
Terms for subject Nursing containing esophagus | all forms
achalasia of cardia and esophagus食管贲门失弛缓症
carcinoma of esophagus食管癌
chemical injury of esophagus食管化学伤
cicatricial stricture of esophagus食管瘢痕性狭窄
congenital stenosis of esophagus先天性食管狭窄
dilatation of the esophagus食管扩张术
diverticulum of esophagus食管憩室
foreign bodies in esophagus食管异物
foreign body in esophagus食管异物
peptic ulcer of esophagus食管消化性溃疡
perforation of esophagus食管穿孔
radical operation for carcinoma of esophagus食管癌根治手术护理
rupture of varicose vein of esophagus食管静脉曲张破裂
short esophagus短食管
tuberculosis of esophagus食管结核