
Terms for subject Technology containing expenses | all forms | exact matches only
abandonment expenses废弃费用
abridgment of expenses削减费用
absorbed expenses已负担的费用
absorbed manufacturing expenses已分配制造费用
absorbed manufacturing expenses已吸收制造费
accrued items of expenses应付费用项目
accrued items of expenses应计开支项目
acquisition expenses for buildings房屋购置费
actual expenses实际开支
additional expenses额外费用
additional expenses附加支出
additional living expenses追加生活费
additive expenses额外开支
adjustment to expenses费用调整
adjustment work expenses调整费用
administration expenses管理费 (用)
administrative and maintenance expenses管理及维护费用
administrative and selling expenses管理及销售费用
administrative expenses行政管理费
administrative expenses办公费
administrative expenses行政费 (用)
administrative expenses行政开支
after transfer expenses二次搬运费
all expenses全部费用
allocated expenses分摊费用
allocation of expenses费用的分摊
allocation of residual expenses费用余款分摊
allowable expenses免税支出
amortization expenses摊销费
amortization of initial expenses开办费摊提
amortization of initial expenses开办费摊销
amortization of organization expenses开办费摊销
amusement expenses交际接待费用
analysis of expenses费用分析
annual business expenses年度经营费用
annualization of expenses费用按年折算
annualized expenses费用按年折算
applied expenses分配费用
applied factory overhead expenses已分配工厂间接费用
applied material handling expenses已分配材料管理费用
arbitration expenses仲裁费 (用)
audit expenses查账费用
audit of expenses费用审计
audit of investment expenses that should be cancelled after verification应核销投资性费用审计
auxiliary department expenses辅助部门费用
auxiliary expenses辅助费用
auxiliary material expenses辅助材料费
auxiliary production expense apportionment辅助生产费用分配
auxiliary production expenses辅助生产费用
bad debt expenses坏账费用
basic depreciation expenses基本折旧费
basic expenses基本费用
bear expenses负担费用
bear expenses承担费 (用)
betterment expenses改良费用
bond discount and expenses account债券贴现及费用账
bond interest expenses债券利息支出
bond issuing expenses债券发行费用
brokerage expenses佣金费用
budget for annual expenses岁出预算
budget of production expenses生产费用预算
budgeted expenses预算费用
budgeted expenses预算内开支
building expenses建筑费用
building maintenance expenses建筑物维护费
building maintenance expenses建筑物维修费
business entertainment expenses交际接待费用
business expenses业务支出
business expenses营业费 (用)
business expenses经营费用
business expenses of insurer保险事业营业费
business gift expenses业务礼品费用
buying expenses进货费用
buying expenses采购费用
calculation of the effect of expense incurred费用支出效果核算
capacity expenses生产能力费用
capital expenses集资费用
capitalized expenses费用的资本化值
cargo expenses装卸费 (用)
cargo shifting expenses翻舱费
cargo shifting expenses倒舱费
carriage expenses搬运费 (用)
carrier registration expenses运输工具注册费
carrying-in expenses搬入费
cars sector expenses车辆部门支出
cartage expenses搬运费 (用)
central administrative expenses中枢管理费用
central corporate expenses公司总部费用
check of calculating and collecting petty expenses in transport运杂费计算和核收的审查
chipping expenses剁斧工费
claim for loss and expenses开支亏损索赔
claims expenses理赔费 (用)
clearing expenses清理费用
clothing expenses衣着费
coke expenses ratio焦比
collective expenses集中费
commercial indirect expenses商业间接费用
communication and signaling equipment depreciation expenses通信信号设备折旧费
communication and signalling equipment depreciation expenses通信信号设备折旧费
communication expenses通信费 (用)
communication line depreciation expenses通信线路折旧费
compound expenses复合费用
computer operating maintenance expenses电子计算机运用维修费
constant expenses不变费用
constant expenses固定费 (用)
contract for the expenses of erecting single building栋号包干
contract of cost and expenses监督开支合同
control of expenses费用控制 (管理)
controllable expenses可控费用
controlling expenses控制费用
cost of expenses费用成本
credit and collection expenses放账和收账费用
current expenses杂费
current expenses日常费用
current expenses经常开支
cut-down expenses压缩开支
daily expenses每日开支
daily report of cash income and expenses现金收支日报
dead expenses非生产性费用
debugging expenses折卸搬迁费用
deduct expenses扣除费用
deductible expenses可减免费用
deductible expenses可扣除费用
deductible medical expenses可扣除医疗费用
deductible moving expenses可扣除迁移费
deferred and prepaid expenses待摊费用
deferred expenses延迟费用
deferred unapplied expenses延期未分配费用
defray the expenses支给费用
delivery expenses运输费 (用)
delivery expenses销货运费
demolition expenses拆毁费
depletion expenses折耗费用
depletion expenses损耗费 (用)
depletion expenses耗减费用
depreciation expenses折旧费 (用)
development expenses开发费
development expenses开拓赞
development expenses发展费用
dinner-party expenses接待费
direct departmental expenses直接部门费用
direct expenses直接费 (用)
direct labor expenses直接人工费用
direct labour expenses直接人工费用
direct manufacturing expenses直接生产费用
direct operating expenses直接操作费用
direct personnel expenses直接个人费用
direct personnel expenses直接人员薪金
direct personnel expenses人员直接费用
direct store expenses商店直接储[贮]存费用
discharging expenses卸货成本
discount expenses贴现费用
distribution expenses分销费用
distribution expenses摊销费用
distribution of expenses费用分配
domestic expenses家庭支出
dwelling expenses住房用费
dwelling expenses居住费
economizing rate of exploration expenses地勘费用节约率
electric expenses电费
electric power expenses动力电费
electrical expenses电费
electrical power expenses动力电费
electricity expenses电力费
employee's business expenses职工业务支出
employee's educational expenses职工教育费
employee's floatation expenses职工的筹款费用
employee's flotation expenses职工的筹款费用
employee-training expenses职工培训费
employment department expenses部门费用
enterprise administration expenses企业管理费 (用)
enterprise expenses事业支出
enterprise relocation expenses企业搬迁费
entertainment expenses交际接待费用
entertainment expenses娱乐费
environmental protection expenses环境保护费用
equipment inspection expenses设备检验费
estimated expenses费用估计数
estimated expenses预计费用
expenses of machines and tools机械器具费
experiment and research expenses试验研究费
experiment research and development expenses试验研究及开发费用
experimentation expenses已耗费用
expired expense已耗费用
expired expense已消逝费用
extra expenses额外开支
extra expenses独立费 (工程成本中除去直接费和间接费以外部分)
extraordinary expenses非常费用
extraordinary expenses临时经费
factory administrative expenses厂部经费
field expenses工地经费
financial expenses财政费
fire-protection expenses防火费
fixed expenses固定开支
fixing-up expenses出售房产前的修理费
food expenses伙食费
formation expenses开办费
forward expenses运输费 (用)
freight transport expenses货运支出
freight transport expenses on every kilometre单元货运支出
fumigation expenses熏仓费用
fumigation expenses熏舱费 (用)
functional expenses业务费用
future expenses未来费用
gas and water expenses煤气及水费
general administrative and selling expenses一般管理费和销售费
general administrative and selling expenses一般管理和销售费用
general administrative expenses普通管理费用
general administrative expenses一般管理费用
general caretaking expenses经常管理费
general expenses总管理费
general expenses综合费用
general expenses普通用费
general expenses普通费用
general expenses一般营业费用
general government expenses普通行政费用
general management expenses一般管理费
general operating expenses一般业务费用
general overhead expenses一般管理费
general selling expenses一般销售费用
graving expenses船底清扫费
gross business expenses总费用
handling expenses处理费 (用)
health insurance expenses健康保险费 (用)
heat expenses热消耗
heat expenses热支出
house and building depreciation expenses房屋建筑物折旧费
housebuilding sector expenses房建部门支出
housing expenses住房费用
housing expenses住房开支
idleness expenses停机费用
idle-time expenses闲置时间开支
incidental expenses偶然费用
incidental expenses临时费用
incidental liabilities, expenses附带责任和费用
income and expenses收支
income tax expenses所得税费用
incremental expenses增支费用
indirect expenses间接费 (用)
indirect expenses间接工程费 (用)
indirect incidental expenses间接附带费用
indirect maintenance expenses间接维修费用
indirect operating expenses间接营业费用
indirect shop labor expenses辅助工人工资支出
industrial sundry expenses生产用杂费
initial expenses初次费用
initial expenses创办费
initial installation expenses最初装备费
inland forwarding expenses内陆运费用
installation expenses装设费
insurance expenses保险费 (用)
interest expenses利息支出
interest expenses支付利息
internal supply and sale expenses内部供应和销售支出
internal transportation expenses场内运费
inventorial expenses可归做成本的费用
joint expenses联运费用
joint expenses连带费用
joint expenses共同营业费
keep a tab on the expenses记录各项费用
keeping and handing expenses保管及处理费用
keeping expenses保管费 (用)
landing expenses起岸费
landing expenses卸货费 (用)
license expenses许可证费 (用)
line and bridge building depreciation expenses线桥建筑折旧费
liquidation expenses of fixed assets固定资产清理费用
living expenses生活费 (用)
loading and unloading expenses装卸费 (用)
locomotive sector expenses机务部门支出
lump-sum measure expenses一次性措施费用
managing expense of house房屋管理费
manufacturing expenses-in-process在制制造费用
material handling expenses原材料处理费用
meet expenses偿付开支
meet one's expenses使收支相抵
miscellaneous expenses其他开支
multiple of direct personnel expense按人工、 开支加权的收费估算法
necessary expenses必要经费
net of administrative expenses除去管理费的净值
new technique exploration expenses新技术开发研究费
non-cash expenses非现金支出的费用
non-commercial expenses非商业储备
non-operating account of income and expenses非营业收益及费用账户
non-operating expenses非业务费用
non-operating expenses业外费用
non-productive expenses非生产费用
non-productive expenses非生产性费用
non-recurrent expenses偶生费用
non-recurring expenses一次性费用
normal operating expenses正常工作开支
occupancy expenses被占用费用
office equipment repairs and maintenance expenses营业设备维修保养费
office work expenses办公费
operating expenses营业开支
operating expenses管理费用
operating expenses运输费 (用)
operating expenses营运成本
operating expenses营业支出
operating expenses营运费 (用)
operating expenses运行费 (用)
operating expenses经营支出
operating expenses经营管理费用
operating expenses经营费 (用)
operating expenses运营费 (用)
operating overhead expenses非操作费用
operation expenses营运费 (用)
operation expenses营运成本
operation expenses事业费
operation expenses运营费 (用)
ordinary everyday expenses日常费用
organizational expenses开办费
organizational expenses组建费
other direct expenses其他直接费
other indirect expenses其他间接费
other industrial equipment depreciation expenses其他生产设备折旧费
other sector expenses其他部门支出
out-budget expenses预算外支出
out-of-pocket cost or expenses实际现金支出
out-of-pocket expenses现金支付实际花费
out-of-pocket expenses现金支付开支
out-of-pocket expenses现付费用
outside order expenses分包费用
outside order expenses外部定货费
over-applied expenses多分配费用
overhead expenses经常费 (用)
overhead expenses管理费
packing and wrapping expenses包装费
packing expenses包装费
paid other expenses已付其他费用
pare down expenses节省开支
passenger sundry expenses客运杂费
passenger train depreciation expenses客车折旧费
passenger transport expenses客运支出
patent expenses专利费
pay chief administrative expenses上缴上级管理费
pay senior administrative agency expenses上缴上级支出
payroll department expenses薪工管理部门费用
percent of circulation expenses流通费用率
period expenses audit期间费用审计
plant maintenance expenses厂场维持费
power expenses电力费
power plant expenses发电厂费用
power plant expenses动力车间费用
power supply system on electrified railway depreciation expenses电气化铁路供电系统折旧费
preliminary expenses筹备费
preliminary expenses初期支出
premium and bond issuance expenses摊提贴水
preopening expenses开办准备费
prepaid expenses垫支资金
prepaid items of expenses费用预付项
prevision for expenses预提费用
privileged expenses特殊费用
processing expenses加工费用
production department expenses生产部门费用
production department expenses生产车间费用
production expenses生产费 (用)
promotion expenses推销费用
property betterment expenses房地产改善费用
purchase expenses采办费用
purchasing department expenses进货部门费用
railing operating expenses铁路运营费用
railway transportation cost and expense calculation铁路运输成本费用计划
ratio of interest expenses to sales利用费用与销货比率
receiving expenses收货费 (用)
reclamation expenses垦殖费用
recognition of expenses费用确定
reduce expenses压缩开支
register of expenses费用支出登记簿
regular expenses经常费 (用)
rehabilitation expenses复兴费
rehabilitation expenses修复费用
reimbursable expenses补偿费
reimbursable expenses工程补偿费
reimbursable expenses赔偿费用
reimbursable expenses可偿还的支付
reimbursement expenses补偿费用
reimbursement for expenses补偿费用
relative fixed expenses相对固定费用
relief expenses救济费
removal expenses搬运费 (用)
renewal expenses更新费 (用)
rent expenses租赁费
rental expense阻力费用
repair expenses修理费 (用)
repairing expenses修缮经费
repairing expenses of house房屋维修费
replacement expenses重置费用
research and development expenses研究发展费用
royalty expenses特权费
running expenses经常开支
running expenses经常费 (用)
running expenses行车费 (用)
running expenses营运成本
running expenses营运费 (用)
running expenses行车支出
salable expenses by unit product单位成品推销费
salaries expenses薪金费用
sales expenses销货费
sales expenses销售费用
sales promotion expenses推销费用
salesmen's traveling and entertainment expenses推销员差旅及交际费
salvage expenses救护费用
salvage expenses救助费 (用)
search and rescue expenses搜索与救助费
search and rescue expenses搜索营救费用
search and rescue expenses搜寻与救助费
selling and administrative expenses销售及管理成本
selling and administrative expenses销货与管理费用
selling and administrative expenses销售及管理费用
selling expenses variance销售费用差异
semi-direct expenses半直接费用
semi-variable expenses半变动费用
separately deduct expenses分别减除费用
service department expenses辅助生产部门费用
service expenses服务费 (用)
service expenses劳务费
set-off expenses补偿开支
setting-up expenses生产调整准备费用
setting-up expenses开业准备费用
setting-up expenses准备费用
share losses expenses分担损失费
share the expenses分担费用
share the expenses equally均摊费用
ship operating expenses船舶营运费用
shipping expenses of container ship集装箱船营运费用
ship's expenses per operation ton-day船舶营运吨天费用
ship's expenses per operational ton-day船舶营运吨天费用
shop expenses车间经费
site administration expenses现场管理费
site expenses现场管理费
site expenses现场经费
small measure expenses小型措施费
social expenses交际接待费用
special expenses特别费用
special expenses特殊费用
standard manufacturing expenses标准制造费用
standard measure expenses标准计量费
standing expenses经常费 (用)
standing expenses order经常费用单
state me nt of financial income and expenses财务收入及费用表
state me nt of financial income and expenses财务收支机费用表
statement of income and expenses收入费用表
storage expenses保管费
storage expenses仓储费 (用)
storage expenses仓储成本
storage expenses堆存费
storeroom expenses物料库费用
storeroom expenses仓库费用
subsidies for heating expenses取暖费补贴
substituted expenses代替费用
summary of cost and expenses classification成本费用分类表
summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied已分摊制造费用汇总表
summary of operating revenue and expenses营业收支汇总表
supervising expenses监工费
supplies expenses物料费用
synthetic expenses生产综合费用
synthetical expenses生产综合费用
technique development expense技术开发费
temporary material expenses临时工程材料消耗
temporary material expenses暂设工程材料损耗
terminal expense晚期费用
termination expenses终止合同费用
testing expenses试验费
trade expenses营业费 (用)
ultimate expenses最高费用
unapplied expenses未分配费用
uncontrollable expenses不能统制费用
uncontrollable expenses不可控制费用
uncontrollable expenses不易控制费用
underapplied expenses少分配的费用
underapplied manufacturing expenses少分配制造费用
unexpected expenses意外开支
unexpected expenses意外支出
unexpired expenses未耗用费用
unexpired expenses未满期费用
unforeseen expenses临时开支
unforeseen expenses不可预见费 (用)
unforeseen expenses意外开支
unpaid expenses未付费用
unproductive expenses非生产性费用
unrecorded expenses未入账费用
unvariable expenses不变费用
upkeep expenses维修费 (用)
use of revenue to finance expenses以收抵支
variable expenses可变支出
variable expenses ratio变动成本比率
victualing expenses餐费
victualling expenses餐费
wage and related expenses工资附加费
wagon depreciation expenses货车折旧费
warehouse expenses仓储费 (用)
wastage expenses损耗费 (用)
water and electricity sector expenses水电部门支出
way and structure sector expenses工务部门支出
wholesale commerce expenses批发商业费用
workers insurance expenses劳动保险费
working expenses经营
working expenses工作费 (用)
yard transportation expenses厂内运输费
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