
Terms containing energy security | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
UN, polit.APEC Energy Security Initiative亚佩克能源保障倡议
econ.Domestic Energy Security Act美国国内能源安全法案
UN, polit.energy security能源安全/能源保障
auto.energy security能源安全保持措施
energ.ind.energy security能源安全
comp.name.Energy Security Analysis Inc.美国能源安全分析公司
ecol.energy security and stability能源稳定
fin.ensure global energy security and food security保障全球能源安全和粮食安全
ecol.indicator system of energy security能源安全指标体系
el.security of energy supply能源供应可靠性
el.security of energy supply供电可靠性