
Terms for subject Commerce containing exchange rates | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
basket of exchange rates in SDR特别提款权一揽子汇价
dual exchange rate双元汇率 (即商业汇率 (commercial rate)、金融汇率(financial rate))
exchange rate quotations外汇牌价
flexible exchange rate伸缩性汇率
floating exchange rate流动汇率 (与固定汇率 (fixed exchange rate) 相对)
forced exchange rate强制汇率
forward exchange rate远期外汇汇率
free exchange rate自由汇率 (与法管汇率 (official exchange rate) 相对)
freely fluctuating exchange rate自由浮动汇率 (包括:汇率下浮 (floating downward),汇率上浮 (floating upward))
freely fluctuating rate of exchange system自由浮动汇率制
manipulate the exchange rate操纵外汇汇率
Many countries have been compelled to float the exchange rate of their currencies许多国家被迫采取浮动汇率制
multilateral exchange rate model多式汇率模式
normal exchange rate正常汇率
official exchange rate外汇牌价
official exchange rate法定汇价
pattern of exchange rate汇率模式
pegged exchange rate固定汇率
project exchange rate项目换汇率
rate of exchange外汇行市
rate of exchange外汇汇率
rate of foreign exchange外汇行市
rate of foreign exchange汇价
readjustment of foreign exchange rate外汇汇率重新调整
single exchange rate单一汇价
spot rate of exchange现汇汇率
steady exchange rate稳定汇率
timing of readjusting foreign exchange rate外汇汇率调整时机
upper and lower limits of official rate of exchange官定汇率上下限
upturn in rate of exchange汇率回升
variable exchange rate变动汇率