
Terms for subject Economy containing extra extra | all forms | in specified order only
a support to extra-budgetary administrative structure对预算外修改结构的资助费
application for extra-work要求办公时间外提货
chargeable extra额外收费
charged extra额外收费
conventional extra-budgetary resourses普通预算外资源
dividend extra额外股利
extra best best特级质量
extra best best最高【特级】质量
extra best quality特优品质
extra budgetary resources预算外资源
extra budgetary source预算外来源
extra budgetary source预算外资金来源
extra charge加价
extra charge临时费用
extra charge另加费用
extra charge加成
extra charge附加费
extra charges额外收费
extra charges on heavy lift超重货物附加费
extra charges on lengthy cargo超长货物附加费
extra continental power大陆以外国家
extra cost额外成本
extra dating逾期付款时期
extra depreciation额外贬值
extra duty附加税
extra expenditure额外费用
extra expenditure临时费
extra expense附加费用
extra expense insurance额外费用保险
extra extra超等
extra extra超级
extra fine窖藏 75 年以上的白兰地酒规格
extra fine quality特等质量
extra high reliability【特】高可靠性
extra income额外所得
extra investment额外投资
extra light loaded特别轻载的
extra old窖藏 40-75 年的白兰地酒规格
extra outside特大号
extra over price额外加价
extra package额外包装费
extra pay附加工资
extra payment额外的报酬
extra premium额外的奖励
extra statutory expenditure非法定支出
extra surplus-value特别剩余价值
extra terms额外条款
extra territorial application of employment law雇佣法律的境外应用
extra work加工
extra work加班
extra-budgetary program预算外拨款计划
extra-budgetary programme预算外拨款计划
extra-limit issue额外发行
good ordinary extra white美国九级特白棉
He agreed to accept the extra payment with due imposition of the income tax他同意接受额外报酬,并交付应纳的所得税
If you place a substantial order, we will be pleased to offer you art extra 3% off the current prices如大量订货,按现价再减3%
No extras shall be allowed from passengers, unless authorized by the administration除管理层认可的以外,不得向旅客收取额外费用
operator's extra-expense作业者超额经费
Packing and postage are extras包装费和邮寄费另行计算
packing extra包装费另计 (由买方负责)
packing extra另加包装费
pay an "extra tribute""特殊贡献税"
put to extra expense负担额外费用
reserve for extra-ordinary casualties意外事故伤亡准备
the extra allowance额外津贴
the extra best quality最佳品质
the extra best quality特级品质
The extra premium is to be for your account额外保险费由你方负担
the extra wage附加工资
the extra wage额外工资
The law requires you to submit 50% of your extra income to the tax authorities根据税法要求,你应将50%的额外收入缴纳给税务机关
The manager may order extra work or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from the work经理可以安排额外工作或对工作加以修改,增加或减少
The number of articles you require is below the minimum quantity which can warrant us to cover the extra expenses for construction of special containers你方所需数量低于最低起订量,因而不能抵补我方为制作特殊集装箱的额外费用
The stipulation given in L/C No. 5 on the method of packing will put us to extra expense5号信用证规定的包装方法,将使我们负担额外费用
The typist had $30 extra pay for working on Sunday打字员在星期日加班有30美元额外报酬
The usual discount of this model is 15%, but we would like to offer an extra 5% for cash settlement这种型号通常的折扣是15%,但若现金付款则另加5%
They spent a lot of extra time in completing the inspection他们花了大量额外时间才完成了检验
Those who bought the houses should bear the extra expenses额外费用应由买房子的那些人负担
We agree to take on the extra premium我方同意负担额外保险费
We shall ask an extra charge of 5% for each set wrapped in fancy paper对每套外包彩色纸,我们要求额外加收 5%费用