
Terms for subject Securities containing expenses | all forms | exact matches only
amortization of debenture expenses债券发行费用摊销
amortization of expense related to bond retirement收回债券的费用摊销
annual fund operation expenses年度基金运作费用
bad debt expense坏账费用企业用在无法回收的账款上的费用
bond discount and expense债券发行折扣及费用
bond expense债券发行费
bond issuance expenses债券发行费
brokerage expense雇佣费用
brokerage expense经纪费用
broker's expenses经纪人费用
capital expenses资本花费
capital expenses基本建设费用
capital expenses基建费用
capital stock discount and expense股本发行折扣和费用
clear expense收支平衡
debt discount and expenses债券发行价折扣及费用
deferred and prepaid expenses延期和预付费用
deferred expense延期费用
deferred unapplied expenses延期未使用的费用
depletion expenses损耗费用
discharging expenses清偿支出
distribution expenses分配费用
downward sloped interest expense line趋降的利息费用曲线
estimated operating expenses预计的经营费用
expense account开支账
expense attributable to the investment income因投资收人而发生的费用
expense invoice费用发票
expense on stock issue股票发行费用
expense recovery冲销
expense recovery费用抵补
expense shifting费用转移
financial expense财政费用
fixed expenses固定的花费
fixed expenses规定支出
flexible expenses弹性支出
formation expenses创办费用
formation expenses成立费用
general & administrative G&A expenses一般及行政费用
general operation expenses一般经营费用
handling expenses操作费用
incidental expense非经常性费用
income and expense projection收支预测
income and expense statement收人和费用报表
inflexible expenses非弹性费用
inflexible expenses固定开支
initial expenses成立费用
initial expenses开办费用
intercompany expense公司间费用
issue expenses发行费用
lender expenses payable by borrower借款人应付放款人费用
lump sum measure expense一次性措施费用
meet expenses抵补开支
new shares issuing expenses新股票发行费用
opening expenses初期费用
operating expenses经营性开支
organization expenses筹建费
out of pocket expenses实际支出
out of pocket expenses实付开支
outstanding expenses应付费用
period expense定期费用
power to incur expense费用支出权
preliminary expenses创办费
preliminary expenses初步花费
prepaid expense预付开支
prepaid expense提前拨出的开支
private expenses个人开支
promotion expense创业费
pursuing private interests at the expense of public interests损公肥私
security for expense费用担保
seeking of private interests at the expense of public interests损公利己
seeking of private interests at the expense of public interests损公肥私
selling and administrative expense charged to cost计人成本的销售及管理费用
selling general & administrative expenses一般销售费用和管理支出
selling general & administrative SG&A expenses一般销售费用和管理支出
special expense特殊费用
start-up expenses创办费用
stint on expense费用限制
total expense总支出
unamortized debt expense未摊销的债券费用
unconfirmed expense不确定的费用
unforeseen expense意外支出
without expense无须费用
without expense无花费