
Terms for subject China containing exit | all forms | exact matches only
entry and exit animal and plant quarantine进出境动植物检疫工作
Entry-Exit Pass出入境通行证
exit leave a country离境
exit and entry border inspection authorities岀入境边防检查机关
exit and entry certificates出入境证件
exit certificate出境证件
exit-entry control department出入境管理机构
exit expenses出境费用
exit or entry order出境入境秩序
exit or entry procedure出境入境秩序
hold invalid exit certificate持用无效出境证件
illegal exit非法出境
International Telecommunications Exit and Access Bureau国际电信出入口局
restrict the exit限制出境
State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine国家出入境检验检疫局海关总署 (under the General Administration of Customs)
transfer an entry or exit certificate转让入境、出境证件