
Terms for subject International trade containing expenses | all forms | exact matches only
absorbed expenses已负担费用
absorbed expenses已吸收费用
accrued expense应计费用
accrued expense应付未付费用
additional expenses附加费用
additional expenses追加费用
additional expenses-war risks战争险附加费用
administration expense管理费用
administrative expense管理费用
advertising expenses广告费
advertising expenses prepaid预付广告费
arbitration expense仲裁费用
auxiliary expenses附属费用
auxiliary expenses手续费
bond expenses债券费用
bond issuance expenses发行债券费用
bond-issuing expense债券发行费用
brokerage expenses掮客费
brokerage expenses经纪费用
business expenses营业费
buying expenses购进费
buying expenses购入费
buying expenses购买费用
cable expenses海外电费
capital expense集资费用
capitalized expense资本化支出费用
capitalized expense作为资本支出的费用
cargo expenses运货费用
carriage expense运费
carriage expense载运费
carriage expense运输费用
carriage expense搬运费
claims expenses理赔费用
collection expenses托收费用
collection expenses收账费用
commercial expense业务费用
commercial expense商业费用
consignment expenses寄销费用
constant expenses经常费用
constant expenses固定费用
contingent expenses或有费用
control of expenses费用控制
control of expenses费用统制
controllable expenses可控制费用
cost department expense成本部费用
current expense经常费用
current expense本期费用
decreasing expense递减费用
deferred expense递延费用
deferred unapplied expenses递延未分配费用
delivery expense运货费用
delivery expense送货费用
departmental expenses部别费用
departmental expenses分部费用
depletion expense损耗费用
depreciation expense折旧费用
development expense扩展费用
development expense发展费用
direct departmental expenses直接部别费用
direct departmental expenses分部直接费用
direct expense cost直接费用成本
discharging expenses卸货费用
distribution expense推销费用
expense account用费表
expense account费用账户
expense against revenue收入项下开支
expense assets费用资产
expense budget费用预算
expense burden费用负荷
expense category费用类别
expense control费用控制
expense cost费用成本
expense distribution费用分配
expense distribution sheet费用分配表
expense for surveying on damaged cargo受损货物检验费
expense fund deposit经费存款
expense invoices费用清单
expense ledger费用分户账
expense ledger费用分类表
expense loading费用附加
expense of collection托收费用
expense of production生产费用
expense standards费用定额
expense standards费用标准
expense standing order经常费用率
expenses account开支账户
expenses and receipts收支
expenses and receipts in balance收支相抵
the expenses balance收支轧平
the expenses balance收支相抵
expenses for repatriation of crew船员遣返开支
expenses for surveying on or of damaged cargo受损货物检验费用
expenses incidental to payment付款引起的费用
expenses of taxation税费
expenses statement费用表
experimental expense实验费用
experimental expenses试验费用
expired expenses已消逝费用
extra expense额外费用
extraneous expenses额外费用
factory expense厂务费用
factory expense制造费用
factory expense ledger制造费用分类账
factory expenses analysis制造费用分析
family expense policy家庭意外费用保险单
financial expense财务开支
financial expense财务费用
financial management expense财务管理费用
fixed expenses固定费用
free of expense无偿
free of expense免费
fumigation expenses熏仓费
general administrative expense总管理费用
general and administrative expenses总务及管理费用
general average expenses共同海损费用
general expenses日用开支
general expenses多项费用
general expenses各项费用
general expenses一般费用
general operating expense一般业务费用
government administration expenses政府行政费用
guard and caretaker expenses警卫及看管费用
handing expense处理费用
handling expense处理费用
improvement expenses改进费用
incidental expense车马费
incidental expense零用费
incidental expense杂费
incidental expenses非经常性支出
incidental liabilities and expenses附带责任和费用
income and expense收益及费用
increasing expense递增费用
indirect expense间接费用
inland forwarding expenses国内运费
inland forwarding expenses内地运缴
inland forwarding expenses内地运费
insurance expense保险费用
inter-company expenses公司间费用
interim expenses临时开支
joint expense连带费用
keeping and handling expenses保管及处理费用
keeping expenses保管费用
legal expenses律师公费
legal expenses诉讼费用
licence expense发给许可证费用
loaded, stowed, trimmed and discharged free of expense to the vessel船方不负担装船、理舱、平舱及卸货费用
loading expense装货费用
loss, damage or expense损失或费用
loss, damage or expense灭失
management and general expenses营业开支
manufacturing expense间接制造成本
manufacturing expense制造费用
manufacturing expense distribution制造费用的分配
manufacturing expense-in-process在制间接制造成本
manufacturing expense ledger制造费用分类账
marketing expenses推销费用
marketing expenses销售费用
marking expenses运销费用
marking expenses销售费用
material handling expense材料管理费
meet expense偿付开支
meet one's expenses使收支相抵
miscellaneous expenses杂项支出
monetary expenses货币支出
non-cash expense非现金费用
non-commercial expenses非贸易开支
non-operating expenses营业外支出
non-operating expenses非营业费用
non-operating income and expense account非营业收益及费用账
non-recurring expenses临时费用
normal expenses of production正常生产费用
occupancy expenses占用费用
office expenses事务费用
office expenses办公费
operating expenses营业费
operating expenses业务开支
ordinary every day expenses日常用费
organization expenses开办费
other expenses其他费用
out-of-pocket expenses现金支付费用
outstanding expenses未付费用
over-applied expense超额分配制造费用
overhead expenses一般管理费
overhead expenses经常费
packing expense包装费
payroll department expenses薪资部费用
per diem expenses每日费用
period expense期间费用
petty expense杂费
petty expense零星费用
power expenses动力费用
power plant expense动力间费用
preliminary expenses开办费
prepaid expenses预支费用
printing expenses印刷费
promotion expenses推广费
promotion expenses开办费
propaganda expense宣传费
public expenses政府费用
publicity expenses宣传费
purchase expenses购货费用
ratio of cost of sales and operating expenses to net sales销货成本及营业费用对销货净额比率
ratio of current income to current expense流动收入与流动费用比率
ratio of interest expense to sales利息费用与销货比率
ratio of interests and expenses on deposit to deposits存款利息及费用与存款比率
ratio of operating expenses to sales营业费用与销货比率
receiving department expenses收货部费用
receiving expenses收货费用
recondition expense整理费用
recondition expense改装费用
reconstruction expenses改建费用
reduce expenses减少费用
reduced expenses节减了的费用
register of expenses经费收支登记簿
regular expenses经常费用
removal expenses搬运费
rent expense租金费用
rental expenses租金费用
repacking expenses改装费用
royalty expense特极费
royalty expense特权费
running expenses经常费用
running expenses日常费用
salaries expense薪金费用
salesman's travelling and entertainment expenses推销员旅费及交际费
salvage expenses救助费用
salving expenses救助费用
search and rescue expenses搜寻和营救费用
security income and expense证券收益及费用
selling and administrative expense销售及管理费用
selling and administrative expense analysis sheet销售及管理费用分析表
selling and administrative expenses charged to cost计入成本的销售及管理费用
selling expenses销货费用
selling expenses销售费用
shipping expenses货运费用
shipping expenses装货费用
shop office expenses工厂事务费用
shut-down expenses停工费用
sinking fund expense偿债基金费用
space expenses地位费用
special expenses地位费用
special expenses特别开支
standing expense经常费用
standing expense orders经常费用单
statement of financial income and expenses财务收益及费用表
statement of operating expenses营业费用表
statement of selling and administrative expenses销售及管理费用表
storage expenses存储费用
storage expenses存仓费用
store room expenses货栈费
strike expenses insurance罢工附加费用保险
strike expenses insurance罢工追加费用保险
subsistence expenses生活费
substituted expenses替代费用
summary of applied selling and administrative expenses已分配销售及管理费用汇总表
summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied已分配制造费用汇总表
summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expenses实际及已分配制造费用汇总表
terminal expenses起点终点费
terminal expenses起点终点费用
testing expenses试验费用
trade expenses商业费用
traffic expense运输费
transportation expenses运输费用
traveling expenses交通费
traveling expenses旅费
trucking expenses车运费用
unabsorbed expenses未分配费用
unabsorbed expenses未吸收费用
unamortized expenses未摊销费用
unapplied expenses未支配费用
uncontrollable expenses不可控制的费用
under-applied expenses少分配费用
unexpired expense预付费用
unexpired expense未消耗费用
unforeseen and extraordinary expenses临时及非常费用
unpaid expense未付费用
variable expenses变动费用
variable expenses可变费用
watchman's expenses看守费
welfare expenses福利金
welfare expenses福利保健费
working expenses营业费用