
Terms for subject Business containing expenses | all forms | exact matches only
abandonment expenses委弃费用
absorbed expenses已分摊的费用
absorbed expenses已分摊费用
absorbed expenses已吸收的费用
absorbed manufacturing expense已分摊制造费用
accessory expenses附加费用
accrued expense for using funds应计资金占用费
accrued expense for using government fund应计政府资金占用费
accrued expenses应付未付费用
accrued expenses for using funds应计资金占用费
accrued revenues and expenses basis收入与费用权责发生制
acquisition expenses for buildings and draught animals房屋和役畜购置费
acquisition expenses for sample equipment样机购置费
acquisition expenses for sample equipment and tools样机器具购置费
act resulting in treasury expenses形成国库支出的行为
additional expense insurance追加费用保险
additional expenses-war risks战争险附加费额外费用
additional payment plan of undertaking expenses追加事业费用款计划
adjustment works expenses调整费用
administration expenses管理费用
administrative and general expenses行政总务费用
administrative and maintenance expenses管理维护费用
administrative and marketing expenses管理营销费用
administrative and selling expenses管理销售费用
administrative expense of united cooperative联社管理费
administrative expenses管理费
administrative expenses行政费
administrative overhead expense间接管理费用
advance to finance unforeseen and extraordinary expense垫付款项充做临时及非常费用
advertisement expenses广告费用
advertising expenses广告费用
advertising expenses budget广告费预算
afforestation expenses造林费用
aggregate expenses总费用
allocation of income and expenses收入和费用分配
allowances and expenses for corporation tax公司税的减免与开支
allowances and expenses for income tax所得税的减免与开支
amortization of bond issued expense公司债券发行费摊销
amortization of debenture expenses公司债发行费用摊销
amortization of discount, premium and bond issuance expense贴水、升水及债券发行费摊提
amortization of expense related to bond retirement收回旧公司债券费用摊销
amortization of other deferred expense其他递延费摊销
amusement expenses交际费
analysis sheet of selling and administrative expenses销售及管理费用分析表
annual per-capita income available for living expenses of families of workers and staff members年度职员家庭人均生活费收入
application of manufacturing expense制造费用分配
applied expenses已分摊费用
applied manufacturing expenses account制造费用分摊账户
applied selling and administrative expenses已分摊销售及行政管理费
audit expense审计费
automobile expenses汽车费用
auxiliary materials expenses辅助材料费用
auxiliary production expenses apportionment辅助生产费用分配
auxiliary production expenses apportionment statement辅助生产费用分配表
auxiliary workshop expense辅助车间费用
auxiliary workshop expense apportion statement辅助车间费用分配表
auxiliary workshop expense reciprocal apportionment statement辅助车间费用交互分配表
average expense平均费用
average per capita income available for living expenses人均生活费收入
average socially necessary expenses平均社会必要耗费量
balance-delay expense平衡滞延费用
betterment expense改善费用
board and lodging expenses食宿费
boarding and lodging expenses食宿费
bond discount and expenses债券折价及费用
bond discount and expenses account债券折价及费用账
bond expenses债券发行费用
bond expenses债券发行费用
branch expense on home office book总店账上的分店费用
branch expenses on home office books总店账上的分店费用
breeding expense饲养费
building expenses建房费用
bunker expenses燃料费
business expenses营业费用
cable expenses电报费用
carrying expenses货物置存费用
central administrative expense中枢管理费用
central and administrative expenses总管理处费用
central corporate expense公司总管理费
child care expenses儿童抚养费
classification of expense费用分类
classification of expense by character费用按性质分类
classification of expense by function费用按作用分类
classification of expense by use费用按用途分类
classification of expenses of circulation流通费用分类
clear expense多赚以供开支
clear expenses抵消费用
commission and expenses on capital shares股票发行费用
commission expenses佣金费用
commodity exhibition expenses商品展览费用
common expense共同费用
communication and transportation expenses交通运输费用
communication expense通信费用
communication expense函电通讯费
compensate for the value of the various expenses抵偿各类费用支出
competitive principle of planned expenses on a technological project技术项目消耗费用可比原则
conference expense会议费用
content of circulation expenses流通费用内容
contract for project's expenses outside the budget预算外包干费用
control of expenses费用管理
controllable expenses可管制费用
controller's expense主计长费用
convention expense会议费
corporation bond issuing expense公司债券发行费用
corporation's organization expense公司设立费用
current expense日常费用
cut down expenses削减经费
cut the expense节减费用
cutting down business expense减少业务费用
cutting down management expense压缩管理费用
debugging expense拆卸搬迁费用
deductible business expense准予扣除的经营费用
deducting expenses扣除经费
deferred unapplied expense延迟未分配费用
demonstration expense示范费
demonstration expense展出费
departmental expense部门费用
departmental expense分部费用
departmental expense allocation部门费用分配
departmental expenses analysis sheet部门费用分析表
designing and drawing expense设计制图费
direct department expense直接部门费用即生产部门费用
direct departmental expenses部门直接费用
direct labor expense直接人工费用
direct labour expense直接人工费用
direct overhead expenses直接管理费用
discretionary expense center自由支配费用中心
distribution expense销售费用
distribution of expense费用的分配
distribution of expenses费用分摊
distribution on manufacturing expense按制造费用分配
duplicate expense使费用加倍
element of production expense生产费用要素
employee dormitory maintenance expense员工宿舍修缮费用
employee medical expense员工医疗费
employee training expense职工培训费
employee training expense for medical treatment due to on job injury职工因公负伤就医路费
employees and their direct dependents funeral expense职工及其直系亲属死亡丧葬费
employment department expenses人事部门费用
engineering and designing expense工程与设计费用
enterprise administration expense企业管理费
enterprise administration expense apportionment sheet企业管理费分配表
enterprise administration expense subsidiary ledger企业管理费分类账
enterprise administrative expense企业管理费
enterprise relocation expense企业搬迁费
entertainment expenses招待交际
environment protection expense环境保护费
escapable expenses可避免费用
exhibition expense展览费用
expense account报销账
expense account费用账
expense account开支账表
expense-account group集体费用账户
expense allocations费用分摊
expense and receipt on balance收支相抵
expense arising from outside manufacture外加工费
expense balance receipt收支相抵
expense balance receipt收支两平
expense belonging to the preceding fiscal year上一财政年度费用开支
expense category费用类目
expense ceiling费用限额
expense centre成本中心
expense centre费用中心
expense constant经常性开支
expense contra account抵消账户
expense deducted费用已扣
expense for surveying on damaged cargo受损货物检验费用
expense for trial manufacture of new products新产品试制费
expense in carrying on business营业费用
expense in kind实物支出
expense in litigation诉讼费
expense in the trial manufacture of new product新产品试制费
expense incurred支岀费用
expense invoice费用清单
expense involved in buying gold黄金购进费用
expense method of apportionment of research costs研究成本费用分摊法
expense of board of directors董事会费用
expense of communication通讯费用
expense of idleness停工费用
expense of labour人工费用
expense of management管理费用
expense of operation营业费
expense of performance偿债费用
expense of unreliability不可靠性损耗费
expense on bond公司债券发行费
expense on bond issuing公司债券发行费
expense on deposit保证金费用
expense on issue of share股票发行费用
expense ratio费用比率指营业费用开支与销货收入总额比率
expense store accountant仓库会计师
expense store accountant金库会计员
expense variance费用差额
expenses and accounts开支与账目
expenses and losses of previous years往年费用与损失
expenses and receipts on in balance收支平衡
expenses and receipts on in balance收支相抵
expenses balance receipts收抵支
expenses balance receipts收支相抵
expenses in the trial manufacture of new products新产品试制费
expenses of idleness窝工费用
expenses of overall testing with load负荷联合试车费用
expenses of taxation税金开支
expenses of the training programs培训规划费用
expenses statement费用报表
expenses while in transit转运费用
experiment and inspection expense试验检验费
experiment and research expense实验研究费用账户
experimental research and development expenses试验性研究及发展费用
factory expense制造费用即原材料和人工以外的制造费用
factory expense budget制造费用预算
factory expense budget variation制造费用预算差异
factory expense budget variation account制造费用预算差异账
factory expense efficiency制造费用效率
factory expense efficiency variation制造费用效率差
factory expense efficiency variation account制造费用效率差异账
factory general expense工厂总务费
factory general expenses工厂管理费
factory overhead expense制造费用
factory overhead expense distribution sheet制造间接费用分配表
factory overhead expense rate制造费用分配率
factory overhead expense variance制造费用差异
factory reunion transportation expense工厂规定的探亲路费
family expense家庭意外费用
financing expenses筹资费用
food and beverage expenses饮食费用
food and drink expenses饮食费用
forecast of expenses费用预测
foreign design and technology information expenses国外设计与技术信息费
formation expense创办费
fuel and light expenses燃料照明费用
funeral expenses丧葬补助费
general administration expense一般管理费用
general administrative expense普通管理费
general expense日用开支
general expenses管理费用
general factory expenses工厂总务费用
general government expenses一般行政费用
general office expense总务费用
general operating expense通常业务费
government administration expenses政务费用
government administration expenses行政费用
gross reserve expenses总预备费
guard and caretaker expenses警卫及看护费
heat, light and power expenses取暖、照明和动力费用
hospitality expense招待费
hospitality expense交际费
household expense家用开支
household expense家庭生活费用
housekeeping expenses保管费
house-keeping expenses家庭费用
housing expenses住宅费用
human resources development expenses人才资源开发费用
improvement expense改良费用
incidental expense临时费用
incidental expense附带费用
incidental expense零星费用
incidental expenses of trade贸易附带费用
incidental liability and expense附带责任与费用
inclusive list of expenses费用明细账
income available for living expenses生活费收入
indirect manufacturing expenses间接制造费用
initial expenses开办'费
inland forwarding expense内陆运费
inland forwarding expense内地运费
insurance expense保险费用支出
intermediate experimental expense中间试验费用
intermediate inspection expense中间检验费用
international trade-related expenses国际贸易有关费用
international transit expenses国际转运费用
intershop trucking expense工场间搬运费
irrelevant expense无关费用
item of expense费用项目
jurisdictional allocation of income and expenses不同税收管辖权之间的收入和费用分配
keeping and handling expenses保管及装卸费用
labor insurance expense劳保费用
labor protection expense劳保费用
labor safety expense劳动安全费用
labor safety protection expense劳动安全保护费用
labor service expense劳务费
land use expense土地使用费
lease expense租赁费用
light heat and water expense照明、取暖和水费
litigation costs and expenses诉讼费用
living expenses insurance生活费用保险
loading and unloading expenses装卸费用
local expense地方费用
local travelling expense市内差旅费
loss of extra expenses额外费用损失
lump-sum expense一次总付费用
lump-sum measure expense一次性措施费用
maintenance expenses efficiency维持费用效率
management and general expense管理业务开支
management development expenses管理开发费用
management direct expense直接管理费用
managerial expenses经理费用
manufacturing expenses of workshop车间经费
manufacturing expenses standard制造费用标准
marketing expense经销费用
marketing expenses营销费用
matching revenue and expense收支相配
material expenses材料费用
material of standing order and applied manufacturing expenses实际及已分配制造费用资料
meals and lodging expenses膳宿费
medical and dental expenses医疗费
medical expenses deduction医疗费用扣除
meet one's expenses缴纳费用
meet one's expenses应付开支
meet expenses支付费用
miscellaneous general expenses杂项管理费用
monetary expenses金融费用
national defense expense国防费用
natural expense正常费用
natural expense account正常费用账户
negative expense负费用
net expense净费用
net of administrative expense除去管理费的净值
new product development expense新产品开发费用
new product trial run expense新产品试制费用
new shares issuing expenses a/c新股发行费账户
new stock issuing expenses新股发行费用
nominal expense名义费用
non-business expenses非营业费用
non-deductible moving expenses不能扣除的迁移费
non-operating incomes and expenses非营业收支
norm expense定额费用
occasional expense临时费用
office expenses account办公费账户
operating expense营运费用
operating expense业务开支
ordinary every day expense日常费用开支
organization expense创办费
organization expense组建费
organization expense amortization开办费摊销
organization expenses amortized开办费摊提
other expense另费
other expense其它费用
other expenses apportionment其他费用分配
other expenses apportionment sheet其他费用分配表
other expenses budget其他费用预算
other expenses pending write-off upon approval应核销其他费用
overhead apportionment method: basic expenses ratio基本费用比例分配法
packing and wrapping expense包装费用
packing expense包装费用
particular operating expense个别特别经营开支
past expenses not adjusted未调整过去费用
patent expense专利费用
paving expense铺装费用
payroll department expenses工薪部门费用
percent of circulation expense流通费用率
period expense本期费用
petty expenses analysis book杂费分析账
planning department expense设计部门费用
plant expense设备费用
plant management expense工厂管理费用
plant operation expense工厂营运费用
pollution control expense治理污染费用
prepaid advertising expenses a/c预付广告费账户
prepaid and deferred expenses预付与递延费用
prepaid expenses apportionment sheet预付费用分配表
processing expenses加工费
production expenses budget生产费用预算
production expenses carried down生产费用结转
production expenses fund生产费用资金
production expenses fund source生产费用资金来源
production expenses of gross industrial output工业总产值的生产费用
production expenses of gross nonindustrial output非工业总产值的生产费用
production work force training expenses生产职工培训费用
prohibitive expense难以负担的费用
prohibitive expense高额费用
proportion of the expenses to the receipts量入为岀
publicity expense广告费
publicity expense宣传费
ratio of cost of sales and operating expenses to net sales销售成本与营业费用对销售净额的比率
ratio of expenses to sales费用与销货额之比
ratio of interest expenses to interest bearing liability利息费用与付息负债之比
ratio of interest expenses to sales利息费用与销售比率
ratio of interest expenses to sales利息费用与销货额的比率
ratio of operating expenses to sales营业费用与销售额比率
ratio of total expenses to total revenues总费用与总收入比率
ratio of total expenses to total revenues总费用与总收益比率
reading and recreational expenses读书娱乐费用
receipts exceeded the expenses盈余
receipts exceeded the expenses收入大于支出
receiving department expenses收货部门费用
recondition expense整理改装费
recondition expense修缮费
recondition expense整理费
reconditioning expenses整理改装费用
reconstruction expenses改组费用
recoup a person for expense付还某人费用
recover one's expenses补偿费用
recruiting expense征收费用
reducing expense节减费用
refinancing expense债务掉期费用
refund of expenses支岀费用的退款
refund of expenses支出费用的退款
register of expenses经费开支登记簿
register of expenses费用登记簿
register of operating expenses营业费用登记簿
reinstallation expense重安装费用
renewal expenses更新费用
renewal expenses accounting更新费核算
rental expenses租赁费用
repacking expenses改包装费用
repacking expenses改装费
repacking expenses重新包装费
repairing expenses of defective work废品修复费用
report on expenses费用决算报告
research and development expenses研究开发支出
research and development expenses研制费用
residence-owners expenses住宅业主费用
residual expenses待摊费用余额
restrict expenses限制费用
retrench expenses紧缩开支
run behind one's expenses入不敷出
running expenses试车费用
running expenses经营费用
running expenses of management经营管理费用
salaries and interest as expenses把薪金和利息作为费用
salaries expense薪费
sales expenses营业费用
salesmen's traveling and entertainment expenses推销员差旅交际费
salesmen's travelling and entertainment expenses推销员旅费和交际费
scheduled expense计划费用
secret service expenses机密费
self-determination of profit or loss by charging expenses against revenue以收抵支自计盈亏
selling and administrative expenses charged to cost销货及管理费计入成本
semi-variable expense半变动费用
send in an expense accounts报销
send in an expense accounts报账
sequential apportionment of auxiliary production expenses method辅助生产费用按序分配法
service department expenses服务部门费用
setting-up expenses组建费用
shop office expenses车间事务费用
social welfare expense社会福利费
sojourn expenses停留费
split of expense费用分摊
staff expenses雇用职工费用
staff training expense职工培训费用
statement of factory operation expenses工厂经营费用表
statement of manufacturing expenses制造费用表
statement of operating expenses营业费用明细表
statement of selling and administrative expenses销售管理费用表
statement of selling expenses销售费用表
storage expenses仓储费用
summary of applied selling and administrative expenses已分配推销及管理费用汇总表
summary of cost and expense classification成本及费用分类一览表
summary of operation revenues and expenses营业收支汇总表
summary of production expenses生产费用汇总表
summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expense未交订货与已分摊制造费用汇总表
sundry expenses杂费
survey and design expense勘察设计费用
table expenses伙食费
technical expense技术费用
technical power expense技术用动力费用
technological development expense技术开发费用
telephone and telegraph expenses电话、电报费
temporary facilities expense临时设施费
tour expense旅游费用
tourism expense旅游费用
tourist expense旅游费用
trade-related expenses贸易有关费用
trading expense贸易费用
training expenses训练费用
transactional allocation of income and expenses按交易量分配收入和费用
transit expenses过境费
travelling and miscellaneous expenses旅杂费
travelling expense旅差费
travelling expenses差旅费
trial running expenses试运转费用
trimming expense平舱费
unabsorbed expenses未分摊费用
unallowable expense未许可费用
unamortized debenture expenses未摊债券发行费用
unamortized debt expense未摊债务费用
unamortized expense未摊费用
unamortized expenses未分摊费用
unamortized organization expense未摊销组织费用
unamortized organization expense未摊还的开办费用
unamortized share-issuing expense未摊还股份发行费用
unapplied expenses未用经费
unapplied expenses allocation未分配费用分摊
uncontrollable expenses不能控制费用
uncontrollable expenses失控费用
under-allocated expenses少分配费用
underapplied expenses少分配费用
undistributed operating expenses未分配营业费用
unforeseen and extraordinary expenses意外非常费用
unrecorded expenses未入账的费用
unweighted expense未加权费用
variable manufacturing overhead expense可变制造费用
warehouse expenses仓储费用
watchman's expense看护费
water and electricity expense水电费
water expense水道费
water expense水费
worker's insurance expenses劳动保险费
working expenses管理费用
workshop expenses apportionment sheet车间经费分配表
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