
Terms for subject Name of organization containing european | all forms | exact matches only
Ad Hoc EIFAC/EC Working Party on Market Perspectives for European Freshwater Aquaculture欧洲淡水养殖市场前景特设工作组
Ad Hoc Working Party on Market Perspectives of European Freshwater Aquaculture欧洲淡水养殖市场前景特设工作组
Association of Dietetic Foods Industries of the European Union欧洲联盟营养食品业协会
Association of the Industry of Juices and Nectars from Fruits and Vegetables of the European Union欧洲联盟果汁和菜汁饮料业协会
Codex Regional European Standard for Natural Mineral Waters欧洲区域天然矿泉水法典标准
Committee of Agricultural Organizations in the European Union欧盟农业组织委员会
Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers of the European Community欧洲共同体制革工人及服装制作者国家协会联盟
Conference of European Statisticians欧洲统计人员会议
Conference of European Statisticians欧洲统计学家联合会
Council of the European Union欧洲联盟理事会
Eastern European Affairs Initiative东欧事务倡议
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road《欧洲国际危险品货物公路运输协定》
European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International road transport《欧洲国际公路运输车辆和人员工作协定》
European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund欧洲农业指导及保证基金会
European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization欧洲和地中海植物保护组织
European Association for Development and Health unofficial欧洲发展与健康协会
European Association for Research on Plant Breeding欧洲植物育种研究协会
European Association for the Trade in Jute Products欧洲黄麻制品贸易协会
European Association of Advertising Agencies欧洲广告机构协会
European Association of Agricultural Economists欧洲农业经济学家协会
European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes欧洲发展研究和培训机构协会
European Association of Exploration Geophysicists欧洲地球物理学家勘探协会
European Association of Nitrogen Manufacturers欧洲氮肥生产者协会
European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation EASDAQ欧洲证券交易商自动报价系统依斯达克比利时
European Atomic Energy Community欧洲原子能联营
European Atomic Energy Community欧洲核能联营机构
European Bureau for Conservation and Development欧洲养护与发展署
European Bureau of Information on Development of Animal Health欧洲家禽卫生情况发展信息局
European Cattle and Meat Trade Union欧洲牛和肉类工会
European Cell Biology Organization欧洲细胞生物学组织
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts欧洲中等范围天气预报中心
European Civil Aviation Conference欧洲民用航空会议
European Coal and Steel Community欧洲煤钢联营机构
European Coal & Steel Community欧洲煤钢联营
European Cocoa Association欧洲可可协会
European Code for Inland Waterways《欧洲内河航运法》
European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease欧洲口蹄疫防治委员会
European Commission Host Organization欧洲东道主组织委员会
European Commission on Agriculture欧洲农业委员会
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization欧洲电力技术标准化委员会
European Committee for Standardization欧洲标准化委员会
European Committee for the Study of Salt欧洲盐业研究委员会
European Committee of Associations of Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery欧洲农业机械制造商协会委员会
European Committee of Sugar Manufacturers欧洲化工产品制造商协会理事会
European Committee of Sugar Manufacturers欧洲食糖制造商委员会
European Common Market European Economic Community EEC欧洲共同市场欧洲经济共同体
European Communities欧洲共同体
European Community欧洲共同体
European Community欧共体
European Confederation of Agriculture欧洲农业联盟
European Confederation of Pulp, Paper and Board Industry欧洲纸浆、纸张和纸板工业联合会
European Confederation of Retailing欧洲零售联盟
European Confederation of Woodworking Industries欧洲木匠业联盟
European Conference of Ministers of Transport欧洲交通部长会议
European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid欧洲人道主义援助共识
European Cooperation and Research Action on Food Consumption and Composition Data欧洲食品消费和构成数据合作研究行动
European CO-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research欧洲科技研究领域合作
European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research欧洲科技研究领域合作
European Cooperative Network on Sheep and Goat Research绵羊和山羊研究欧洲合作网络
European Cooperative Networks on Rural Energy欧洲乡村能源合作网
European Cooperative Programme欧洲合作计划
European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources欧洲作物遗传资源网络合作计划
European Cooperative Programme on Crop Genetic Resources Networks欧洲作物遗传资源网络合作计划
European Cooperative Research Network on Animal Waste Utilization动物废弃物利用欧洲合作研究网络
European Cooperative Research Network on Sunflower向日葵欧洲合作研究网络
European Council for Rural Law欧洲乡村法律理事会
European Economic and Social Committee欧洲经济和社会委员会
European Economic and Social Committee欧洲经社委员会
European Exchange欧洲交易所
European Farm Animal Biodiversity Information System欧洲家畜生物多样性信息系统
European Federation for Animal Health欧洲家畜卫生联合会
European Federation for the Protection of Waters欧洲水域保护联合会
European Federation of Animal Science欧洲畜牧协会
European Federation of Associations of Manufacturers of Frozen Food Products欧洲冷冻食品制造商协会联合会
European Federation of Fibre Board Manufacturers欧洲纤维板协会联合会
European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries' Associations欧洲制药工业协会联盟
European Federation of the Trade in Dried Fruits, Edible Nuts, Preserved Food, Spices, Honey and Similar Foodstuffs欧洲干果、蜜饯、调味品、蜂蜜进口商联合会
European Fertilizer Manufacturers' Association欧洲肥料生产商协会
European Fisheries Fund欧洲渔业基金
European Food Emulsifier Manufacturers' Association欧洲食品乳化剂生产商协会
European Food Law Association欧洲食品法协会
European Forest Genetic Resources Programme欧洲森林遗传资源计划
European Forest Sector Outlook Studies欧洲森林部门前景研究
European Forestry Commission欧洲林业委员会
European Free Trade Association Outer Seven欧洲自由贸易联盟外部七国集团
European Ice Cream Association欧洲冰淇淋协会
European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development欧洲农业发展研究倡议
European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会
European Institute of Ecology and Cancer欧洲生态与癌症研究所
European Institute of the Carob Gum Industries欧洲角豆树胶工业研究所
European Insurance Committee欧洲保险委员会
European League for Economic Cooperation欧洲经济合作联盟
European Liaison Committee for Pulp and Paper欧洲纸浆及纸张事务联络委员会
European Monetary Agreement欧洲通货协定
European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme欧洲空气污染远距离传输监测和评价合作方案
European Network of Excellence for Oceans Ecosystem Analysis欧洲海洋生态系统分析卓越网络
European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development欧洲救济与发展非政府组织联合会
European Non-governmental Organizations Confederation for Relief and Development欧洲救济与发展非政府组织联合会
European Options Exchange欧洲期权交易所荷兰阿姆斯特丹
European Organization for Nuclear Research欧洲原子能研究组织
European Parliament欧洲议会
European Provisions concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Inland Waterway《欧洲国际危险品货物内河运输规定》
European Research Networks Advisory Committee欧洲研究网络咨询委员会
European Society for Rural Sociology欧洲农村社会学学会
European Society of Nuclear Methods in Agriculture欧洲农用核技术学会
European Space Agency欧洲空间机构
European System of Central Banks欧洲中央银行系统
European System of Cooperative Research Networks in Agriculture欧洲农业合作研究网系统
European Tea Committee欧洲茶叶委员会
European Telecommunications Standards Institute欧洲电讯标准研究所
European Union Food Facility欧盟粮食基金
European Union of Potato Processing Industry欧洲马铃薯加工联合会
European Union of the Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale, Import and Export Trade欧洲水果和蔬菜批发、进出口贸易联合会
European Vegetable Protein Federation欧洲植物蛋白联盟
Federation of European Aquaculture Producers欧洲水产养殖者联合会
Federation of the European Salmon and Trout Growers欧洲大马哈鱼和鲑鱼养殖者联合会
Institute for European Environmental Policy欧洲环境政策研究所
International Confederation of European Beet Growers欧洲甜菜种植者国际联合会
Joint Session of the Timber Committee and the European Forestry Commission木材委员会和欧洲林业委员会联席会议
Liaison Bureau of the European EEC Union of Aromatic Products欧洲经济共同体欧洲芳香产品联盟联络局
Liaison Committee of Development NGOs to the European Union非政府组织与欧盟发展问题联络委员会
Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium驻欧洲联盟及比利时联络处布鲁塞尔
Pan-European Dow Jones STOXX Index道・琼斯泛欧斯托克斯指数
Pan-European Exchange泛欧洲交易所欧洲
Research Group for European Migration Problems欧洲移民问题研究小组
Standing Technical Committee of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease欧洲口蹄疫防治委员会常设委员会
Standing Technical Committee of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease常设技术委员会
The European Union Member Organization欧洲联盟 成员组织
Working Party on Quality Criteria for European Freshwater Fish欧洲淡水鱼质量标准工作组