
Terms for subject Telecommunications containing error | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal error rate反常差错率
accidental error偶发误差
actuating error signal启动误差信号
agitation error骚动误差
aliasing error别名使用误差
alignment error rate monitoring定位出错率监视
ambiguity error二义性误差
asymptotic error渐近误差
automatic error analysis自动误差分析
automatic error correction system自动误差校正系统
automatic error detection自动误差检测
automatic error detection自动检错
automatic error detection and retransmission自动检错与重发
automatic error indication自动差错指示
automatic error interrogation自动差错查询
automatic error interrogation自动差错询问
automatic error request自动回询纠错
automatic error request equipment自动误字检查订正装置印制电信用的
automatic frequency fine control residual error自动频率微调剩余误差
average error capacity region平均差错容量区
average error rate平均误码率
average error rate平均差错率
average magnitude of error平均差错量
average probability of error平均差错概率
azimuth error水平误差
azimuth error方位误差
background block error块差错
background block error背景误块
background block error ratio块差错比
balancing error平衡误差
basic error correction method基本纠错法
billing error probability账单差错概率
binary error rate二进制错码率
bit error位错
bit error probability误码概率
bit error rate比特差错率
bit error rate比特误码率
bit error rates误码率
bit error ratio比特差错率
block-error probability误组率
block-error probability码组差错率
block error rate码组差错率
burst error成组差错
burst error突发错误
burst error channel突发错误信道
burst error correction突发错误纠正
byte error detecting capability字节错误检测能力
cell error ratio信元差错比
character error rate误字率
code error错误代码
coincident error重合误差
communication error code通信差错码
concealed error隐蔽误差
concentricity error同心度误差
concentricity error of core/cladding纤心/包层的同心度偏差
concentricity error of core/reference surface纤心/基准面的同心度偏差
consistency error一致性错误
core eccentricity error纤心偏心率误差
critical error关键性错误
digital error数字差错
direction of error失配方向
direction of error误差方向
double error双重差错
double error correction-three error detection双校三检
double error detecting code双误差检查
double-bit error双位出错
dynamic error-free transmission动态无差错差错传输
environmental error环境误差
equivalent resistance error等效电阻误差
error budget误码分配
error burst突发误码
error burst差错码组
error burst突发差错
error cause差错原因
error checking and correction差错校验
error checking and correction纠错校验
error code指错代码
error code差错代码
error control loop差错控制环
error correcting code纠错电码
error correcting program纠错程序
error correction错误改正
error correction by detection and repetition检测和重发纠错 (ARQ)
error correction method纠错方法
error detecting code检错电码
error detecting code误差检测代码
error detection and correction误差检测和校正
error free second无差错秒
error free soliton transmission无差错孤子传输
error in address地址错误
error indication差错指示
error locating错误定位
error lock错误锁定
error multiplication误码增殖
error multiplication factor误码增殖因子
error of the first kind第一类差错当零假设为真时,否决零假设所犯的差错
error of the second kind第二类差错当择一假设[alternative hypothesis] 为真时,在不否决零假设中所犯的差错
error performance parameter误码性能参数
error print错误打印
error probability差错概率
error protection防差错
error protection差错防护
error protection procedure出错保护措施
error ratio差错率
error ratio误码率
error recovery process出错恢复过程【程序】
error recovery program出错恢复过程【程序】
error request process出错请求处理
error resilience差错恢复
error span误差范围
error spread误码扩散
error trapping错误捕获方法,技术
errors or omissions excepted错误或遗漏已消除
errors or omissions excepted无差误或脱漏
estimated error估计误差
execution error执行差错
first error第一次错误
forward error correction前向差错控制
forward error correction正向纠错
global error总体误差
global error全局误差
graduating error分度误差
graduating error刻度误差
gross error严重误差
gross error总误差
handshake error信号交换差错
incoming error人局差错
influence error感应误差
inherited error承袭误差
inline error handling直接插人式错误处理
in-line error handling直接插人式错误处理
interaction error man-machine互作用误差人机
irrecoverable error不可校正的错误
justification error码速调整误差
least mean square error最小均方误差
least square error approximation最小二乘方误差近似
line error线路差错
logical error逻辑错误
long-term bit error长期比特差错率
machine error硬件错误
matching error匹配错误
mean square error均方
medium term bit error rate中期比特误码率[差错率]
memory error存储误差
minimum round-off error最小舍人误差
mode field concentricity error光纤模场同心度误差
multiple track error多磁道错误
no error loop无错循环
not error loop无错循环
on-the-fly error correction即时式纠错在传输过程中进行纠错处理
orthogonal error control纵横差错控制
orthogonal error control正交差错控制
parse error剖析错误
parse error分析错误
permanent error永久性错误
personal error操作人误差
position error signal位置偏差信号
probability of error差错概率
program error report程序错误报告
propagated error扩散误差
propagated error延伸差错
protocol data unit error协议数据单元差错
protocol error协议差错
quantizing error量化误差
random error随机误码
random error随机差错
rate of keying error键人错误率
rate of keying error键错率
rate of occurrence of errors误差出现率
read error读错误
recoverable error可校正的错误
recoverable error可恢复性错误
rectangular error pattern矩形误差型
reference error参考差错率
registration error配准误差
relative time interval error相对时间间隔误差
repetitive error方位仪系统误差
residual error probability残留误差概率
residual error rate漏检差错率
residual error rate漏检率
residual error rate残余差错率
residual error rate留差错率
residual error ratio漏检比
residual error ratio残留差错率
rounding error舍人误差
round-off error舍人误差
run time error运行时出错
sampling error抽样[采样]误差
sequence error顺序错误
signal unit error rate monitoring信号单元出错率监视
signaling link error monitoring信令链路误差监视
single error单个错误
single error correction-double error detection单校双检
soft error可用程序或操作系统排除的错误
soft error filtering软错误过滤
solid error固定性误差
spelling error correction拼写错误校正
staging error升级错误
stand-off error变位误差
standoff error变位误差
station error detection站差错检测
symbol error rate符号岀错率
tolerable error rate容错率
toleranced error容许误差
transient error暂时错误
trial-and-error decoding试凑译码
trial-and-error decoding试凑解码
trial-and-error method逐次逼近法
trial-and-error method试凑法
trial-and-error search试凑搜索
try and error method逐次逼近法
try and error method试凑法
typing error打字错误
typing error打印错误
uncorrectable error无可改正的错误
undetected error probability漏检误差概率
undetected error rate漏检误码率
undetected error rate漏检误差率
undetected errors漏检误差
undetected errors未检测出的误差
unrecoverable error不可校正的错误
weighted sum of square of the errors加权误差平方和
write error写错误
zero error零误差