
Terms for subject Economy containing expenses | all forms | exact matches only
absorbed expenses已分配的费用
accounted expenses记帐费用
acquisition expenses for sample equipment and tools样机样器购置费
actual expense实际开支
additional expense附加费
additional expense-strike罢工附加费
additional expense-strike罢工险额外费用保险
additional living expenses附加生活费
administration expense budget一般管理费用预算
administration expenses supporting schedule管理费用明细表
administrative and general expenses行政管理费用
administrative and general expenses行政及总务费用
administrative expense行政管理费
administrative expense办公费用
administrative expense行政费用
advance to finance unforeseen and extraordinary expense垫付款项充作临时非常费用
advertising expenses budget广告预算费
aggregate expenses累积费用
aggregate expenses of production综合生产费用
All cost and expenses of actions by Part A shall be paid by Part B甲方的全部诉讼费用应由乙方承担
all expense包括一切费用
allocating expenses分配费用
allocation of income and expenses收人和费用分配
allocation of residual expenses费用余额分摊
allowable expenses可允许的开支
amortization of debenture expenses公司债券发行费用摊销
amortization of discount, premium and bond issuance expenses摊提贴水,升水及债券发行费
amortization of expenses related to bond retirement收回旧公司债券的费用摊销
An equal amount for other expenses shall be paid by them他们必须付出同等金额的其他费用
an overhaul expenses budget大修理费用计划
application selling and administrative expenses已分配销售及管理费用
application selling expenses已分配销售费用
applied administrative expenses已分配行政费用
apportioned factory overhead expenses间接费用分配额
appropriations for three categories of scientific and technological expenses科技三项费用拨款
assignable expense直接费用
audit expense查账费用
average expenses of production平均生产费用
average socially necessary expenses社会平均必要的耗费量
basic depreciation expense基本折旧费
beneficial expense改良费
beneficial expenses有益费
beneficial expenses改良费
benefit oneself at the expense of public interests损公利私
betterment expense修缮费
betterment expense改良费
bond discount and expenses债券发行折价及费用
bond expense债券费用
Both parties agree that if the goods are rejected upon examination n., the goods will be returned at the expenses of the supplier双方同意如商品检验不合格而被拒收退货费用由供应方负担
branch expense on home office books总店账上的分店费用
budget expense预算支出
building service expenses房屋服务费用
business expense商业费用
business expense of insurer保险业营业费
business traveling expense业务旅行费用
cable expenses电报费
Canadian Exploration Expense加拿大石油勘探经费
Canadian Oil and Gas Property Expense加拿大油气资产费用
Canadian Production Expense加拿大石油开采费用
capital expense资本消耗
capitalized expenses资本化的费用
capitalized expenses作资产的费用
capitalized expenses资本化费用
carriage expenses搬运费
carriage expenses运费
carrying expense日常开支
carrying expenses置存资产费用
central and administrative expense总管理处费用
central corporate expense公司总部管理费
Chairman of the board gave a rough outline of our expenses for the coming year董事长提出了我们来年开支的草案
clearing expense交换费用
clothing expense衣着费
collection expense收账费用
commercial expense商业用费
company formation expenses公司成立费用
compensate for the value of the various expenses抵偿各种费用价值
compound expense复合费用
consignment expenses寄售费用
constant expense经常费用
constant expense不变费用
constant expense固定费用
contingency expense偶然费用
contingent expenses可能费用
corporation's organization expense公司开办费用
cover one's own expenses补偿消费支出
cover the expenses足敷开支
credit for child care expense育儿费支出的税收优惠减免
culture and education expenses文化教育支出
current expense日常开支
current expenses经常费用
current operating expense日常经营费用
current operating expenses经常业务费用
dead expense非生产性费用
dead expense浪费
dead expense不必要的开支
deduct the expenses from the salary从薪金中扣除费用
deferred development expense递延开发费用
defray the expense支出费用
delivery expense运送费用
department indirect labor and expenses部门间接人工及费用
departmental expense budget部门费用预算表
departmental expense variance account部门费用差异账
departmental expenses部门费用
depreciation expense折旧费
development expenses推广费用
development expenses开发费用
diminishing provision expense递减折旧费
diminishing-provision expense递减折旧费
dinner party expenses聚餐费
dinner party expenses宴会费
dinner party expenses接待费
direct department expense直接部门支出
direct expense可变费用
direct expenses cost直接费用成本
direct expenses cost直接费用成本
direct manufacturing expense直接生产性费用
direct store expense商店直接费用
discount expense贴现费用支出
distribution expenses销售费用
distribution of expenses费用的分配
dividends expenses递延费用
dividends unapplied expenses递延未分配费用
Documentary evidence prior to payment by owner had already substantiated estimated expenses估计费用在业主付款以前已用证明文件证实
domestic expense家用
dwelling expense居住费
educational class expense职工教育费用
element of production expenses生产费用要素
employee business expenses雇员业务支出
employee business expenses职工业务支出
employee department expense职工部费用
employee training expense职工训练费
employment expense雇用费用
enterprise administrative expenses企业管理费
establishment expenses营业所需一般开支 (或费用)
expense account营业费账
expense adjust account费用校对账户
expense allocations费用分配
expense allowance预算拨款
expense audit费用审核
expense balance receipts收支平衡
expense belonging to the preceding fiscal year上一财政年度费用支出
expense book营业费分类账
expense book费用账簿
expense budget经费预算
expense constant费用常数
expense constant经常开支
expense contra account费用抵消账户
expense control费用统制
expense distribution费用分摊
expense distribution list费用分配表
expense fund支出基金
expense fund deposit经费基金存款
expense in kind实物费用
expense in the trial manufacture of new products新产品试制费
expense ledger费用分类帐
expense loading费用负荷
expense of circulation流通费用
expense of developing发展费用
expense of embassies and consulates使领馆费用
expense of idleness窝工费用
expense of labour劳工费用
expense of production生产成本
expense of repair materials检修材料费
expense of reproduction再生产费用
expense of transportion运输费用
expense on bond公司债发行费
expense on issue of share发行股票费用
expense paid in advance预付经费
expense preference费用偏好
expense statement费用报表
expense while in transit运送中费用
expense while in transit运送中的费用
expenses and accounts开支与帐目
expenses for surveying on damaged cargo受损货物检验费用
expenses renewal更新修补 费用
expenses standing order经常费用和支付书
expenses while in transit运送费用
experiment and research expense试验研究费
extra expense附加费用
extra expense insurance额外费用保险
factory expense a/c工厂间接费账户
factory expense budget variation account制造费用预算差异账户
factory expense efficiency variation account制造费用效率差异账户
factory expenses variance制造费用差异
fertilizer expenses肥料费用
field office expense现场办公费
figure expenses计算开支
financing of current expenses为经常费用提供资金
fixed expense固定开支
fixed expense不变费用
food and beverage expenses饮食费
food n., clothing and shelter expenses衣食住费用
For convenience sake, they can deduct these expenses from their payment为了方便起见,他们可以把这些费用从他们的付款中扣除
formation expense开办费
freight expenses运送费
fuel expense燃料费
fumigation expenses熏舱费
functional expenses classification业务费用分类
funeral and administration expenses丧葬及遗产管理费
general administrative and selling expenses一般管理费用
general average expenses共同海损开支费用
general expense一般营业费
general expenses日常开支
general fixed expense一般固定费用
general operating expense一般管理业务费用
ground-making expenses造地费用
handling expenses处理费用
handling expenses装卸费用
He should pay for out-of-pocket costs such as his telephone and cable expenses他应支付电话和电报之类的杂项开支
household expense家庭开支
household expense家用
household expenses家庭开支
idle time expense停工时间开支
idle-time expense闲置时间开销
If he does not pay the expenses, you may sell such goods at auction如果他不付清费用,你可以拍卖这些货物
incidental expenses杂支
income and expenses summary account损益或收支汇总账户
incremental expenses增加的费用
indirect operating expense间接营业营运费用
inland forwarding expenses内陆运费
inter-company expenses公司间内部费用
interest expense支付利息
interim expenses临时费
internal transportation expense工场内搬运费
intershop trucking expense工场间的搬运费
intershop trucking expense车间间的搬运费
intershop trucking expense工场车间间的搬运费
landing expenses起岸费用
law expense诉讼费
lease operating expense租地作业费
legal fees and out-of-pocket expenses法律费和实际支出
legal welfare expenses法定福利费
Let me go fifty-fifty with you on the expenses让我和你两人平分开支
lifting expenses采油费用
liquidation expense of fixed assets固定资产清理费用
litigation expense诉讼费
litigation expense诉讼费用
living expenses生活费
loan to cover working expenses经营费用贷款
lodging and travelling expenses住宿和交通费
loss n., damage or expense丧失,损坏或费用
loss, damage or expense丧失,损坏或费用
loss, expenses, business expenses损失,经费,营业费
major repair depreciation expense大修折旧费
manufacturing expense生产费用
manufacturing expense standard制造费用标准
manufacturing expense standing order生产费常用单
manufacturing expenses variance制造费用差异
marketing expenses行销费用
material handing expense材料管理费
medical expense医疗费用
meet expense支付费用
military expense军费
military expense军事费用
miscellaneous expense杂费
miscellaneous expenses其他费用
mobilization expense开办费
moving in expense进场费用
national defence expense国防费用支出
natural expense account按性质分类费用账户
natural expenses按性质分类的费用
necessary expense保存费
necessary expense必需经费
new shares issuing expenses a/c新股票发行费账户
noncommercial expenses非贸易支出
noncontrollable fixed expenses不可控制的固定费用
non-deductible medical expenses不能扣除的医疗费
non-operating expenses非营业支出
non-operating expenses营业外费用
non-operating income and expense account非营业收入及支出清单
non-operating income and expenses account非营业营业外收益及费用账户
nonrecurrent expense偶尔费用
non-recurrent expenses非经常性支出
non-recurrent expenses非经常性开支
nonrecurring expense―次性费用
non-variable expenses不变费用
normal expenses经常费用
normal expenses of production正常生产费
normal operating expense正常业务费
normal operating expenses正常营业费用
occupancy expenses占用费
office-related expense有关雇用职工的费用
On presentation of the documents by your agents in Hongkong these expenses will be paid by consignees这些费用在你方香港代理人提交单据后由收货人付给
on-route expenses途中费用
opening expenses开办费
operating expense作业经费
operating expense budgets经营管理费预算
operating expenses营业费用
operating expenses工作费
operating expenses运输费
operating expenses事业费
operating expenses动转费
operating expenses生产费用
operating expenses日常支出
operating expenses for culture, education, science and public health services文教科学卫生事业费
operation expenses专业费
operational expenses业务费用
operator's extra-expense作业者超额经费
ordinary every day expenses日常用量
organization expenses筹备费
other expenses其他支出
other expenses pending write-off upon approval应核销其他支出
out of pocket expenses实际的花费
out of pocket expenses现金〔实际〕支付
out-of-pocket expense现金支出
out-of-pocket expenses付现费用
out-of-pocket expenses实际现金支出
out-of-pocket expenses实际现金支出
outstanding expenses portfolio未偿贷款总额
overall operating expense经营费用
overhead expense一般费用
overhead expenses经常费用
overhead expenses营业费用
pare down the expenses削减费用
pare down the expenses节省开销
payroll department expenses劳资工薪部门费用
payroll tax expense雇员税支出
payroll tax expense工资税支出
percent of circulating expense流通费用率
percent of circulation expenses流通费用百分比
petty expense小额开支
petty expense零星开支
petty expenses零星杂费
Please debit me with any expenses they may have incurred请把他们新增添的任何费用记入我的账户借方
Please debit them with any expenses you may have incurred and hold the goods at their disposal给你们增添的任何费用均请记入他方账户的借方,并请将货物代为保管,听候他们处理
pocket expense小费
pocket expense专利钱
preliminary expenses筹备费用开办费
preliminary expenses开办费 (organization cost)
preoperating expenses投产前费用
prepaid expense垫支资金
prepaid expenses预付开支
prepaid expenses预付费用
preparation expense筹备费
preparation expense准备费
primary expenses开办费
private expenses私人开支
private expenses自费
processing expense arising from outside manufacture外部来料加工费
production expenses of agricultural and side-line products农副产品生产费用
project finishing expense扫尾工程的费用
promotional expense推销费
public expense公费
public expense公共开支
public expenses公费
public expenses公共开支
public expenses公家费用
purchasing expense采购费用
put to extra expense负担额外费用
ratio interest and expenses to deposits存款利息及费用与存款比率
ratio of interest and expenses on deposit to deposit存款利息及费用与存款比率
ratio of interest expenses to interest bearing liability利息费用对付息负债之比
ratio of operating interest expense to transactions营业利息费用与销货比率
ratio spent miscellaneous expenses杂费支出比率
reconstruction expenses改建改组费用
reconstruction expenses改造费用
reduce expenses节减费用
reduced expense节减了的费用
register of operating expenses营业劳动费用登记簿
removal expenses搬运拆迁
repacking expenses重新包装费用
residence owners expenses住宅业主费用
revenue and expenses收入和费用
running expenses经常日常费用
salaries and expenses工资和费用
sale and administrative expense销售与管理费
Sales cost just includes the day-to-day expenses销售费用只包括日常开支
sales expenses销售费
salesman's travelling and entertainment expenses推销员旅差交际费
save unnecessary expenses节省不必要的开支
school expense学费
securities income and expense证券收入及费用
seek private interests at the expenses of public interests损公肥私
selling expense商业费用
selling, general and administrative expense总务和管理费用
selling, general and administrative expense销售
service expense服务费
setting-up expenses开办费
setting-up expenses准备成本
shipping expense装运费用
shutdown expenses停产费用
standing expense不变费用
standing expense orders经常费用率
start-up expense开办费
statement of financial income and expense财务收入及费用表
statement of operating expense营运支出费用表
stint on expenses节约费用
storage expense保管费
storage expenses存储费
storage expenses存仓费
sundry expenses杂项费用
survey and design expenses勘察设计
That necessitated an abridgment of the expenses这种事费用必须减少
The account executive fiddled his expense account业务经理伪造他的开支账
the annualization of expense费用按年折算
the arbitration expense仲裁费用
the betterment expenses改善费用
the commission and expenses on capital shares股票发行费用
The company cabled her $2000 to cover her expenses公司给她电汇了 2000美元供她开销
The company shall bear all costs and expenses incident to the sale and delivery该公司应负担属于销售和发货的一切成本和费用
The contractor shall pay for the expense resulting from the improper location or installation of the apparatus承包商应支付因仪表的位置或安装不当而支出的费用
The corporation is contractually bound to pay our expense公司按合同规定应付给我方费用
The cost of preparation of the exhibition is to be at our expense准备展览会的费用由我方承担
the enterprise administration expense subsidiary ledger企业管理费明细账
the expense accrued应付未收费用
the expense measured by gage表测费用
the expense of idleness窝工费用
the experimental expense实验费用
The goods are to be transshipped at our expense货物转运,费用由我方支付
the hospitality expense交际费
the hospitality expense招待费
the marking expense刷唛头费用
the medical and dental expense医疗费
the medical expense insurance医疗费保险
the medical expenses deduction医疗费用扣除
the non-recurrent expense偶生费用
the non-recurrent expense临时性费用
The number of articles you require is below the minimum quantity which can warrant us to cover the extra expenses for construction of special containers你方所需数量低于最低起订量,因而不能抵补我方为制作特殊集装箱的额外费用
the other income and expense budget营业外其他损益预算
the prepaid advertising expense a/c预付广告费账户
the preparation expenses准备费用
the propaganda expense宣传费用
the refinancing expense债务换期费用
The remittance for $2500 has been sent to cover the expenses已汇去 2500 美元支付各项费用
the salving expense救助费用
the sample expenses样品费
the search and rescue expenses搜寻和营救费用
the semi-direct expenses半直接费用
The stipulation given in L/C No. 5 on the method of packing will put us to extra expense5号信用证规定的包装方法,将使我们负担额外费用
the superintendent s' office expense工厂监督部门费用
the transactional allocation of income and expenses按交易量分配收入和费用
The transportation expenses are divided between the two parties in a proper proportion运费由双方按适当比例分担
the unvariable expense不变费用
the watchman's expenses看守费
the workshop expenses subsidiary车间经济明细账
These expenses are not tax deductible这些费用是不减税的
They accounted for all their expenses to the manager他们向经理汇报他们的一切支出
They bore all expenses for removal and reopening of the shop他们承担了商店拆迁和重新开业的一切费用
They didn't make any extraordinary expenses other than for advertising除了做广告以外,他们并未做出任何特别开支
They shared the expenses half and half他们对半承担费用
This would effect a saving in travelling expenses这样可以节省差旅费
Those who bought the houses should bear the extra expenses额外费用应由买房子的那些人负担
total operating expense总操作费用
trade-related expenses营业有关费用
travel and entertainment expenses旅行及交际费
travel expense on home leave探亲假旅费
travelling expenses旅差费
unabsorbed manufacturing expense未分配制造费用
unapplied manufacturing expenses未分配创造费用
uncontrollable expense无法控制的成本费用
uncontrollable expenses不可控费用
under-allocated expenses不分配的费用
under-applied expenses少分配的费用
unexpired expenses未消逝费用
upkeep expenses维修费
upkeep expenses保养费
upkeep expenses维持费
Usually it is the party losing the suit that should pay the costs or expenses arising from the prosecution of such suit通常是败诉的一方应付给由于执行诉讼而产生的费用或支出
wages and related expenses工资及附加费
warehousing expense储存费用
We are to indemnify you for the great expenses you have incurred我们准备对你方所花的巨额费用予以补偿
We are very sorry to have involved you in such trouble and unnecessary expenses很抱歉给你们添了这样的麻烦,又让你们负担了不必需的费用
We can submit an expense account to the treasurer's office我们可向财务科报销
We do not think we can absorb these expenses我们认为我们不能承担这些支出
We have provided for $200.000 of expenses in the budget在预算中我们预定了 20万美元的费用
We know that the commission on this small business is not sufficient to offset the advertising expenses我们知道这样一笔小业务的佣金还不够折付广告费
We will pay the cost of the samples and incidental expenses我们愿付样品的成本费和杂费
welfare expense福利保健费
We'll buy what we need regardless of expense我们要购买我们需要的东西,不计费用
whittle down expense削减费用
working expense经营费
workshop expenses车间费用
You can replace all the defective parts at our expense你方可调换所有不合格部件,费用由我方负担
You shall pay all the expenses not reimbursable at acturials贵方应如数支付一切不可收回的费用