair公平
commer.World's Fair尚可
busin.world's fair世界博览会
tech.Worlds Fair万国博览会
gen.write out fair抄写清楚
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