
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing exploration | all forms | exact matches only
Afghanistan Petroleum Exploration Department阿富汗石油勘探部
airborne mineral surveys and exploration航空矿产调查和勘探
All-Russian Research Geological-Exploration Petroleum Institute全俄石油地质勘探研究所
All-Russian Research Institute of Economy and Exploration of Mineral Resources全俄矿产资源经济和勘探研究所
All-Russian Research Institute of Exploration Geophysics全俄勘探地球物理研究所
All-Russian Research Institute of Geology and Exploration of Mineral Resources of World Ocean全俄世界海洋矿产资源地质和勘探研究所
American Institute for Exploration美国勘察学会
Apollo Lunar Exploration Mission阿波罗月球探测任务
arctic cone exploration structure北极锥形勘探结构物
Association of Exploration Geochemists勘查地球化学家协会
Association of Exploration Geophysicists勘查地球物理学家协会
Association of Geophysicists Involved in Exploration and Research in Africa非洲勘探和研究地球物理学家协会
Association of Mineral and Exploration Companies矿产和勘探公司协会
Association of West African Exploration and Research Geophysicists西非勘探和研究地球物理学家联合会
Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association澳大利亚石油生产和勘探协会
Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists澳大利亚勘查地球物理学家学会
Australians International Mining & Exploration Exhibition澳大利亚国际采矿和勘探展览会
Boart Exploration Services鲍尔特勘探公司南非
Canadian Exploration Geophysical Society加拿大勘查地球物理学会
Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists加拿大勘探地球物理学家学会
Central Research Geological Exploration Institute of Nonferrous and Precious Metals中央有色金属和贵金属地质勘探研究所
central research geological exploration museum中央地质勘探博物馆
Central Scientific-Research Geological-Exploration Institute中央地质勘探研究所
China National Geological Exploration Center of Building Materials Industry中国国家建材工业地质勘查中心
Chinese Geology and Exploration System中国地质和勘探系统
Cluff Mineral Exploration Zimbabwe克鲁夫矿产勘探公司津巴布韦
coal geological exploration graphical information system煤田地质勘探作图信息系统
Commission for the Exploration and Utilization of Space空间探测和利用委员会
Committee for the Scientific Exploration of the Atlantic Shelf大西洋大陆架科学考察委员会
Committee on Contamination by Extraterrestrial Exploration地外空间探测污染委员会联合国
Committee on Contamination of Extra-Terrestrial Exploration地外空间探测污染委员会
Committee on Extraterrestrial Exploration地外空间探测委员会
Committee on Geographical Exploration地理勘查委员会
Committee on Geographical Exploration地理勘探委员会
consortium for ocean research and exploration海洋研究和勘探联营机构
contamination by extraterrestrial exploration地外空间探测污染
conventional exploration geochemical method常规勘查地球化学法
Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Mineral Exploration Technology澳大利亚矿产勘查技术合作研究中心
Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration景观演变和矿产勘查合作研究中心
Defence Minerals Exploration Administration国防部矿产勘探管理局
Delta Exploration Company, Inc.德耳塔勘探责任有限公司
Department of Geological Survey and Exploration地质调査和勘探部
Earth Exploration Satellite Service地球勘测卫星局
Earth-Moon Space Exploration Study地-月空间探索研究
exploration and mining division勘查和矿业部
exploration consultants limited勘探咨询有限公司
exploration data consultants, incorporated勘探数据咨询公司
exploration difficulty coefficient勘探难点系数
Exploration Drilling Corp.金刚石钻探公司
frontier exploration data system未勘探区勘探数据系统
fund for natural resources exploration in developing countries发展中国家自然资源勘查基金
general directorate of mineral research and exploration矿产研究和勘探管理局土耳其
geophysical exploration manned mobile submersible载人地球物理考察移动式潜水器
geophysical exploration technology地球物理勘查技术
Gilevi exploration and mining syndicate日莱维勘探和采矿辛迪加坦桑尼亚
Government's Metallic Minerals Exploration Agency政府所属矿产勘探经营处
gravity meter explorationEG &G 公司
gravity meter exploration重力仪勘探公司
groundwater and mineral exploration地下水和矿产勘探
group for lunar exploration and planning月球探险和计划小组
gulf research and exploration program墨西哥湾研究考察计划
gulf research and exploration墨西哥湾研究考察
helium exploration analyzer氦勘探分析仪
hydro-acoustic exploration水声勘探
information on mining, metallurgy and geological exploration采矿、冶金和地质勘探信息
Institute of Complex Mining Exploration Problem综合矿山勘探问题研究所
Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration Greece地质和矿产勘查研究所希腊
Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration地质和矿产勘查研究所希腊
interactive exploration system交互勘探系统
International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea国际地中海科学考察委员会
International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea国际地中海科学开发委员会
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea国际海洋勘查委员会
international decade of ocean exploration国际海洋调査十年规划
International Geochemical Exploration Symposium.国际勘查地球化学会议
International Nickel Southern Exploration Limited国际南方镍勘探有限公司
International Petroleum Exploration Company国际石油勘探公司
International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciological Exploration国际南极冰川考察讨论会
International Symposium on Gold Geology and Exploration国际金矿地质和勘查会议
International Symposium on Mineral Exploration国际矿产勘査会议
Iranian Oil Exploration and Producing Co.伊朗石油勘探和生产公司
Iranian Oil Exploration and Production Co.伊朗石油勘探与生产公司
Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.日本石油勘探有限公司
Kanchanahuri Exploration and Mining Co.北碧勘探和采矿公司
Kazakh Scientific Research Geological Exploration Institute哈萨克斯坦地质勘探研究所
lake exploration module湖泊探测舱
long term and expanded programme of oceanic exploration and research海洋研究长期扩大方案
long term and expanded programme of oceanic exploration and research海洋调查与研究长期扩大计划
lunar exploration module月球勘探飞船
lunar exploration plan月球勘探计划
Lunar Exploration System for Apollo阿波罗月球勘探〔探测〕系统
lunar geological exploration camera月质勘查摄像机
lunar surface exploration vehicle月球表面勘探车
manned lunar exploration载人月球考察
manned lunar exploration program载人月球考察规划
Marine Exploration, Ltd.海洋勘探有限公司
MannedMars and Venus Exploration Studies〔有人操作〕火星和金星考察研究
Metals Exploration, Ltd.金属勘查有限公司
mineral exploration programme矿产勘查计划
Minerals Exploration Company矿产勘探公司印度
mobil air drilling exploration车载空气钻井勘探
mobile exploration流动勘查
mobile exploration流动勘探
Mongolia Geology and Geophysical Exploration Company蒙古地质和地球物理勘探公司
Moscow Geological-Exploration Institute莫斯科地质勘探学院
multifrequency exploration system多频探测系统
nautical exploration device and recoverer海洋探测装置与回收器
New Zealand Petroleum Exploration Ltd.新西兰石油勘探有限公司
Nippon Exploration and Development Co., Ltd.日本矿产勘探和开发有限公司
non-barrier biogeochemical exploration无障生物地球化学勘査
Northern Sumatra Offshore Petroleum Exploration北苏门答腊近海石油勘探印度尼西亚
Ocean Drilling and Exploration Company海洋钻井和勘测公司
Office of Minerals Exploration矿产勘探局
offshore exploration conference近海勘探会议
Pakistan Exploration Fund巴基斯坦考察基金
petroleum and mineral exploration and development exposition国际石油及矿产勘探开发展览会
petroleum exploration data index石油勘探数据指数
Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain英国石油勘查学会
Petroleum Exploration Society of Libya利比亚石油勘探学会
planetary exploration plan行星探测计划
PNOC Exploration Corporation菲律宾全国石油委员会勘探公司
recent advances in exploration geophysics地球物理勘查进展
Regulations on the Administration of Geological Exploration Qualifications地质勘探管理条例
Research Institute of Coal Geophysical Exploration煤炭地球物理勘查研究所
scientific exploration and mapping program海洋科学考察与测绘计划
scientific exploration and marine atlas program科学考察与海洋图集〔编制〕计划
Scientific Exploration of the Atlantic Shelf大西洋大陆架科学考察
Scientific Exploration Society科学勘查学会
seamount exploration and undersea scientific expedition海山勘査和水下科学考察
seamount exploration and undersea scientific expedition海山勘察和海底科学考察
Seismic Explorations International国际地震勘探公司
Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Inc.采矿、冶金和勘探学会协会
Society of Exploration Geophysicists勘查地球物理学家协会
Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan日本勘査地球物理学家学会
South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Group东南亚石油勘探组
South West Metallurgical and Geological Exploration Bureau西南冶金地质勘查局中国
Southern dil Exploration Corp., Ltd.南方石油勘探有限公司
Southern Oil Exploration Coip.南部石油勘探公司西南非
Stanford Exploration Project斯坦福勘探项目
State Commission for Space Exploration国家空间探测委员会前苏联
subterranean exploration agency地下勘查局
ten-year plan for ocean exploration海洋勘查十年计划
Thailand Exploration and Mining Company泰国勘探采矿公司
transient electromagnetic exploration瞬变电磁勘探
Undersea Exploration Society of Israel以色列海底勘查学会
Union of Chinese Exploration Geophysics中国勘查地球物理联合会
United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space联合国外层空间探索与和平利用大会
United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration联合国自然资源勘查周转基金
U.S. Geological Survey-International Decade of Ocean Exploration美国地质调查局-国际海洋勘探十年计划
Western Offshore Drilling & Exploration Company西部海上钻探公司